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  • in reply to: Problems with SEO #405903

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi Catalina,

    I just did a Google search for a couple of the hotels on your site and you appeared on the first page of results.

    Have you set up your site with Google webmaster (search console) and submitted a sitemap, I would also do this with Bing and Yandex.

    I would also set up a Twitter page, Facebook and LinkedIn page and then link them back to the website.

    I would also have a blog page and post local news/events information about the area, ideally one a week, this will keep a regular feed going out about the site.

    If you use a plugin like Jetpack you can auto send a blog news post from your website to all your social media platforms – saving you time and only having to write something once.

    Just a thought 🙂

    in reply to: Total Site Crash During Listings Import!? #405894

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    Just to remind you that you’ve got a live csv file of almost 1,500 contractors above, I know how long it takes to get a database list as tidy as that, You might want to remove or hide the list/post 🙂


    in reply to: Where can I download Payment Manager V1 #401884

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    Thanks buddy.

    in reply to: Where can I download Payment Manager V1 #401749

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Got yeah!

    I’m trying to cut down on my plugins, so will live with the warning 🙂

    Thanks all


    in reply to: Where can I download Payment Manager V1 #401741

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Where can I download Payment Manager V1 #401711

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Thanks for the reply.

    Sorry, I should have been clearer, we do not allow customers to add listings etc, everything is done by us, we do have paid listings but invoice directly and use the plugin as a reminder and to promote featured listings.

    I obviously have a warning saying you must use invoicing for the payment plugin to work, I can ignore this then?

    Is there any way of hiding this?

    Thanks again

    in reply to: Where can I download Payment Manager V1 #401699

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi Guust,

    Sorry, just to confirm, I don’t want to take online payments, I don’t need any invoicing or VAT/TAX calculations, our accounts system already handles all of this, our accounts system is connected directly to our bank account and handles invoicing, taxes, chasing payments etc.

    Therefore I don’t need the invoicing plugin; I do need the payments plugin options to have featured listings and generate the different advertising options:

    Option 1 – Free listing – Just company name and contact number

    Option 2 – Enhanced listing – Company name, Number, three pictures, Social media connections etc

    Option 3 – Featured listing – The same as two but featured first the list etc.

    I understand why this has been designed, but I have been with this software probably 7 or 8 years, I need the option to create paid for and featured listings without taking payments or any accounts set up.

    in reply to: Where can I download Payment Manager V1 #401636

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi Guust,

    I do have paid and free listings but wouldn’t want or need an invoicing system, I already have one and my online directory is just a small part of my business.

    The invoicing plugin is of no use but I do need to track my listings and promote featured listings etc.

    What are my options?



    in reply to: Issues since upgrade… #389024

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Sorry Bud, only just noticed your reply.

    It was just for your info really, it’s not a big problem for me 🙂


    in reply to: Issues since upgrade… #387086

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi Stiofan,

    it’s a strange one and fixed, when I’m logged in as admin, the text for my second menu (top right) on floorinsite overlaps itself when moving the main browser window, it actually didn’t before and doesn’t when your not logged in, as I said it wasn’t a major problem and even less of one now 🙂

    Thanks for the other help buddy, its working a treat.


    in reply to: Issues since upgrade… #386759

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    As always, fantastic and fast support!!

    The specific spacing code seems to have worked, which saves me a lot of time down the road.

    With the addresses – looks like some companies are just calling or adding their name to the office (which isn’t part of the official address), funnily enough we used to here as well, anyway, this isn’t part of the actual address and is obviously causing a few issues.

    I am doing the following, works works a treat:

    Floorwise Group Ltd Floorwise House, 22 High Street, Kegworth, Derby, DE74 2DA, UK

    1) I search by putting the address in the first address box: 22 High Street, Kegworth, Derby, DE74 2DA

    2) This works well, I remove whatever is generated in the region, city, postcode boxes from the address in the first field (address) then add ‘Floorwise House’ to the first address field – which leaves me with:

    Addresss – Floorwise House 22 High Street

    Country – UK

    Region – Leicestershire

    City – Kegworth

    Postcode – DE74 2DA

    I made the mistake before of searching again I think when all you need to do is save – If you search again the system will not recognise the address, for reasons noted above.

    I know the GD chaps know this, just thought I would share my process, seems obvious when you write it down.

    The only other matter was the text in responsive mode on the top right, to be honest this doesn’t bother me, but maybe something you guys will want to look at.

    Thanks for the help and support and catch you soon


    in reply to: Issues since upgrade… #386736

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    It’s the ‘Floorwise House’ part that seems to be breaking the search, If I put in 22 High street and the postcode it correctly finds and maps the address.

    But the company will want its full address in the box, as soon as you add that, I get Castle Donington and the postcode changes.

    There needs to be an extra box added to the address which doesn’t get geo searched but will be the first line shown in address


    in reply to: Issues since upgrade… #386733

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121


    With regards the addresses

    I have taken pictures to show step by step actions, I didn’t have these display problems before:

    1. I have emptied all filters and refreshed
    2. I put in the companies full address
    3. It finds address but displays it twice front end
    4. I then take out the doubled up information, leaving region, city and postcode
    5. When saving the system changes the address, city and postcode

    The only way was to have the full address under address, however this then shows twice, also I have found on correctly configured listing when you change or save any settings it can sometimes reset the address and break it like the above?

    in reply to: Issues since upgrade… #386724

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi Stiofan,

    As mentioned above that code does correct the double space issue with GD but it then adds double spaces to everything else on the site, see picture 1.

    It also breaks the auto flow on text for responsiveness, see picture two, I will have to look and remove that rule, is it the one posted above?

    in reply to: Issues since upgrade… #386632

    Expired Member
    Post count: 121

    Hi Buddy,

    I’m still here after 7 years, can’t be bad 🙂

    I did just type a huge all singing / dancing reply with detailed explanations, must have taken to long and got logged out LOL.

    1. Categories fixed – my fault
    2. Spacing code didn’t work, did on last theme but added a padding space on everything which is not wanted on this latest version of our directory.
    3. Have found if I double / triple return in backend when entering the place listing text I can get the single normal gap between paragraphs, I have included a picture to show, if I add the text as I would anywhere else on the site the paragraphs are bunched together (as in picture) – the problem I have is if I edit the text to show the listing as we want now, and the bug is picked up and fixed I will have an enormous amount of listings to change.
    4. The address issue is causing a few issues, as mentioned somehow the address is showing twice in many listings, it is also showing as two different address is some (even though these two different addresses are very close)

    if you look at this example, this is the address:

    Floorwise Group Ltd Floorwise House, 22 High Street, Kegworth, Derby, DE74 2DA, UK

    in the front end it is showing as:

    Address: Floorwise Group Ltd Floorwise House, 22 High Street, Kegworth, Derby, DE74 2DA, UK
    Castle Donington
    DE74 2NS
    United Kingdom

    You have login derails above, see what you think the problem is, what ever I try it either reverts to a pub (Moria Arms) or London or Castle Donington.

    I haven’t looked to see how many of the 4,500 are effected, it seems when I try to fix, its makes it worse, I did go live with the new site yesterday, but clients understand there are teething problems.


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