Notifications to non-admin email

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 7 months ago.

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    Bet Hannon
    Post count: 37

    It would be a super new feature add to be able to set another email address besides the site admin_email as the recipient for GD emails. My client will be managing the listings, but as the site admin, I am responsible for more general site administration (updates, backups, etc.).

    Currently, we are changing admin_email in the plugin files to the client’s email with every update, which is kind of a pain…


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Bet,

    that is possible with a plugin like this:

    I’ll set this as resolved as I know other members are using this.

    Let us know if it didn’t work for you.



    Bet Hannon
    Post count: 37

    Actually, that doesn’t solve the problem, since I DON’T want the client to be getting all the security notices, updates needed ,etc. emails. I only want the client to get the GD emails. Is there any way to filter for this and write our own snippet/function?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    The only other email that WordPress could send out is about Automatic Background Updates for security that you can disable:

    At the moment there is no such option and it has never been requested. It requires more than a quick function. We would need to create a new option in the database and edit the notification system to use an alternate email address.

    If you wish to see this new feature developed, please submit your request here:

    If many other members will show interest in it and vote for it, we will definitely consider it.

    As a workaround, you could set your email to receive all notifications from wordpress and set up filters to forward the necessary emails to your customer.

    Thank you


    Bet Hannon
    Post count: 37

    The WordPress core doesn’t send out other emails than that, but other plugins do send emails related to administrative functions on the site -– WordFence security notifications, backup failures, etc. I need to receive those emails, and not my client.

    Unfortunately, I don’t have a way to filter and forward emails like you suggest.

    I’ve added this as a feature request. I know it might be a little involved, but lots of plugins offer this feature – almost every backup plugin, WordFence, etc. Maybe you could take a look at how they build that function in to give you a head start?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi again,

    any gmail account would allow you to filter and forward.

    However, if the plugins that send the notification that you need, already offer an option to send notification to other emails, woulodn’t that solve your problem?

    We don’t need to look into other plugins to see how they did it, we are able to build anything we need, however there are priorities and this is not 1 of them as of yet.

    Thank you

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