Eileen Quick

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  • in reply to: Upgrading from free to paid package #509128

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    in reply to: Upgrading from free to paid package #508928

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Stiofan

    Thank you I will get the customer to give it a whirl.

    Whilst writing just to let you know that I also tested the following whilst trying to find out was was wrong:

    From Invoicing sent the customer a copy of his pending invoice.
    Received by customer
    Customer selected link to pay
    The link took him to the website which then showed a big Red outlined box saying that the link was invalid because the user was not logged in.
    Customer had to login then try the email link again.

    Just wondering if this could be done better as it is an annoying step for the customer. Could the link go to the login and then to the invoice or directly to pay automatically? Just seems a bit clunky.

    Anyway thanks for all your work in getting the issue fixed. Much appreciated.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Upgrading from free to paid package #508589

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    As an add on to the above reply.

    I just tried sending the invoice from invoicing.

    The invoice arrives but when you select view/pay from the email the invoice appears. Select Pay for invoice it does not connect and gives you the error 503 cannot connect and that the website cannot handle this request.

    in reply to: Upgrading from free to paid package #508583

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Alex

    Thats great but what does as soon as possible mean? In the meantime clients are unable to upgrade – am I able to manually upgrade for them and get an invoice sent? If I can what is the procedure for this as I cannot find anything in the documentation.


    in reply to: Upgrading from free to paid package #508379

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Good Morning

    Is there any news on this please because no upgrades can be made for my clients customers.


    Kind regards

    in reply to: Upgrading from free to paid package #508087

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
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    in reply to: Upgrading from free to paid package #508086

    Eileen Quick
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    in reply to: Upgrading from free to paid package #508066

    Eileen Quick
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    in reply to: userswp – create account does not work #505320

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Patrik

    This is an update.

    I have deleted users wp taking account of all the settings and reinstalled.

    The register is now working.

    in reply to: userswp – create account does not work #505294

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Patrik

    No, I have not activated/deactivated a plugin so not sure why you think that.

    However if I uninstall UsersWP and all the data then I am going to loose ALL settings and all instances in my website. In effect starting all over again!

    Is this really the only option as its pretty drastic and from your comment you dont seem sure that it will solve the problem.

    What actually is the problem with it.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: userswp – create account does not work #505240

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    in reply to: userswp – create account does not work #505188

    Eileen Quick
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    in reply to: User Dashboard #503214

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Paolo

    I think I have it all sorted now BUT it really does need the documentation updating and also maybe some tweaks to the software.

    When reading through the documentation it is clear that what you see after installation is completely different to that shown in the documentation and I hear what you say that the documentation is for GD v1 BUT software is supposed to get better not worse! and also the UWP directs you to that page during the UWP setup for GD v2.

    The penny dropped when you said that the page needed a different template with a sidebar as I had assumed that as the page had been automatically created that it would all be set up correctly. Hence all my questions as to why it was looking different. Perhaps this should be added to the development ie a fully setup page complete with a basic dashboard.

    I still think that the layout needs work as design wise the spacing needs tweaking for both desktop and mobile and what you can put in the sidebar needs adding to which I think you did mention is in development. For instance having your account available from a tiny wheel is not good, it should from a bar in dashboard. Likewise all the rest in the tabs except for the listing should be in the dashboard (all together with just the listings under the profile image).

    There needs to be space under the banner image and before the name because that is too close on mobile and the button to add an image for the small profile which is on the bottom left of the banner image.

    Also there needs to be space at the bottom of the profile as when using a global footer this is bang up to the bottom of the profile.

    The profile page really needs to be called something better than Profile as that sounds impersonal. If possible it should be in the users name or business name but otherwise something like My Account.

    I realise that you can do some of this by editing files etc BUT it would look so much better out of the box.

    I am trying to be constructive here as otherwise I really like the software and also it may help someone else in the same situation.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: User Dashboard #503029

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Patrik

    Yes but the Invoices heading is also supposed to be on the right in the sidebar.

    Please look at the images I sent:

    New Sidebar – shows mine which has only Add Listing and then just the type of Listing underneath. No Logout, no favourites, no my listings and no Invoice History.

    Then look at what it is supposed to look like:

    wpgeocopy – shows a lot more tabs in the sidebar. I have these options selected to show but they do not show. There is also a logout from here.

    Is this another V2 difference!

    Kind regards

    in reply to: User Dashboard #502925

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Paolo

    I do have an invoice but it does not appear on the left. If you look at the image I sent the invoice is on the left under the main image next to posts and listings.

    Also there is no option to upgrade. How can I add that?

    The documentation needs serious updating as the instructions for userswp V2 points to this page which you say is v1 !


    Kind regards

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