Upgrading from free to paid listing but cannot add images

This topic contains 43 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Eileen Quick 5 years ago.

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    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    Post count: 1971


    Yes, that is the reason when clicking on a link with hashtag only scrolls and not redirecting to the link it should be redirected to. As I was not able to access the files from the FTP, I have activated the Code Snippets plugin and added the snippet there which you can move into the functions.php file of currently active theme if you want to.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Patrik

    Thanks, all the tabs and invoice and listing now all working when the user is logged in.

    However, when not logged in they do not work. ie if you select one from the home page and view them none of the tabs work.

    Also all the detail from the right hand side is missing and only oversized text at the top as a Note is visable. I sent you an image of what should be there. It was actually all there until your support changed something and then it disappeared. May be to do with the dashboard!

    Getting there, are I really appreciate your help and patience with this, it is much appreciated.

    Kind regards


    Post count: 1971


    It is because Settings->AyeCode UI->Frontend->Load JS was set to “Required functions only” which was not loading a JS file for tooltip and was generating an error in console. I have changed this setting. If you think this setting is affecting anywhere else on your site then let me know how and where and I will try to fix it as well.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Patrik

    Thank you. I can see now that the tabs work both logged in and logged out and that logged in you can now see the listings and the invoice.


    1. We now seem to have a map at the bottom of every page which was not there before, this needs removing.
    2. When the user is logged in, the dashboard is no longer available on the right hand side of their profile page. The dashboard gave them the ability to change passwords and their account details etc. I note that all the widgets that I had for the dashboard that were in the main sidebar have been removed.
    3. The details of the user are now no longer on the right hand side when logged out. Please see image attached. So people cannot contact the business etc etc

    Would appreciate your help on getting 1. removed and the others reinstated and working.

    Many thanks.

    Kind regards


    Post count: 1971


    The map is coming from the widget. You will need to add proper widgets on your site to display them on the pages and also check in the theme for the templates they are using. We can’t provide support for customisation here so you may take help from the developer who can do this for you.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165


    I have managed to replace the footer accreditations.

    I still cannot get the dashboard to show when the user is logged in ie the add listing, change password etc.

    I also still cannot get the telephone number, email and website links to show on the listing detail so that searchers can contact those listed.

    Perhaps you can advise how to add these as per my image above.

    Many thanks.

    Kind regards


    Post count: 1971
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    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Please take a look and let us know if we can help with anything else.



    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Thats absolutely fabulous – thank you.

    Just one thing – the password reset – is it possible to add that in to the profile for when they are logged in. I tried adding the widget to the profile but nothing happened.

    Also, when wpgeo updates, I take it nothing will get overwritten that you have done.

    Thanks so much – looks great and all working so a happy end to the week.

    Kind regards


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I added the change password form back in as a widget.


    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Alex

    Thanks for that.

    Thanks too for all the help your support has given me in getting over recent problems.

    Kind regards

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