Alex Rollin
Forum Replies Created
2. OK, if you would like us to take a look, reply with a link.
You can also send this info in to our new email support system:
1 Maps are added with shortcodes or Blocks. Did you try adding one of those?
2 Is that what is happening now? Can you share a link so we can check the issue?
4 GD works with 4 levels – country – region – city – neighbourhood – thse can differ by country but much depends on the Map API.
looks like visual composer issues.
The same thing is happening on your home page, too.
Did you disable your builder?
This reply has been marked as private.You can do them 200 at a time from the places page. Use the screen options to set the page to show 200.
This reply has been marked as private.Why not use the GD Listings widget?
April 30, 2020 at 6:46 pm in reply to: Shorten the excerpt length of listings on the home page #543283Post Content was set to display in GD Output Location, I have deactivated it in the custom fields.
You may want to start over with the default content for that page.
We have a new email support system, submit tickets here : or use AyeCode connect to manage tickets through the site backend.
Please update to 20091. If the issue exists please consider reposting your last reply with a link to the page we should check to our new email support
I see some CSS is still not loading due to 403
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
But GD seems to be working. Am I missing something?If you could please repost your issue to our email support for faster service.
April 29, 2020 at 8:21 pm in reply to: Shorten the excerpt length of listings on the home page #543243Try adding this:
[gd_post_content key="post_content" limit="25" read_more="See listing ..."]
If there is another one like it, remove it.
When listings are imported you may need to use a tool
GD – Status – Tools – Term counts – Run
When you change the design of the templates you will want to open up the template pages and add and remove shortcode features to get the design you want.
To edit pages you will want to do a couple things. First check out your add listing page. Find it in the pages settings and click ‘view’ – there you can add new listings through the frontend.
Check the WP Menus for adding new GeoDirectory links to your menus, and especially for the add listing page.
Use GD Dashboard and GD Author Actions in the details page sidebar to give login and edit links accordingly.
If you run into a new issue please make a new ticket at
April 29, 2020 at 8:06 pm in reply to: Geocode was not successful for the following reason: REQUEST_DENIED . #543241Please contact Yoast about that. We provide support for GeoDirectory.
I am setting this to resolved.
If you have a new issue please put in a new ticket here:
It looks like the layout needs some work. Open up the template for your details page and adjust the elements there.