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  • in reply to: Image issues #502799

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 139

    Hey Alex,

    Thanks for the help. I think I need to keep the image cover (both). It looks really bad without the cover, but I’m wondering how I can change the ratio of the dimensions that are displayed on the archive and details page. It looks like right now it’s at a 335×220. I’d like it to be at a 4:3 ratio. That way it’s a little easier for people to crop images of their face and fit it in the dimensions. Also, I’m hoping I can just tell people the ideal image size and ratio and they can upload pics to fit it.

    Can you tell me how to accomplish this?

    in reply to: Image issues #502766

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    in reply to: Cluster function not working on Listings page #498448

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    in reply to: Cluster function not working on Listings page #498439

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    in reply to: Best practices for bulk editing and merging tags #497401

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    You can mark this as solved and no need to reply to my last message. I just saw another post in which you described how feature requests work. I’ll wait to see if anyone +1s this feature request.


    in reply to: Best practices for bulk editing and merging tags #497259

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 139

    Thanks for the quick reply and explanation, Paolo. Two last questions regarding #2 and #3 from above:

    2) Thanks for the tip. I’ll use CSV file import/export. Do you see any obvious problems with using a plugin that merges tags like this one:

    3) Could I submit a feature request for the the tags being included in the “Search For” field. I truly have no idea how difficult that would be, but if that’s too complicated would you consider adding a for tag dropdown field in filters? I saw this has been asked before, but not sure if it’s difficult.

    in reply to: Best practices for bulk editing and merging tags #497163

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 139

    Hey Alex,

    Thanks for the info in the link. I found Stiofan’s explanation useful.

    I’ll wait for the developers to help explain, but I wanted to make sure my three main questions are clear and get answered:
    1) Should we not allow users to add tags to the listings?
    2) What are best practices for bulk editing and merging tags in GD CPT? – Regardless of who is adding them.
    3) Is there any way to make an autosuggest search or dropdown filter for tags?

    You said, “Tags are often used for admin ad hoc groupings of listings.” Is that meant to suggest we shouldn’t be having our users set the tags and only have admins add/manage them? I’ve heard opposing ideas on the GD forum and other places online.

    I think documentation on this is needed and it should be less about describing how it works and more about guiding admins on the benefits and drawbacks of the various ways to manage tags in GD CPT.

    I pulled together what I’ve read on the forum about the search algorithm and the management of tags:

    – From Paolo (10/1/15): Tags are taxonomy elements used as short keywords. They are one of the elements searched by the search form along with title, categories and content. They allow to browse all listings by a specific tag (just like categories).
    – From Stiofan (10/16/18): Tags are user entered info and they are already searched during a normal search, you can also just visit a tags page if thats what u want to filter by. I don’t see the benefit of adding a specific tags filter (in the search), but i’m happy to debate it and how it would work. User replied:

    – tags are asked for on the front end, raising expectations
    – people do not know which tags to search for, but would if presented with a list (a well known taxonomy problem: one person’s ‘cat’ is another’s ‘feline’ is another’s ‘persian’ but all of them would know to select ‘cat’ from a list)
    – you can add lots of other things to the filter but NOT this.Is adding tags to the filter extraordinarily hard for reasons I don’t comprehend?

    – From Alex (9/5/18): Tags do not offer autocomplete because Tags are the most common administrative tool used to organize listings and so are hidden from general users. This has been changed in V2 where a form of autocomplete is now available. (
    – From Paolo (10/1/18 ): User said: “Is there anyway to override the location element? I would prefer that a tag searches all articles with that tag as opposed to the tag and specific location….I managed to achieve what I wanted by removing “Add location in urls” in the permalinks. Are there any downsides to this?” | Paolo responded: A downside could be less location focused ranking in Google search results… Other than that it should work.


    – The “Search For” field will search for keywords in the listing title, text content, categories and tags. GD will check the entry titles, description and taxonomies (tags and categories) of the listings. The search will not check custom fields or locations. ( AND
    – From Stiofan (10/10/18): The algorithm is weighted for different things, you can think of it like a points system, if the query is the exact same as the title it gets 20 points, if it’s in the title it gets 20 points, if its in the body it gets 3 points for each occurrence, if the listing is featured it gets extra points to boost it. (
    – From Stiofan (11/1/18): Here is the order by query part, so hopefully you can understand things a bit more: ORDER BY ( gd_titlematch * 2 + gd_featured * 5 + gd_exacttitle * 10 + gd_content * 1.5) DESC, wp_posts.post_title asc, wp_geodir_gd_place_detail.is_featured asc, wp_posts.post_date desc (

    – From Guust (9/1/18): To sort by featured first on your Listings pages: GD > Place Settings > Sorting Options tab > Add Featured to the Sorting options on the right, and set to default.

    in reply to: List Manager issues #496316

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 139


    Looks like that did the trick! Thanks for the work on this.

    Do you mind telling me what the issue was? If it’s too complicated I understand.

    Also, will this change need to be reapplied if we update the geodirectory plugin or Supreme theme?

    in reply to: List Manager issues #496152

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    Post count: 139

    Hey Patrik,
    I just logged in with that information and used 2222. If you’re having trouble I can contact WPEngine to see why you can’t get in.

    in reply to: List Manager issues #496130

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    in reply to: List Manager issues #496122

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    in reply to: List Manager issues #496114

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 139

    It worked! What was the issue and can you apply those to our production environment? I’ve made changes to production so I don’t think I can push a new copy from our development environment.

    in reply to: List Manager issues #495956

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    Post count: 139


    Just wanted to give an update that I did a plugin conflict and theme test. I didn’t find any conflicts.

    I spoke with our host and they were unable to find any issues on their end.

    in reply to: List Manager issues #495936

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    in reply to: List Manager issues #495935

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