Video Widget

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #387420

    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    This part reflects feedback from a June 26th post where these questions were posted:
    1. There is a recurring line at the top of my pages stating,”The plugin WP Easy Updates is required to check for and update some installed plugins, please install it now.” Is this a WordPress or GeoDirectory nag pop-up, and can I ignore it as I am not a coder and have no ideas where is goes? As I upgrade the plugins when notified of updates, is this necessary?

    2. I’d like to install a video into a detail page for a specific restaurant and ONLY that restaurant, is that possible?

    3. I’d like to install a video that will appear on every page on my site without interfering with the video above, is that possible?

    The reply was posted as:
    #1 Please install WP Easy Updates [ ] and then you will see the spot to put your licenses on the plugins page.
    #2 – #3 Refer to this section of the documentation

    Point one: Please indicate by folder path to which file this WP Easy Updates is to be pasted into and where within the file. I am not a coder and will ignore this if I have to.

    Point two: this page, does not exist and returns a 404 error.

    I have followed the instructions for the video with no results. Something else is not set correctly, as I had his working previously.

    Need suggestions, thank you


    Post count: 29970

    1. WP Easy Updates is a plugin like any other, so normally you install it this way:
    * Follow the link in your dashboard to
    * Click “download” to download the plugin ZIP file
    * From the Plugins section in your site dashboard, click upload new plugin and select the earlier downloaded ZIP file.
    * Click Install and then Activate.
    See also

    If you want to install the plugin by FTP, extract the files from the downloaded ZIP file on your local computer, and upload the extracted folderto /wp-content/plugins.

    2. Make sure the video custom field is active at GD > Place Settings.
    Then navigate to thd the listing in the backend and add the
    URL to the video in the video field.

    3. With the latest version of WP you will find a video widget in the widget area, thst you can add to any page.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    Thank you for your reply. The WPeasy updates seems to have resolved itself following your suggestion.

    The Video still does not work and I have included a screenshot for your reference.

    Thank you


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    We can’t tell what’s the problem from a screenshot.

    Please provide credentials and we’ll have a look.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 129
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    What do you want me to check? The widget in the sidebar is not there now…
    Let us know,



    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    That’s the problem, there is no widget in the sidebar for video. it does not show up on any page. I am trying to place it on the detail page for a restaurant. Regardless of what settings I adjust, nothing happens.

    I tried the GD > Place Settings and moved the video widget to several locations without success. I had this working last year, now with the migration to the new GD, I can’t get this to work again.


    Post count: 29970

    I added a video widget without problems to your detail pages.
    The issue you are having is that you are running 3 caching plugins at the same time, and AutoOptimze as well (there also seems to be a caching from your BlueHost account running in the background – you will need to delete that from /wp-content/mu-plugins folder).
    Your settings for WP Super Cache are not as recommended:
    Your settings for Auto-Optimize are not as recommended:
    If you use WP Super Cache, you should not use GD Booster:



    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    Thanks for the suggestions, I removed all cache programs and plug-ins except GD booster. Also addressed the ISP issue with them and that should solve that issue.

    One last issue is the video widget. It shows the video on every page, can I control it to show only on a single page for that business?

    For example, I don’t want a fried rice recipe showing up on an Italian restaurant detail page when I can run a recipe for fettuccine on that restaurant’s page and charge for it.

    Thanks again


    Post count: 29970

    2. Make sure the video custom field is active at GD > Place Settings.
    Then navigate to the the listing in the backend and add the
    URL to the video in the video field.


    Post count: 29970
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    Your suggestions resolves the issue.

    Many Thanks!!!!!!!!


    Post count: 29970

    You’re welcome 🙂

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