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  • in reply to: Help…maybe? #69219

    Post count: 188

    I’ve replied to Joy’s email too, but I want to comment here.

    Deactivating the field seems like a good idea and will work better than my suggestion of keeping it blank.

    As to including Business Hours in the regular section, I don’t see a filter in the code where it would need to be in order to replace it.

    Guust: Business Hours can be used as either a widget or not, in which case it will append to the details block.

    in reply to: Changed/Missing Action – Redux #69125

    Post count: 188

    Thanks Guust.

    Post count: 188

    I had a look at this. The event plugin is lacking filters in most places to make this easy.

    I built the skeleton in about an hour and then started looking at where to hook in either to place a standard calendar button or link to the file, and there isn’t anything the way it’s built.

    Might be a reason nobody has done this.

    I’ve got 2 choices (this is me, not you). Figure out where the hooks need to go and either:

    1. Ask the team to implement them and wait, hoping it’s done relatively soon, OR
    2. Implement the hooks myself (and maybe the feature as core) and send the code to the guys for inclusion

    I’m open to either. Thoughts?

    Post count: 188

    Hi Mark:

    When you say iCal and Google Calendar, they are essentially the same thing… sometimes. Google will import the iCal format without a problem. The only specific Google functionality would be to push it to the user’s calendar as a single event, which isn’t ideal.

    Are you looking at publishing a feed, or adding a single event to the user’s calendar?

    A user can download a single iCal file, which they would then have to re-add to their calendar each time something changes, or they can have the calendar “subscribe” to the link on the site and automatically get updates.

    in reply to: Protocols and Security #64415

    Post count: 188

    It’s interesting. A search starts with a FORM like any other, and does a POST to send the data to another page on the site, which then does a database search, and finally returns the results.

    All of that (unless GD does something odd), is 100% standard web development practices that shouldn’t be blocked.

    The only thing is GD’s potential reliance on the users location being determined. That could be blocked or hidden, but since it’s possible any user would say “No” to using their location, it shouldn’t prevent searches.

    Can you clarify what happens? They just a get “no results for that search” type of message?

    in reply to: Need Developer for Product Listing add-on to Places #57945

    Post count: 188

    It’s still on my list. It’s been pushed back by my 9-5 and other paying client projects.

    Probably see something in the next couple of weeks.

    in reply to: Developer request #51325

    Post count: 188

    Thanks Stiofan:

    I understand you have the hooks but depending on the order of plugin activation, you can’t count on them. It would be better to have hooks in proper places so the developer can modify the workflow without having to modify the table, but you don’t have them all in place yet.

    I’ll use the function instead.

    in reply to: Need Developer for Product Listing add-on to Places #47572

    Post count: 188

    Thanks guys. I’m struggling to find time for this project, but it is progressing.

    Dylan, I don’t think your requests will be in the first version. It may add considerable complexity, so I’ll have to think a bit more about it. Sorry.

    in reply to: Need Developer for Product Listing add-on to Places #46323

    Post count: 188

    Just a heads up, I’ve started on this.

    I have products saving. This is an early view, so feedback is seriously appreciated.

    in reply to: Check in #43757

    Post count: 188

    Yes, that’s the plan once I iron out a few final details with the use who requested it, I’ll be putting it through some testing and then releasing it.

    in reply to: Check in #43285

    Post count: 188

    I’ve got a solution 90% done, based one someone else’s request.

    It’s a simple “Visited” flag on the listings, similar to how the Favorite works. It also includes a widget to show “You have visited 7 of 10 sites” and custom language options for messages.

    If there’s any other features you would want, I can consider those for the future.

    in reply to: Request for new action #40767

    Post count: 188

    Thanks Stiofan, pull request submitted.

    Any idea why I stopped receiving emails from the forum? I’m subscribed to this and other things, but haven’t received email in a while.

    in reply to: Need Developer for Product Listing add-on to Places #40620

    Post count: 188

    I’m talking to another user about this, and considering building it as a plugin for GeoDirectory.

    If you have any specific requirements/requests, then please either post them here or email me directly at jeff @ jeffrose dot ca so I can consider them.

    in reply to: GT VOUCHERS FOR GEODIRECTORY #35277

    Post count: 188

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with GT-Vouchers.

    It doesn’t have it’s settings inside the GeoDirectory settings, but should be appearing as it’s own option in the left menu bar of your admin – Normally as “Vouchers” at the bottom.

    As Guust said, I’m separate from the GeoDirectory team – and can be reached either through replying here, on the ThemeTailors forums, or by email through jeff at jeffrose dot ca for any support needs.

    in reply to: Getting Email Lists #31696

    Post count: 188

    There’s an add-on I wrote that will allow you to export lists.

    Not the neatest way to do what you want, but it would work.

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