Suggestion for Support Article

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Jonathan 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #518035

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Team:

    I was going through your documentation and found a place where several users may get hung up.

    This article does not mention the needing to install WP Easy Updates but you need to in order for the Membership Key option to even show up.

    If you would please find some time to update this article to the latest procedures it would be awesome for all the new members of our wonderful WPGeoDirectory. community.

    thank you all very much!



    Post count: 16516

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks for your post. It is not necessary to install WP Easy Updates and activate the membership key to use the addon. All updates can be done manually by downloading the addons directly from your account and replacing the older versions using FTP.

    To avoid the hassle, install the WP Easy Updates plugin and activate the addons with license key. Then, this plugin will notify you when there is an update available for any GD addons and provides a link that requires you to manually click to update.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Doc updated, thank you


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Kor & Alex:

    Thank you for your help.

    Also, Alex or Kor or anyone else on the team. Can you please update WP Easy Updates to the latest version on the download website. It has 1.1.9 installed still and I think I saw somewhere that 1.1.12 is out. My version will not update but my devops is looking into. It gives the error I posted about here :

    This is a whole different website.

    I believe the error is related to php-curl not being installed on the server. I have plenty of space as Stiofan suggested could be the issue.

    I would recommend checking this requirement as not all servers have cURL installed and some dont have php-curl and that is a requirement for WP Easy Updates it seems. This could allow you to provide users better error messages and you could place it in the requirements area so people could check if it its installed before contacting support with the error in the thread I posted above.

    Thank you all again!



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Jonathan,

    We don’t specifically have a requirement for CURL, we never directly call it, we use the standard WP functions which then check for CURL and use it or an alternative.




    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Stiofan:

    Thank you very much for your help. I also wanted to let you know the following:

    If there is an Error and WP Easy Updates does not update then it causing errors to be thrown for GP Plugins. For example
    GeoDirectory Re-Captcha
    This plugin requires a valid licence key to enable automatic updates.

    I have a valid license key. This plugin had a valid license key until WP Easy Updates 1.1.13 came out and when I tried to update to it then this error appeared.

    I understand it probably is not related to your plugins but may I suggest to have Wp Easy Updates download site have the latest version. I was only able to download 1.1.9 when version 1.1.12 was out. Secondly, can you please have it not deactivate a license key that it already installed if there is an issue with it not updating?

    Thank you very much and I really appreciate your time and energy!

    Warmest regards,


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