Eileen Quick

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  • in reply to: Make Free Listing Inactive – consequences #452837

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Guust

    Sorry, I maybe didnt make it clear. It is not the individual listing that I am talking about it is the actual Free Level Listing itself that is in the Pricing area.

    At the moment I have a Free Listing level and a Paid Listing Level and individuals choose between those.

    If I make the Free Listing level inactive what effect will that have on existing free listings.

    Apologies for any confusion.


    Kind regards

    in reply to: Renewing WPGEODIRECTORY #442363

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Great thanks Paolo.

    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #442361

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi there

    I noticed someone logged into the website a couple of days ago from WpG so just wondered if you had any solutions yet?

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #442020

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #441876

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165


    I have found the DB table Geo_Dir Post Icon

    The url in there is correct and not showing a double url !

    The plot thickens !

    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #441873

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Alex

    further to my previous posts.

    The category icons are showing on the live website so there is no problem with the urls otherwise they would not show.

    This has been born out by a search of the database which fails to find the double url ie:


    However in the back office if you inspect the place where the image should be ie in Geodirectory – therapies – categories then you can see the double url !

    This problem is also replicated elsewhere in the setup where an image has been used as a default.

    Again ALL images show on the live site and if the urls were incorrect then they would not show either in the live site or in the back office.

    Could you please advice what database table these links are stored in so that I can take a look directly in the database. I have already established that in the table Geodir_gd_therapy detail that the gd_therapy category is stored as a number against the particular user BUT I cannot find where the table is that holds this information in particular that references to the number.

    I have deleted two of the images and restablished them and these appear to be fine BUT I have 10 pages of categories and to do this individually would be a mammoth job.

    I would appreciate it if you could direct me to where the data is stored so that I can find a quicker way of resolving the problem.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #441575

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #441564

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Alex

    Think we are talking at cross purposes.

    The user listings are fine and no problems with images etc.

    The problems are in the back office set up and configuration areas.

    Please look at Therapies, Therapies Categories and you will see. Select one to edit and then look at the default image.

    The problems are in the set up. Same as choosing a default image in Geodirectory – Design – Listing – before you could just select an image from media now you cant and the one that is there was put in via media when I set it up.

    It is the same for any images that have been used when setting up.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #441555

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Alex

    The images are not viewable from the back office as per the files that I have already uploaded to support. They view correctly from a browser BUT not from back office admin. Instead there is an empty blob!

    Also in the back office you can look at the path of where the default images have come from an (again in the images I uploaded) and you can see that this path is the uploads directory and initially these images were uploaded via the media. Again these images are viewable from a browser. If you look at the listings for therapy then categories you will see what I mean. It is showing a blob near to the category icon next to the button Remove Image. Prior to the update these were just selected from the media directory as I have them all in there but there is now no option to do this.

    I will take another look at the map settings, thank you.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #441521

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    in reply to: Latest Update has affected images and location #441510

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    in reply to: Subscription not downgrading at expiry date #440430

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Ahhh I see. No these were manually put on to the new website as they were existing subscriptions from a manual system and website.

    I set up the date and type of subscription within wpgeodirectory for each member but because this was manual there would be no IPN notification. Does that mean they would not have got/or get the emails to renew either ?

    I suppose that makes sense really.

    It probably wont happen again as its just that this new website is just getting going and we had to put existing members on.


    in reply to: User Selecting Password #436573

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Alex

    Thank you for that. I looked at UsersWP and it looks very similar to that I have set up in WPGeodirectory and I am worried that if I install that then I have to redo all the work I have done and as the website has just gone live, it is really not an option at the moment. Unless I am misreading something.

    I did think that as this function is listing in the General section of wpgeodirectory as being available that it actually was but from what you are saying, it does not work on its own and needs UsersWP.

    I think that I will have to maybe try it on a development server and see what work I would have to redo to enable this feature.

    Thank you for replying so quickly, it is much appreciate.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: User Selecting Password #436491

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165
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    in reply to: Registrations #434795

    Eileen Quick
    Expired Member
    Post count: 165

    Hi Alex

    It is a problem because you might end up with hundreds of users clogging up the database that have nothing to do with the directory ie they have no listing.

    Also it is disconcerting to the directory owner who might ask Is there a problem with users registering? etc.

    There is also the possibility of rogue users (from less than secure plugins) and being able to spot those quickly or compare those with legitimate directory users.

    Also, logged in users can comment and review and add to blogs etc and rogue users have carte blanche to cause havoc in this respect.

    I think that if users do not complete a listing then they should not be able to register. Then you have accountability from both the Users and Geodirectory and a closed door to a possible security or spamming risk.

    Kind regards

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