Translate GeoDirectory and Get 1 Year Free!

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    of course i would leave the place to the young but i doubt the commitment will be long term and it would be a waste of time and effort if the participating members are leaving after a short to medium period

    building a GD directory involves douzains of skills which we all learn through the use of it and with the great support provided here, i can affirm that producing a decent translation is part of the construction

    concerning commitment, it is due for my directory to reach a perfect french translation and i’m not eager at all to share my work with others, also the version i provided is close to very good (to my eyes) but will always need improvement

    i have built toutwat with GD and after all that work and efforts and money i put in, there is no other way around

    so basically, yes i’m in for the long run

    have a nice evening,


    Anthony Legrand
    Expired Member
    Post count: 22

    je pense que tu peux y aller, moi je suis pressé pour faire mon projet donc bon. Tu étais sur le coup en premier, ça me semble normal.
    Je suis intéressé en revanche pour qu’on échange sur GD vu qu’on a l’air d’être sur des projets similaires. On avancerait plus vite.
    A plus !


    Dionizio Bach
    Expired Member
    Post count: 2

    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello @djio

    Thankyou for making a great translations of GD.
    For further updates of Portuguese(Brazil) translations progress you can come to the Portuguese (Brazil) Locale forum.

    You might want to take a look at our Handbook also.

    Looking forward to see another translations from you.



    Tanya Ryabko
    Expired Member
    Post count: 28

    I translated GD here and on WP (I have one e-mail ) and translated a total of more than 1100 values En->Ru .Can this be considered together or not? Say also please this is theme is relevant now or not? (see the first post) Thnx!


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello @foalart

    Russian translation! Great! Please join the Russian Locale Forum:

    And here is our translator handbook:
    Follow the instructions and details there and message me if you need help



    Pawel Opitek
    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Are you still looking for A Polish translator?
    And Is the award available for it?


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello @pawel
    Come and join me in making a great translation of GD.

    For further info about Polski/Polish translations and the award you can come to the Polski / Polish Locale forum.

    You might want to take a look at our Handbook also.

    Looking forward to collaborate with you.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Hello Patrick,

    As you mentioned previously, it takes time and energy from members to do the translation. Ismi and our team are here to facilitate, but we are in no way ‘in charge’ of the WP locale teams.

    I am sorry you were under that misapprehension, but this was explained in our handbook here:


    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Jose Gomes
    Free User
    Post count: 3

    Is it steel going for the pt-PT translation?

    Best Regards


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello @josegomes
    Come and join me in making a great translation of GD.

    You might want to take a look at our Handbook.

    You can also find me on WordPress slack as @ismiaini

    Looking forward to collaborate with you.



    Jose Gomes
    Free User
    Post count: 3

    Hi @Ismi

    Thank you for your reply.
    Is it still working the 1 year free for the Portuguese translation? Its already 23% done…
    Another question: it is suposed to translate the po file and send it, or translate online with the team? ( to get the 1 year subscription).

    Kind Regards



    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello @josegomes

    Right now we don’t have active GD translator lead for Portuguese (Portugal). So the chance to get 1 year free membership is still widely open.

    You can translate it and ask the locale team to validate it for you. Or you can ask them to be the PTE which means that your strings are automatically validated.

    Either one you should get in touch and be friendly to your locale Team.

    Any other questions about the translations you can go to Portuguese (Portugal) Locale forum.

    Thank you,

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