David Sirius

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  • in reply to: installation v2 beta #423804

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Got it.

    To be honest, I’m totally lost with the new v2! It’s inevitable from my perspective to have a guide asap! I feel like I’m starting from scratch again trying to understand GD, just without any documentation this time.

    in reply to: installation v2 beta #423587

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Guust!

    Loong time no talk! Hope you’re well!

    All clear, however, if I now deactivate the starter and supbreme theme, do I need to reinstall clean the v2 plugin (as they may have overwritten v2 files) or is deactivation fine?

    Also from what what I had read before on v2, I understand “any theme” would apply to all WP themes out there and not just GD themes, right?


    in reply to: installation v2 beta #423498

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Stiofan

    Thank you.

    A guide would be great, I think it will be needed for the final version anyway.

    I read the available info but somewhere was a link to instructions that showed how to set the start page as GD home page, that’s why I was looking for it.

    Because I couldn’t find it I assumed I may need the gd starter and subprime directory themes and installed these. Did that some harm to the v2 plugin or can I just uninstall these themes?


    in reply to: Customisation templates for add-ons #419252

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    I had an issue in the advanced menu (i.e. the one that opens up when you click on the cogwheel) where the code in this file generated     for the first checkbox and thus missaligned it. So I asked a developer to fix it, but he did it in the original file and I’m afraid the change may be lost with the next update. I can make a compare of the code if unclear.

    But in addition to this specific problem, it’s also a more general question how customisations in GD add-on files can be prevented from being lost through updates.


    in reply to: Near me max value #418208

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Cool, thanks for confirming Stiofan!

    Btw, setting a default value in settings seems to work (= show on the page) only in IE and Chrome, but not in Firefox. Is / will there any fix for this?


    in reply to: Near me max value #418203

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Alex,

    Thank you, your last sentence clarified my understanding on the setting of this default value, i.e. it’s only the start point in the slider, so at least the setting is working correctly, great!

    However, what I want to achieve, is to limit the end point of the range – same as in the thread I linked to. It’s just too high, making the range to wide and thus too sensitive when you have directory that doesnt need large distances.

    Perhaps Stiofan could comment if the code provided in the other topic is still the best solution & if this is something that will be added to v2?


    in reply to: Translation Sign In window #418202

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Thanks Guust! Forgot about that one!

    For anyone interested it is (assuming supreme-directory theme is installed): wp-content\themes\supreme-directory\languages

    in reply to: how to change the font awesome icon #417133

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    I was looking for the same, i.e. replacing the cogwheel with another font awesome icon. The solution with the pseudo element worked but initially had the icon set-off to the right. Make sure you set font-size to !important!

    in reply to: Calling shortcodes in new php file #415640

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    I spoke to a developer who fixed it for me. The shortcode needs to be wrapped in a PHP code.

    in reply to: Reset rating star #415043

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    No layers used, just removed some of the grey so the gradient would come through better – tried uploading the psd just now but got an error that the file type is not supported for security reasons.

    Also attached an example of how it looks now – not final yet though.

    in reply to: Reset rating star #414872

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Figured it out playing around. I photoshoped the grey out of the star icon and applied css.

    For anyone trying to accomplish the same:

    CSS Code

    .geodir_RatingAverage {
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right,#36B7EA, #36B7EA, #7B63EE, #3ad4c1);

    Attached transparent star icon.

    in reply to: Reset rating star #414869

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Alex,

    It did indeed as it is in line with my understanding, partially though – I still belive it requires further customisation for a gradient fill, because in GD settings you can only choose one colour which will be reflected through the transparent middle of the icon. Perhaps it can be solved with the workaround of applying a CSS class with a gradient fill to the background..

    If anyone has any experience / thoughts on this, it would be greatly appreciated! If not I’ll do some trial & error and see how far I can get.


    in reply to: Reset rating star #414710

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Cool thanks Kor!

    I think I will have to create my own image with a gradient fill. Could you please explain how the rating star function works? It’s a bit odd and not intuitive as I would have expected. I thought I could just upload any star icon, but I think it needs to have very specific attributes. I understand there is some background color that needs to be overlaid by the star icon, so you cant use for example a transparent one and you still have to make use of one colour set in the GeoDirectory settings, so not sure a customised image would even work. I think its may even require PHP cusomisation?

    Would be really helpful to understand, so I’m aware what to be mindful in creating an icon.

    Many thanks!


    in reply to: Translation details page #414050

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Hi Kiran,

    Thank you very much, that was it indeed. I didnt think that would be it because it says “Rewiew on” and the “on” is not visible on the page. All fine now!

    # others
    Got it! The path is very helpful.

    Thank you very much!


    in reply to: Securely updating themes #413893

    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Thank you both, I’ll have a look and fix my set-up.

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