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  • in reply to: Duplicate Downloads in Downloads Section & Attachment Removal #507532

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex:

    Thank you very much. It would be nice to separate the Theme Licenses and Plugin Licenses into their own section on the downloads page. This would then be less confusing to people.

    Also, it would be nice to have them listed in alphabetical order so it is easier to find the specific plugin or theme you are looking for.

    Lastly, please take over Post2Post Plugin (Author on his website in documentation is hoping someone to take it over) so it can be easily loaded along with your Listing Addon and does not require separate manual install or to go to the page and see it has not been tested in the last 3 versions and its last update was multiple years ago. Although it works and is likely fine for 5.X WordPress this would cause concern for new customers (non-developers) about the security and effectiveness of WPGeoDirectory depending on an unmaintained in “hibernation” plugin for your addon to be operational.

    I know that topics has been brought up before. At least Fork and submit some updates including Support for latest WordPress and declare WpGeoDirectory support. Just my thoughts.

    Thank you guys for being amazing!


    in reply to: WP All Import Does Not Activate #507531

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Paolo:

    I read that in the documentation and for some reason it slipped my mind. I am not sure how to test that it fully works prior to actually using it but it activated and all looks great.

    My apologies for such an obvious mistake. I was plugin blinded in that moment.

    Thank you!


    in reply to: Wp Easy Update Not Updating #507311

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex:

    Thank you for clarification. I really appreciate your help and the whole teams as well. #StellarSupport

    Have a great day.

    in reply to: Download All Addons In One Zip File #507217

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Guust & Team:

    Thank you for all of the clarifications.

    I look forward to WP Easy Updates being installed along GeoDirectory or WP Easy Updates being replaced by Core WordPress functionality to prevent this (in my opinion cumbersome) installation process.

    Thank you again.

    Warmest Regards,


    in reply to: Activate Link Not Working for New Addons #507216

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Stiofan:

    Thank you very much for your reply and for the whole teams help.

    So do I need to update any plugins or settings or will this self resolve?

    Warmest Regards,


    in reply to: Wp Easy Update Not Updating #507212

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex:

    Yes, it still happens. I still get error “Update Failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Invalid archive structure”

    So there is a plugin update but it will not install.

    I could be mistaken, is the only real purpose this plugin provides is a way to obtain the extensions from the GeoDirectory extensions page or does it provide other functionality that the Core WordPress Plugins system does not provide? Is there a way you can have the Core WordPress system manage the Extensions page functionality?

    I may be wrong but I thought I have seen other plugins not require an additional plugin to have their own Extension management page.

    Thank you very much for all of your help Team GeoDirectory!

    Warmest Regards,


    in reply to: Download All Addons In One Zip File #507127

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex:

    Thank you to you and Guust for all of your continued help!

    You are welcome! I want the best for GeoDirectory and the team!

    That would be awesome if you could work on that feature. It would reduce complication for sure. Possibly the bugs in the other thread I created may not have been encountered had I had a more direct and seamless path to extension installation versus manually download / upload / activate.

    I now remember downloading WP Easy Updates months and months ago but forgot about it when initially moving forward.

    I literally did not know there was an “easy way” until I already finished the hard way 🙁

    This question is for this thread AND the other I suppose, will the updates not work if I did not install the addons through the extensions page? They show active and are asking for license keys in the default wordpress area.

    Also : Can we please autofeed plugin keys if we enter our main GeoDirectory key (additional suggestion with the suggestion from above 🙂 ) . One Key – quickest install.

    Thank you very much for listening to my feedback and now additional feedback! You guys are amazing!

    in reply to: Activate Link Not Working for New Addons #507124

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex:

    Thank you for your reply. I believe it let me activate one plugin from the page but I did not try to individually add them. As stated above, I opened each in a new tab which I assume set that ones status to active in the database.

    However, when I activated all the plugins through the normal WordPress interface AND / OR when I installed WP Easy Updates the page updated and it shows all the Extensions now as Active (the ones I manually uploaded to plugins folder) – except the WP All Import Add Not Activating bug I mention in another thread.

    So I am not sure what you mean by the extensions page is not retroactive as sofar it shows me that it is. None of my extensions were installed using the Extensions page and all now show Active(except WP All Import) that I installed. The three I mentioned here required I Believe for me to install WP Easy Updated for the system to register them as installed on Extensions page.

    In my humble opinion, I believe it is a bug if your 3 addons install differently (do not show status unless WP Easy Updates is installed).

    Warm Regards,


    in reply to: Download All Addons In One Zip File #507114

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    It only shows Add Membership if you have WPEasyUpdates installed. WPEasyUpdates is not a download available for free on WPGeoDirectory in download section and it should be if it is required to show the Have a membership key? field.

    I personally find it extremely confusing and rather cumbersome.

    My feedback would be that WPEasyUpdates should be installed along with GeoDirectory so that the “Get It” / Activate Features work by default as soon as a key is installed. I presume you do not need WPEasyUpdates to update the core GeoDirectory plugin.

    Warmest Regards,


    in reply to: Activate Link Not Working for New Addons #507110

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Kor:

    Thank you. I have set a policy early on that I would not share the admin account level permissions with anyone outside of our company, and even then they get Editor (only my designer has received it she only touches appearance related features). I want to be fully responsible should anything go wrong.

    Please confirm the bug using a dev install of WPGeoDirectory. This was a clean install and I just installed the plugins tonight. I think it should be extremely easy to duplicate.

    in reply to: Activate Link Not Working for New Addons #507089

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Also, I right clicked on Activate and opened in new tab for all of the links except one. Apparently when you open the link in a new tab, those plugins do not Activate. Not sure if this is due to a javascript conflict between tabs or what could be the issue.

    Warm Regards,


    in reply to: Partial Word Search #506529

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Guust:

    So then is this considered a bug? It is important for orimoto to also work in my use case. There will be possibly hundreds or thousands of search results and it is important that the results are searchable in this way for my use case and I am sure many others. I would suspect many people think it works this way but have only tested the Mori but not the moto so they presume it works.

    If this is a bug ? What is the time do you think before it can be fixed? If not a bug, could you please add a feature to allow me to select search all content for matches not just beginning of content strings?

    Thank you very much Guust!

    in reply to: Partial Word Search #506523

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Not at all.

    Search : moto for Moriomoto or lace for Feris Palace

    If what I am requesting works then Moriomoto or Feris Palace would show up on their respective searches.

    Thank you for assisting me @guust. You are amazing.

    Thank you GeoDirectory team!

    in reply to: WP All Import & Ninja Form – Integration Questions #506376

    Lifetime Member
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    in reply to: Request to Add WP All Import Support Forum Section #506374

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