Sorting by City, State or Zip

This topic contains 19 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Lance Sampson 7 years ago.

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    Lance Sampson
    Post count: 108


    Is there any way to sort by city, state or zip. This is important as it groups the places together so the map shows properly and is usable on the listing and location pages. Its also imperative for SEO as it groups the places together for better search engine ranking for particular city, state or zip keywords and local search.

    Best Regards


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Lance,

    Can you explain a bit what you mean, if you use the location switcher you can browse by all those, is that what you mean?



    Lance Sampson
    Post count: 108

    Hi Stiofan,

    I am not sure I explained that right. Let me explain it in a different way.

    The listings in the “united states” will not be sorted by state. In the “states” it will not be sorted by the city. In the “city” it will not be sorted by “zip”.

    So when you browse the physical URL it does not group them together to make use of the map. It just shows the entire US map because they are random or sorted by title. I am not really concerned too much about that as I am the SEO organic search engine effect. Thats because visitors use the homepage search bar for “city” or “zip” so it already groups listings together for the visitors use.

    Since there is pagination (lets say 20) then each page is grouped with 20 listings.

    The search engines will index these pages and rank based on keyword density. (which is keyword, state, city and zip). If they are random, the keyword density will be random also. So they will not rank for the “state, city or zip” keywords.

    This concepts is the same for the location pages.

    Being able to sort by “city” is the most important if there can not be a primary and secondary sort. The best senario would be a sort by “featured, state, city, zip”. If thats not possible then just “city” would be the next best thing.

    This is from the standpoint of SEO organic search engine indexing. My actual visitors see what they want by using the search bar.

    Does this make more sense?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    It does not make sense to me 🙂

    If you have why would you want to sort the listings by state, who would ant that? If you want to view only listings for a state you go to that stats listings thats the page that should be rated for that stat not the country page, the same goes for the rest.



    Lance Sampson
    Post count: 108

    Hi Stiofan,

    I am not sure your understanding what I am trying to say. I am referring to the indexing by the search engines and organic keyword rating and search position.

    If you to go its shows every listing in the database. All states. This is where sorting by the state makes a difference. This is the same for cities within the state.

    In the SEO community, its well known that to rank well within the state, city and state keywords, that you must be default sorted by these to group them together (for search engine indexing and ranking) not for (actual visitor presentation).

    I am not sure about the rest of the world, but in the United States, most if not all directories and or store locators have the ability to sort by city, state or zip. Or a combination of them.

    Is there an way to sort by just the “city”? This would work for me.

    Best Regards,


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    But we have direct pages for those for exampel using out demo, ignore “/starter/” its just the folder its in.

    City page

    Region page

    Country page

    I don’t know what you mean by “sort” but i guess this is a kind of “sort”

    If this is not what you mean then please provide example links.




    Jennifer Questad
    Free User
    Post count: 36

    Trying to figure this out. I have all of our listings entered, but can’t seem to get them to display by state, specifically Pennsylvania. Tried to follow your direction in this post using the URL below, but it gives me a 404.

    Little help?


    Lance Sampson
    Post count: 108
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956
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    Lance Sampson
    Post count: 108
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956
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    Lance Sampson
    Post count: 108
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    There is no option to do it that way, it could be done with hooks but i really don’t think it is needed at all or even makes sense but i’ll wait to hear from paolo.




    Lance Sampson
    Post count: 108

    Hi Stiofan,

    Thanks for the feedback. Ill wait to hear from Paolo.

    Best Regards,


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Lance,

    SEO wise I see the value of sorting by city, however I believe Google will most likely index and return the places page for the single location rather than the main index…

    I asked to Stiofan to add the sorting by city anyway, I’m sure UX will be improved too.


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