Translate GeoDirectory and Get 1 Year Free!

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    Will B
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    How do I sign up for this? I’ll translate it into Japanese.


    Will B
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    It’s a bit much to muster though all the posting to see what needs to get done. I found three different places to translate. I would like to take part in the translation process, but where do I translate and submit the progress?


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello Will @user2500 🙂

    Right now we don’t have active GD translator lead for Japanese. Make sure to check our translator’s handbook for more details.

    You can start to translate some GD V1 strings on WordPress here and get in touch/ be friendly to your locale Team.

    You can also start translating our GD V2 that is coming soon! The language file for V2 already exists here. And you can use poedit app to translate it

    Let me know if you have any question. You can also contact me on wordpress.slack as @ismiaini.


    Will B
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    so this was the wrong place to translate?


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello Will,

    It’s not wrong, you will also need to translate our add-on there. But we usually ask for translator to start from the Core translations first, then they can moving to other GD product including theme and add-on and keep the translations up to date in order to keep your free membership.



    Will B
    Full Member
    Post count: 30

    So I grabbed the GD V2 for translation from the link in the post from you. It wasn’t in .po format. Had to create one and there are no translations on it at all. A clean slate for the Japanese language. I’ve done 1% of 2731 items on the list. It will take some time but I’ll get it done and I won’t start on the V1 again since it’ll become obsolete.
    When the file is finished, do I send it to you. Someone? please let me know.


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello Will,

    My suggestion is to start translate the GD V1 strings on And get in touch/ be friendly to your locale Team, so they will know you. When your core translation is finished we can make a request to promote you as a PTE at our GD projects. Then Once the V2 finally release at you can continue import and approve your own translations.

    You can send the finished V2 Translation to me here or to @ismiaini.

    Let’s make better translations of GD.

    Thank you,


    Free User
    Post count: 7

    I want to finish and redo the dutch translations, they are really bad/unusable…Is there someone on the dutch translations right now? Where do I start? Thanks


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello Nicole @nicolebeskers

    Right now Peter @peterb is doing the translations. Make sure to check our translator’s handbook for more details about GD translations. Right now we are focusing on translating GD V2 that is coming soon! The language file for V2 already exists here.

    You can also contact me @ismiaini and other GD translator including Peter @peter Berger on WordPress slack so we can work together.

    Let’s make better translations of GD.

    Thank you,


    Andres Tello Abrego
    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    I’m starting with the spanish mexico transalation, expect to have it by next friday.

    How do you claim the reward?


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello Andres @andrestello-abrego 🙂

    Right now we don’t have active GD translator lead for Spanish Mexico. Make sure to check our translator’s handbook for more details about the membership.

    You can start to translate some GD V1 strings on WordPress and get in touch/ be friendly to your locale Team. Once GD V1 is validated by your local team, you can let us know so we can start claiming your free membership. In order to keep your free membership, we expect you to keep updating our Plugins and other add-on translations.

    Let me know if you have any question. You can also contact me on wordpress.slack as @ismiaini.

    Let’s make better translations of GD.

    Thank you,


    Andres Tello Abrego
    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    @ismainini, I’m only left like 700 strings, but haven’t seen your message, what do you refer about the GD V1?

    I can be the lead for spanish mexico… if you like…

    Home to finish next week…


    Andres Tello Abrego
    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    GD, global directory… Sorry for a moment I got stuck with the GD Library… my bad.


    Translation Admin
    Post count: 126

    Hello @andrestello-abrego.

    Took a while to get your slack id from wordpress as it different than your gd id, i was hopping you contacting me on slack first as i gave you my slack id. But i just sent you a message on WP slack.

    I saw your last update on GD Version 1 on WordPress translation was 3 days ago on. You will need to contact your local PTE and asked them to approve your translations or you can ask them to become PTE and approve it yourself.

    Looking forward for the update translation 🙂


    Andres Tello Abrego
    Expired Member
    Post count: 7

    My local pte is mute and deaf…
    What should I do? They haven’t answered since september 3rd my last contact and I have finised the translation…

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