Alex Rollin
Forum Replies Created
April 21, 2020 at 3:03 pm in reply to: Limit number of characters of description text in listings #541619
You can change the GD Archive item template (a wordpress page) which controls the display of the archive item (the mini listing in results).
Add your own GD Post Content shortcode there to control the display of that textarea
It is a word limit
[gd_post_content key="post_content" limit="22" read_more="More Detail..."]
Sorting options are available for the CPT Archive as shown here:
Search results are always ordered by relevance and sorting options do not apply.
We have decided to create a members system and hope to release it in the next few months. Until then this would require a customization.
Sorry, that isn’t a feature. In fact the Location page is special because it shows multiple post types.
Try these new GDV2 docs to create a Front page for GDV2
If we need to check the settings please share credentials in a private reply AND a link to the WP Backend edit page for the template so we know where to look.
WordPress Credentials
WP Admin Login URL:
WP Admin Username:
WP Admin Password:This reply has been marked as private.April 21, 2020 at 3:46 am in reply to: In the search window is there a way to remove the "In: City" option? #541513That is exactly what the Near Search field is for.
If you want, you could setup a link that points to a near search URL for a place. Add it to your menu for convenience for users.
April 21, 2020 at 3:26 am in reply to: Elementor Pro – Issues with GD Archive, languages etc #541512This reply has been marked as private.April 21, 2020 at 3:16 am in reply to: Detail page column page shrunk. Audio filename displayed #541511The filename is from a badge. You can remove the badge if you don’t need it anymore.
When you say column, can you say more about what you want to change? Sidebar? Main content area? Wider? How much?
You can use custom CSS to do all those: for sharing, glad you found a solution.
April 21, 2020 at 3:12 am in reply to: How have full control of caching page of Add Listing page #541509I will ask the developers to take a look at your question.
You can use the sorting options that you set up for the CPT
You can choose the options you have setup INSIDE the GD Listings shortcode. You will need to open up the shortcode builder to be able to select them.
You can sort by featured, then title, but, that will create two blocks, feature and non-featured, then sort each of those by title separately.
Use a subsort to do that, as described on the link above won’t necessarily change the URLs of the Details or Archive but it does give you some options around that.
For the details page issues
Please try re-saving permalinks:
1. Open the settings at: WordPress – Settings – Permalinks
2. Choose a different setting for your GeoDirectory permalinks, then save.
3. On reload, switch back to the setting you had before, and save again.
4. Check the page to see if the issue persists.
GeoDirectory uses custom permalinks and when changes are made to plugins or settings, in some cases you may need to re-save the permalinks to apply the new patterns to the URLs for your listings.
Read more at:
AyeCode Connect brings your license information from this site into your site.
You can install it on your site from
It works together with WP Easy Updates to make updating GeoDirectory as easy as possible:
Make sure you have logged in with the same account you use on this site.
Once you connect, give it a couple minutes to sync.
If you still can’t update, try requesting new keys by turning the update function on and off, as shown below:
If that doesn’t work, please post up-to-date credentials so we can login to the site and check out the issue.
WordPress Credentials
WP Admin Login URL:
WP Admin Username:
WP Admin Password:FTP Credentials
FTP Host:
FTP Port:
FTP User:
FTP Password: