Question about Packages and Claims

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    I have a few questions about Packages and Claiming Listings

    I am setting up my new directory site to have a Basic Free Listing that displays Business Name, Address, Phone, and a few other items. I will also have a Premium Listing available for purchase either monthly or yearly that has many more features/options available.

    1. As Admin what is the best way for me to add these listings so that they can still be “Claimed”? The reason I ask is that I added the Claim widget to the sidebar and it is not showing up (maybe I didn’t set it up correctly). I assume that because I added this listing from the Front End that it thinks I am the owner so will not show the Claim button.

    I do intend on doing a bulk import with WP All Import so just want to make sure that I do it correctly also.

    Maybe I need to adjust other settings in order for the listing to be claimed or to show the claim button. Please advise. Thanks.

    2. As admin can I create a Package that only I can see and assign? If so, how can I do that? I want to be able to “upgrade” some business listings so that they have additional features or options without them having to pay for them. But it seems that to work a package needs to be “Active” and if it is active it will be listed in all packages, right?

    3. When I created/added a Free listing from the front end ( I was logged in as Admin ) it created an invoice. Is this necessary to create an invoice for a free listing? is this recommended?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. The “Is Claimed” field has values 0 for unclaimed and 1 for claimed. The Claim button shows up when that value is 0, unchecked. To allow listings to be claimed, make sure they are not marked as claimed (already).

    2. What some members do is create a package and then set it active to assign it, then make it inactive so new users cannot choose it. We have a task to make it possible to hide active packages in the frontend in future versions.

    3. We have a snippet to skip sending the email notification for the invoice. Invoices will be created either way, though.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Alex Thanks,

    1. When editing a CPT Business listing I am not seeing a field for Claim. I only see Rankmath Custom fields actually. Where will I find or add this custom field?

    2. Thanks, that helps. That will be a good addition. Would be nice to have it set to Admin Only Edit or similar.

    3. Thanks. I haven’t setup a payment system yet so I don’t know if the payment system will redirect them to a pay screen, will it? right now it is not.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    1. That is covered here:
    Add the Claimed field to your CPT.

    3. Once you have a cart chosen, the users will be directed to the cart after they submit a listing.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Thanks Alex, Let me confirm “The “Is Claimed” field has values 0 for unclaimed and 1 for claimed. The Claim button shows up when that value is 0, unchecked” ….

    1. is this field only shown in the WP All Export or WP All Import CSV file?

    2. or is this field supposed to be visible on the Edit Listing Page also?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi there,

    Thanks for your reply. Please allow me to answer your questions accordingly.

    1. Try exporting test listings as explained here

    2. Claim Listing is displayed as a button on your listing details page. Then, clicking on it will popup a form as explained here


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Again my question is.. rephrased…..

    Is there a way that admin can change this setting on the Edit Listing Page? if not there really should be. Seems that exporting and importing via WP All Import/Export should NOT be the only way to edit if a listing is claimed or not.

    What am I missing here?? Why is this not more accessible to admin? Seems that it would be very easy to include this on the Edit Listing page so that not only can the admin change this setting but to also see that the listing was claimed.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    It is just a custom field, a checkbox. Anyone who edits the listing can check or uncheck the checkbox.

    Fields that are marked admin only or excluded from all Price Packages will not show in the add/edit listing page.

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