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  • in reply to: Localization issues #1747

    Post count: 29970

    I have the same problems with Claim Listings, the only way to change the strings is to change it in language.php itself, which is not really the best idea for future upgrades.

    in reply to: How to Adjust Transparent Menu Bar Below Map #1746

    Post count: 29970

    Just add it to GDF Options > Quick code > CSS Code

    in reply to: How to Adjust Transparent Menu Bar Below Map #1744

    Post count: 29970

    I think you have to change the CSS. It currently says

    .map-places-listing {
    max-width: 960px;

    You can change that to

    .map-places-listing {
    max-width: 100%;

    Note for Stiofan: Actually, I think that always needs to be 100% as it always is supposed to be 100% of the map.

    in reply to: Membership Plugin Compatibility? #1742

    Post count: 29970

    I am using s2member, and that seems to work well with GD.
    I am still to implement a few changes which are just done from the WP admin, and I do not use all the functionalities of s2member, but these are my findings so far:

    • GD does not come with a profile page, but s2member comes with a profile page, where all users including GD users can change their password. I just need to link to it from somewhere.
    • As far as I gather, GD will provide a “change password” function sometime, which I assume might be integrated with their “my favorites” page which is a page like this:
    • From what I understand (which might not be much), integrating GD with any other plugin that has its own registration function, would need some backend coding (outside my league). A GD plugin could be written to integrate either iMember360 or s2member using info at for example;
    • or either iMember360 or s2member can write a plugin to integrate with GD, or of course anybody else clever enough could have a go 🙂

    For the time being, I am working my way around it by providing links and explanations to users.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1684

    Post count: 29970

    “I am struggling with getting the CSS right for the calendar widget, see
    It looks ok to me? i will have a look.”

    The calendar is too wide for the widget area.

    How can I fit the customize my search into the same row?

    Look at the CSS at, but maybe better wait for the real solution from Stiofan.

    in reply to: Add Images on listings Missing from Update V1.0.1 #1683

    Post count: 29970

    Don’t quite agree. When creating a new “price” you need to set the “Image limit”; that will set the max amount of images can be added.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1661

    Post count: 29970

    I am OK with that search function as is.

    Re header and menu being static: only the menu being static would be better I think, it maximises the page but you still can use the menu.

    I am struggling with getting the CSS right for the calendar widget, see

    I would be nice to have a few choices of page layout; for example a full width at least.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1649

    Post count: 29970

    Further to the search error in the post above from manilaboy: if you just choose “pubs” instead of “places” from the search drop down menu, the search already starts without giving an option for further search.

    And one other issue: if I add CSS to /GDF_Child/style.css none of it takes effect. Looking at the source of it looks like the theme is not calling the child theme’s stylesheet?
    It is loading the framework’s stylesheet, rather than the child theme’s stylesheet which includes the framework’s stylesheet.

    in reply to: Show subcategories inside listing pages #1648

    Post count: 29970

    I have been playing a bit and the only way users can select a subcategory is to set the category-display-type in the custom fields of a post type to “checkbox”.
    Some of the other options allow select a subcategory as well, but then it is restricted to one category only.
    Only “checkbox” allows choosing more than one category, including subcategories.

    in reply to: Sorting order of Custom Post types #1647

    Post count: 29970

    Vikas has already committed to making the post types sortable, I think, see
    It would be nice it would be just any order we choose.

    in reply to: Show subcategories inside listing pages #1637

    Post count: 29970

    Not too sure whether this is related, but I can set up sub-sub-sub-categories, see but a user can only choose categories for their listing, they cannot drill down to add to a sub-category.
    Can’t figure out how to fix that (I really only want to have custom post types, categories and sub-categories, but tested with sub-sub-sub-categories).
    Using 1.0.1 with GDF 0.0.2

    in reply to: Add Images on listings Missing from Update V1.0.1 #1636

    Post count: 29970

    Yep, just played with it at
    The free option does not allow images. So it seems now, that unless you have the payment plugin, you cannot have users submit images.

    in reply to: Add Images on listings Missing from Update V1.0.1 #1632

    Post count: 29970

    My 1.01 test installation with GDF 1.00 shows the images upload all fine, see attachment. But that site has no add-ons at all.
    Maybe it has something to do with the Payment add-on, see ?
    That seems to be the only plugin that has any effect on images.

    in reply to: Extend Geodirectory #1631

    Post count: 29970

    What about right-clicking and “Open in a new tab” 🙂
    But I agree, it is a very very very minor irritant that is easily fixed.

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1630

    Post count: 29970

    The favicon is automatically called from …/wp-content/themes/GeoDirectory_framework/favicon.ico” [look at the source code], so you could replace it with your own.

    To add the listings etc to the header menu, go to goedirectory > design > navigation > and adjust the 3 first options.

    For the other questions, you’ll have to wait for real support 🙂 [I am only an impressed customer]

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