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  • in reply to: Payments for Mass Imported Listings #534258

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Is there a way to use a plugin like smartcoupons to automatically deduct from account balance or something else? my site’s business model is centered around low cost listings but tons of volume and I am trying to obtain the best user experience.

    Any suggestions to help? Would account credits through a plugin such as SmartCoupons work?

    My goal is to not have 3,000 hits to a companies credit card in one month. Ideally they could preload the money to prevent this in some manner.

    I apologize, I have been a member for a while and did not explore the details of payment as for a while my amounts were going to be for one listing type but then I decided to have accessory listing types as well with much lower cost per month for them.

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: Payments for Mass Imported Listings #529275

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Kiran:

    I understand this, but will it make a separate invoice for the $2 franchise fee or will it be included in the main listing so the invoice for two(2) franchise and main listing would be $24 total? That would then determine how much the credit card is charged for because for my use case the listing fees are cheap and if someone runs a credit card for 1 listing at $0.50 then after transaction swipe fees plus % taken I am left with like $0.03 maybe.

    Thank you


    in reply to: Payments for Mass Imported Listings #529071

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex:

    So you are saying that Every Franchise is an individual charge or goes on the same invoice as the parent listing?
    So for example a company with 10,000 stores globally would receive 10,000 invoices every month if we charged them monthly therefore 120,000 yearly invoices and individual credit card transactions on their credit card for tax purposes?

    Any recommendations on plugins?

    Any roadmap/timeline on adding the features?



    in reply to: Hide CPTs in Categories Widget #529049

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    I would be interested in this as well. It would be nice to be able to hide some CPT’s in the categories widget and other places and also nice to be able to remove the ability to comment/reply on certain CPT’s.

    in reply to: Followup on Partial Word Search #529035

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Kiran:

    Thank you for clarifying this is a WordPress Bug. Listings of multiple should have a plural but then when I go to one detail page then it should be singular. I was wondering why GD even asks for a singular if it wasnt used but apparently you use it for the add listing page or other places when referring to a single listing, am I correct?

    also any thoughts and help on another concern I have would be greatly appreciated (opened a different thread to track the solution) :

    Warmest regards,


    in reply to: Payments for Mass Imported Listings #529033

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Also: I heard about using Franchises to solve a similar problem: However, Franchises may complicate the import process as it would require a two-step import correct?

    Also, I thought Franchises require some of the fields to be the same or there is a limit to them I read of some sort. I am not worried if you can cap the maximum number because I can charge per Franchise, but I thought it was something else possibly having to do with Search or some other limitation.

    in reply to: Followup on Partial Word Search #529015

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Kiran:

    It works like a charm. I really appreciate your time and your timely reply.

    I finally have the search working to search keywords in the listings.

    What about the plural versus singular in the URL? If looking at a detail page, I would presume the URL should be singular as it focuses on that one listing.

    Is this a bug?



    in reply to: Followup on Partial Word Search #528995

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    in reply to: Followup on Partial Word Search #528958

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    I implemented your snippet into a working installation. It only shows me search suggestion and NOT search results. I can search ne and see search result but if I try cone it does not work, if I search Berry it does not show result. It does not seem to be searching within the text string, only at the end for 2 characters (right to left) and I believe as many as I want for (left to right).

    Suggested list does not work for my case as I need dozens of search results or more to be displayed so I need the search results to show not just suggested lists in search box.

    I need to be able to search string as complicated as ascd.efgh.ijkl for scd, or gh.i , or cd.e and they all show in search results not just kl or ascd. I am sorry if my original inquiry or subsequest messages were not clear enough. When reading the referred post you sent me, it seemed not exactly the same question as mine. Is this only affecting the search suggestions in the box and not the search results?

    I understand not everyone wants it, which is why I requested a toggle/check box.

    I understand it would require more resources and may lead to undesired results.

    I hope more customers request this feature.

    in reply to: Followup on Partial Word Search #528864

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex & Kiran:

    Thank you BOTH for your help. You guys really saved the day. Thank you to Alex for getting me in touch with the dev staff. Thank you Kiran for providing the link to the PHP snippet.

    Will this snipper look intrastring or just interstring for matches? Meaning if the string “ChocolateBlueBerryScone .Recipe” was the title of the post, would this post be included in the search results if I searched Blue or Blueberry or Scone or even .Recipe?

    I agree with the other member who posted that said this would be awesome if it could be a check box in the core code in the setting that says “Allow Wild Card Matching for Post Titles” (compatible with custom post types if purchased of course)

    If I may provide my opinion I would disagree with you Kiran. The truly best match is giving directory owner with the other for left to right search and wildcard match. Therefore websites that do better with left to right and sites that do better with wild card search could select which provides a better option for their specific user base. Not having this option in WPGeoDirectory therefore provides a non optimal search result for sites that would provide better results using wild card matching. Better results on average for all of the installations of WPGeoDirectory. Could we please add this to the Feature Road Map?

    Thank you all for your help and I look forward to your reply regarding the inter-string matching and the addition to the road map for WPGeoDirectory.

    in reply to: Search For & Near Suggestions Hidden By Map #519383

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Guust:

    Thank you so much! It worked! I tried a bunch of different options and it did not work. I am usually really good at CSS but for some reason (maybe late night working) I could not figure it out.

    THANK YOU AGAIN!!! It looks and functions so much better now!

    Warm regards,


    in reply to: Search For & Near Suggestions Hidden By Map #519368

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    in reply to: Suggestion for Support Article #519361

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Stiofan:

    Thank you very much for your help. I also wanted to let you know the following:

    If there is an Error and WP Easy Updates does not update then it causing errors to be thrown for GP Plugins. For example
    GeoDirectory Re-Captcha
    This plugin requires a valid licence key to enable automatic updates.

    I have a valid license key. This plugin had a valid license key until WP Easy Updates 1.1.13 came out and when I tried to update to it then this error appeared.

    I understand it probably is not related to your plugins but may I suggest to have Wp Easy Updates download site have the latest version. I was only able to download 1.1.9 when version 1.1.12 was out. Secondly, can you please have it not deactivate a license key that it already installed if there is an issue with it not updating?

    Thank you very much and I really appreciate your time and energy!

    Warmest regards,


    in reply to: Suggestion for Support Article #518253

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Kor & Alex:

    Thank you for your help.

    Also, Alex or Kor or anyone else on the team. Can you please update WP Easy Updates to the latest version on the download website. It has 1.1.9 installed still and I think I saw somewhere that 1.1.12 is out. My version will not update but my devops is looking into. It gives the error I posted about here :

    This is a whole different website.

    I believe the error is related to php-curl not being installed on the server. I have plenty of space as Stiofan suggested could be the issue.

    I would recommend checking this requirement as not all servers have cURL installed and some dont have php-curl and that is a requirement for WP Easy Updates it seems. This could allow you to provide users better error messages and you could place it in the requirements area so people could check if it its installed before contacting support with the error in the thread I posted above.

    Thank you all again!


    in reply to: Download All Addons In One Zip File #507533

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Stiofan:

    I totally understand and thank you for taking my feedback to heart each and every time. You guys are truly one of the best support teams on the WordPress Ecosystem! I appreciate the community you build and inspire!

    I look forward to the better way!

    Warmest Regards,


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