Mitch Canton

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  • in reply to: Archive listings truncated #541469

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Had not needed that before, so didn’t understand the usage. Added and works as expected.

    Just FWIW, for others who might want the functionality, the Archive Control plugin does work great to tweak the number of listings displayed per page (for those who want more listings per page than the default WP posts per page).

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Logo v Featured Image #541468

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Correcting myself. That *should* say
    type=’image’ types=’logo,post_images’ fallback_types=’0′

    updated for future reference — in case I need to look this up again. 🙂

    in reply to: Logo v Featured Image #541454

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Finally figured it out.

    The shortcode in our GD Archive Item page had a typo. I had combined types=’logo’,fallback=’post_images’ all in one piece. I swear I had seen it that way somewhere, but in doing more searching through the forums on fallback=” I found references to the correct layout.

    I placed it as type=’image’ types=’logo’ fallback_types=’post_images’ and now it works as expected.

    Thanks for working through this with me. I still have issues with the Elementor setup for Archive Item, but gonna leave that for another day. 🙂

    Have a great day.

    in reply to: Archive listings truncated #541432

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    Right, I understand how the default setting applies. But what I’m saying is that plugin DOES work with WPGD and changes the post per page number across CPTs and taxonomies. I figured that part out.

    But no pagination option displays at all.

    Even if I deactivate the Archive Control plugin, while the Default WP setting for Post per page (in my case 24) DOES display as that number, there is *still* no pagination at the bottom of the GD Loop (so even in a category with 200 listings, only 24 display with no next/page2 option).

    How do I get pagination to display there?


    in reply to: Archive listings truncated #541408

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    I figured out the archives setting in Archive Control works here based on the Place Taxonomy (Category) setting, not the Place Post Type setting. So I have managed to adjust the setting to a higher number to show more than ‘x’ listings.

    But if I set that number to anything below ‘show all’ and the archive has more than whatever I set it to, there is still no pagination option, even though I have it set to paginate in the Archive plugin.

    If I deactivate Archive Control, the standard (WP) number of listings show (only 24), but there is still no pagination option.

    How do I get the GD > Loop on an Archive page to display pagination options?


    in reply to: category dropdown #541177

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Yeah, I just created a custom menu and added all the GD categories. Then placed it as a dropdown custom nav Elementor widget.

    Accomplishes what I needed, I had just thought there was a specific GD menu nav function, but this works fine.


    in reply to: Logo v Featured Image #541176

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Related question.

    I used Elementor to build a page and dropped a GD > Listings element into that page. That element provides me with four tabs General, Filters, Sorting, Design. But none of these provide an option to do something like the shortcode where I have the displayed image = types=’logo,fallback=’post_images’

    So then the display of these listings on this page uses the first post_image when I’d prefer they use the logo.

    How would I create a setting whereby the logo was the primary image used here, with the fallback of post_images?


    in reply to: Logo v Featured Image #541161

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    This is perfect for my existing setup. Thanks. I must’ve just missed the ‘select_types’ I had just been using post_images as the type. So this works great in the standard GD Archive Item page.

    BUT, in messing around with this I found the Elementor Pro GD Archive Item template. I went down that rabbit hole and totally trashed everything I was doing. I reverted back to the old way but would like to understand the Elementor Pro option.

    All I get is a display of multiple posts all with “post id is missing, invalid post type”.

    For now, I’ll change the default GD Item page with the shortcodes, but I’ll likely be back with more questions on the Elementor Archive Item option.


    in reply to: Recent Reviews #540926

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Kor,

    I understand. I guess I would say please add that option to have “Reviews filtered to display based on the default category of the current listing” to the Feature Request/Idea list.

    Sounds like a good idea. 🙂


    in reply to: display issue skipping first listing #540924

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    The items I referenced in that last message were due to Places having multiple categories and displaying in archives I did not think they should be in.

    As I mentioned in the other replies, I think my original issue was due to not using the Loop. If I use that option, the original issue (missing place) is resolved. I’m going to work under that impression unless I see something else that is a problem.


    in reply to: category dropdown #540922

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    No problem, I just thought there was that option. I can just create a new menu with only GD cats and use the Elementor nav widget to create. I had wanted to use a native GD option if it was available.


    in reply to: display issue skipping first listing #540792

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: display issue skipping first listing #540791

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: display issue skipping first listing #540761

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: Image / package display conflict #535758

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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