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  • in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1581

    Post count: 29970

    Look no further than the GD framework if you want a great GD theme:
    My test site is at
    You can get the beta from

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1578

    Post count: 29970

    Thanks Stiofan, I’ve changed some stuff already.
    If you want my opinion, ‘t is totally cool and clever, why would I want any other theme?
    See for “standard” width here:

    Few minor hiccups:

    Thanks a lot, it is beauuuuutifuuuuul … 🙂

    in reply to: GeoDirectory Framework Theme Beta released #1565

    Post count: 29970

    Activated at
    Doesn’t look as good yet as but I have not made any changes yet.

    in reply to: Multiple categories items on same location #1558

    Post count: 29970

    Sorry Cyrille, I don’t quite understand your question?

    in reply to: Multiple categories items on same location #1554

    Post count: 29970

    Yes, as long the categories are of the same post type.
    If accommodation is a post type, and categories are hotel, guesthouse and motel, then all categories will show on the accommodation map.
    Go to the demo a nd click on hotels below the map, you’ll see.

    in reply to: Change "Place" to "Resource" #1547

    Post count: 29970

    Yes, you need custom post type addon, you cannot change it in the free version.

    in reply to: WP SuperCache #1540

    Post count: 29970

    Same question for W3 Total Cache

    in reply to: Send to friend #1538

    Post count: 29970

    Thanks, Stiofan.
    I find often that people abuse it, so I’d like it to be optional if possible. Thanks for considering it.

    in reply to: Can't add New Place w/o error #1537

    Post count: 29970

    I had the same problem. Brisbane in Australia is one city and one local government area, but is divided in about 50 suburbs (maybe called neighborhoods in the US?). Adding Brisbane itself as the GD location just allows you to add listings for the central business district, about 5% of what is known as Brisbane to everybody.
    I bet it would be the same for any city really, so I purchased the multi-location addon. I guess everybody’s got to make a living and get paid for their work 🙂

    in reply to: I can't get the category top description to show #1494

    Post count: 29970

    I confirm Stroudco’s problem.
    I can add a description but the to description does not show.
    I am using theme 2013 out of the box, no mods at all:

    in reply to: Compatible themes requests #1454

    Post count: 29970

    @ dawnpedersen
    I am building my GD around 2013 as well, but I have run into one problem. When I put a widget in the Secondary Widget Area, there is a CSS conflict between the theme sidebar and GD sidebar I think: the widget ends up outside the browser window like on my test site here:
    As you can see, on a theme only page, the widget ends up on the right place:
    I spent hours trying to adjust the CSS and can get it right on either a GD page or a theme page, but never on both.

    My finished site is getting along slowly here, using a child theme of 2013:

    in reply to: Theme Reccomendations? #1389

    Post count: 29970
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    in reply to: Search Form: Can't bypass "Place" #1386

    Post count: 29970

    I just renamed “Places” to “Attractions”, rather than deleting the “Places” post type. All works fine.
    I really would like the possibility for a visitor to tick the different post types from the ribbon below the map, similarly to ticking the categories in the filter box.
    (and also be able to order the custom post types, or at least have them ordered alphabetically, instead of by latest – but maybe I can change the date or order in PHPmyAdmin?)

    Regarding the performance issues: if I have 1 post type, 20 categories with 50 listings each, all the 1000 listings will show on the map. But if I have 10 custom type posts, 10 categories for each post type, and 10 listings for each category, then showing the 1000 listings would be a performance issue?
    Would allowing a visitor to choose multiple post types from the ribbon, rather than only one at the time, still be a problem?

    PS: superb work guys; just wanting to give kudos so you are not getting too sick of all your high maintenance customers 🙂 🙂

    in reply to: Adding a listing Problem #1385

    Post count: 29970

    You asked: “If I change the name of the post-type “Place,” in the custom post-type plugin, will I have to edit any php files?”

    No, I just changed all the admin settings to Attractions instead of Places, and it all works fine.
    I did not change the post type “gd_place” because I was not sure that would break anything. But maybe you can even change that as long you do it before you add any “places”.

    in reply to: Profile User Front Page #1234

    Post count: 29970
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