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Hi Vikas,
Just to let you know I’m working on the site tonight and over the weekend if you need to get in touch buddy.
I was just thinking – would it be worth noting on the posts if the themes we are listing work directly from install, and require no coding or css changes?
I only mention this to possibly help the developers and stop them receiving posts and emails saying the version of GD someone has brought or downloaded has problems as it can’t be the theme because it was listed here as compatible…
The theme I used is listed above, but be aware I worked constantly to get it to the point it is now, I had to change code in the css and also hard code into the main plugin files.
I also had to change code in the main theme files.
Also remember I had all the content already live and working in the site using another plugin directory.
There is negativity here, it was a lot easier then I thought it would be – which is credit to the theme and plugin developers.. 🙂
I can just imagine me a few years ago looking at these posts and saying “it said compatible!” and then emailing the developers saying why does it work on that site and not mine….
NOTE – This theme will work with a medium amount of user time and development knowledge.
I agree buddy I switched from geotheme to sabai because I wanted the plugin option over a theme – I spent a good couple of months trying to get it right, Thankfully GD was launched and saved my sanity.
I owned a medium sized publishing company for 15 years and sold up 3 years ago, I headed the sales team there, but I always designed the magazines and sites myself as well – we had 4 monthly printed magazines.
I do have a lot of the editorials supplied ready for print, the features and articles are also requested.
This is just 60% of my little business now, as I do web design, graphic design and marketing for 4 other companies.
Life can be hectic! 😉
We generate all our own content by direct contacts in the industry, we have on average 50 direct press releases a week direct from manufacturers, we also have a big social media following and also use media sites.
I also write, sell and produce and monthly digital magazine to back up the site.
@ B Budd – my site is
I still came up against a lot of problems while working with the themeforest theme, as you will with any theme – this is the joy 😉
I think the Plugin will work with most themes – its just a matter of getting your head down and sorting the problems out… easy for me to say when I’m 90% of the way there.
Hi all,
Just to add a quick note, I used Geotheme with wpengine for two years, had a few problems along the way but I had to sort them and did.
I now have GD working again with wpengine and magazine theme, like anything you will never but anything off the self that will be 100% compatible with everything, it has taken me about a week to go live – better then the 6 months I spent on another theme a couple of years ago to get no where.
Also in the last 3 months I tried nearly all other directory options and couldn’t even build a working model based on my requirements.
I have had my moments with the support team on geaotheme when I first started out a few years ago but to be honest GD has not been to bad at all, plus the support team are better then any other plugin or theme option.
Most web designers should be able to work there way around compatibility issues – the flex slider above issue is due to the word hidden being used in the plugins flex sliders css – using firefox will point you right to the problem, a simple change to inherit will fix the slider.
Its all to easy to rip into developers but I think a good job has been done so far here and credit should be given where its due.
Hi Vikas,
Its something to do with listings not being in a category?
Although all my places are in a generic category as well as some in others it looks like when I open the places with the default icon there are no categories listed – then when I select a category the correct icon comes up.
I have tried to do a group selection and put these listings into a category but that doesn’t work, I would mention that all the places do however show up in the correct categories?
This reply has been marked as private.Hi Paolo and the team,
I decided to write a review and hope it helps, I thought I would be clever and remove all my site details, then next to my name it gives my address….. arhhhhh! lol
Thanks Vikas!
Top stuff buddy
Tried everything buddy…
I have all comments turned off, and have protection up now on my site..
I have captcha turned on, I also have all the GD options to send messages turned off and I have had about 10 emails in the last two days somehow using the plugin to send messages like this:
From: nike 90 air max <[email protected]>
Subject: nike 90 air maxMessage Body:
other than the 2-0 lead here for St.”Beat the clockDustin Penner’s goal at the end of the second period wound being the difference. more often than not, didn’t they draft a wing player,” said Reed.” said Bowman.”Calling the whole incident “shocking, Pomerleau jumps onto Nielsen’s back,Coach Bob Bowman puts it best when discussing his prized pupil’s greatest attribute.” said MacDonald.
nike 90 air max—
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Dave Stroud Blog (,
There is a plugin to stop right clicking and viewing source but I found it caused a few issues.
To be honest a lot of competitors are not to savvy, but showcasing it will bring them round to my ideas quicker then I would like lol.
PR wise, I send my own digital magazine out to 28,000 readers a month so I’m covering there, I also have around 30,000 social media followers and network contacts.
Last time I showcased a site, it was copied in design and most of the plugins that made it different also copied – I found it best to help out where I can and promote only to potential customers.
Hi Stiofan,
As you can see I have all new icons in place categories, I have created each one and named them all different as not to cause conflict, I have even uploaded the new icon to the map functions default pin.png?
Thanks bud
Hi Vikas,
I still have problems with my category icons, I have change every single one in every category to individual new icons – they are all showing correctly in the places category page but…
I have even uploaded the new icon and replaced the default pin.png by fillezilla, i don’t know where this old default icon is being called from..