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  • in reply to: Can I make address optional? #492687

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I’m not sure what you had in mind for what I need. I’m still trying to figure out how the Franchise manager works…I don’t see any demos of this plugin and haven’t been successful doing a sample on my site. I don’t know how to add the franchise on the front end. I don’t see any way to do it.

    in reply to: custom fields not showing on add listing form #492683

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Just wanted to note that I also found one other thing that I needed to fix. I had excluded SOME fields and that caused SOME of the problems…but apparently there were OTHER fields that for some reason I had not actually activated in the settings or I had accidentally set to admin only. So for each field that was missing, I opened up the settings in custom fields and looked carefully at everything and I found out that all of them had something simple like that and now I have ALL the fields that I needed! YAY!!

    Thanks again! Your solution also gave me the info I needed to look further and solve this other problem. THANKS!

    in reply to: custom fields not showing on add listing form #492418

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I did!!! Don’t know why, but somehow I had excluded them there! Probably it was when I was playing around with features. But anyway, it’s fixed now! THANK YOU!!!

    I love when it’s an easy fix!! 🙂

    in reply to: How do I actually use this?? #492126

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ohhhhhhh. Ok, I understand it now that I see it. See now, if THAT was actually EXPLAINED in the documentation…preferably with screenshots….would have saved me a lot of time and energy and frustration.

    I had to take the little bit you said, which I didn’t understand…go look and see what you meant, then put it in a menu, see it in action, have a lightbulb moment, etc. All that could have been solved so much easier in better documentation or a complete tutorial video. I’m very visual so I NEED to actually SEE THINGS. I’m sure I’m not alone in this.

    Everything is taking me oodles more time to sort out because you guys don’t explain how things work as well as you could. I suspect that will come over time as you improve your documentation. But take this as a recommendation to PLEASE put more step by step instructions and explanations. Especially of stuff that people are asking about in these forums. All this stuff should be very clearly written out AND, even better, also visually shown in tutorial videos. But if that’s too time consuming for you….screenshots will do. But it has to be really broken down and easy to follow. I am having a dickens of a time sorting through your existing documentation! It’s great on some stuff and just so lacking on so many others. The fact that I’m having to post SO MUCH for help is a telling sign.

    in reply to: Can I make address optional? #492100

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok I am going around and around over here. I have been digging into how to do this for DAYS. Hours and hours and hours trying to figure this out and I am so lost.

    I am not understanding the documentation on so much of these addons, nor am I understanding what you mean by your 2-prong solution. I THOUGHT I did, but nothing is working. And I keep hitting walls.

    Can you walk me through your approach step by step, please? It would be easier and faster, I suspect than me going through everything I’ve tried and what I’m confused about…which would take pages to explain.

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491651

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Yeah, I know, but they had a link to different info. 🙂

    I figured out why the email bounced, by the way…typo from the website link. I fixed it and tried again. No bounce.

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491649

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Hm, the email from the website bounced. I did find a thread from Dec 2018 talking about how that email was bouncing and the site not set up…so apparently, the website is still under construction 6 months later. But I also did see a rave review from one of their new customers.

    I’ll check out the Facebook page, thanks! I’m not even sure how to get ahold of them at this point since the email doesn’t work and I don’t know if the info on that website is correct since the info on that thread from Dec 2018, here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/best-wpgeodirectory-hosts/
    has a link to a different site with different info…

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491647

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Good to know! I sent them an email. I see their VPS is even more affordable! I could swing one of those packages, I think. I’d love to hear from others that use them and what their experience has been.

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491645

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I’m all for supporting small companies, so long as I can afford it and I get good service! I’ve been very happy at Siteground, it’s just very expensive!

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491644

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    I’m a little concerned that their website has a whole lot of lorem ipsum on it…they haven’t bothered to complete the site? Or is it a recent revamp? Just kinda odd.

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491641

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Wow. What kind of tech support do you get?

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491638

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ugh, I just read this: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/server-requirements/

    So it looks like I do need to upgrade… I cannot currently afford $80/month. Nor do I want to leave Siteground. I just moved to them recently and REALLY like them.

    Well, I guess that puts this project on hold for a while. At least until I can figure this out. Drat.

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491633

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Good to know, thanks! So what do you suggest as a better solution for fonts?

    And when you say “underpowered server”…what exactly do you mean? Would that involve upgrading my hosting plan? I am on Siteground’s “GrowBig” plan currently.

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491373

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok, I just found this article: https://www.namehero.com/startup/where-to-put-custom-code-in-wordpress-hint-use-a-plugin/

    That looks so straightforward and easy that even *I*, someone that is decidedly NOT a code geek, can do it… what do you think? Would this kind of plugin slow down my site any more? Because I am trying to avoid slowing my site down more…it’s already got an F for speed that I need to fix, therefore I do NOT want to add more unnecessary plugins, but this seems like maybe it could be a feasible alternative?

    I don’t know enough about this kind of thing to know for sure, so I’m asking for those of you with this kind of knowledge to help me sort this out… Thanks in advance!

    in reply to: Header.php to add Google fonts #491331

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok cool, good to know. Still adds another plugin to my site. Something I would like to avoid. 🙂

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