Stiofan O'Connor
Forum Replies Created
The address format is not the problem.
We will be releasing a new version 2moro.Thanks,
Hi swm3,
I am not exactly sure what you mean but i can see that that for is not working correctly, once you change country the city list should be updated, this is not happening, i guess it’s something to do with the PHP warning at the top of the page.
@Vikas please look into the PHP warning.
Hi nasc, we never said this would be be the case, you can change the text count in GD>Desing>listings>Description word limit, or for widgets you can change it in the widget.
or another option would be to set .geodir-entry-content to have a max-height and then set overflow to hidden…
I see maps loading ok, i assume this is resolved.
Hi Kevin,
It’s when ever the developer can respond, it’s not premium support, a time can’t be put on it.
Hi Kevin,
Yes that is the same issue.
As regards to making changes in core, you should NEVER have to make changes in core, if you need something to be changed, ask us and we will point out how to or add a way how to in the next version, we are here for you, there is no ned to hack the system 🙂
For detailed changes you should download a program called winmerge, you can compare two files or even two whole folders and you will see the exact changes.
Hi Kevin,
It’s not an option that can be turned off at the moment, but i think if you add this to your child theme functions it will remove it.
remove_action('geodir_before_listing', 'geodir_list_view_select', 100);
Hi zeb,
I understand your frustration but please be patient, we provide a support service that we can manage and afford, we don’t charge alot for support, we could not possibly provide phone support at the current cost.
I know of no other user who has reported such problems, please be aware that on this forum you will be treated as you treat us, accusing our product of being full of bugs without explanation is not a good start.
I clearly do not understand what problem you are facing here (i think i do but can’t replicate it) so please recreate the problem for me so i can see it, i can’t fix something i can’t see.
You are saying that the map is showing the wrong markers, so please provide this information
#1 the name of a listing affected
#2 the url/pic/screenshot of the marker being shown by mistake
#3 the url/pic/screenshot of the marker that should be shown.Please also list all other bugs you say you have found, the only way we can fix a fug is if we know about it 🙂
Hi phonebook, there was a bug like this with the very first version of the addons, i am guessing you have a version 1.0.0 of one of the addons installed? this is likely the cause IMO, please check and update that plugin manually and then all should be good.
Thanks i got in with that.
Ok i changed one of that marker images and it seemed to work fine, to be honest i don’t understand why you mean, can you either list exactly how i can recreate the bug or do it your self and show me, everything seems to be working ok for me.
Please also provide an example of the problem.
This reply has been marked as private.Hello,
Please private reply(tick box below textarea) with a link to your site and also wp-admin details and i will take a look.
The forum let’s us provide clear answers and other users can learn from them also. Also i am guessing that’s and american number, i am in Scotland…
Hi, i don’t see either of those errors, can you reply privatly with wp-admin details so i can see the exact error.
sorry i thought you were referring to the mobile view menu we have here and on GDF