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  • in reply to: UsersWP soft launch – Feedback Wanted #394129

    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Please disregard my last. Just found exactly what I was looking for through UserWP Add-ons.



    in reply to: UsersWP soft launch – Feedback Wanted #394128

    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    May I ask how far off we are from having the bbPress add-on available for download? Or perhaps, is there a beta I might be able to try out on my development site? Please advise.



    in reply to: BuddyPress "Bookmarks" Tab Missing #201006

    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Ah I see. Thanks Paolo. I figured something was missing but couldn’t figure out what. Now I know.



    in reply to: BuddyPress "Bookmarks" Tab Missing #200942

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    in reply to: Remove [My Site] from email subject #193043

    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Hhhmmm, could BuddyPress and the GeoDirectory BuddyPress Integration plugin cause this issue do you think? I’m not using any other account related plugins.

    in reply to: 2 Lists Issues #192976

    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    I see. Ok thanks for the info Giri. I’ll wait for the next version before implementing the Lists feature then.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Perfect, works great now. Thanks Giri.

    in reply to: 2 Lists Issues #192946

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    in reply to: 2 Lists Issues #192930

    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Actually I have read your documentation and it does not address my issue(s). Again, when a user creates a List they are not presented with any option to drag listings from left to right. As an admin, logged into the front end I have the ability but as a newly created user I do not. Attached is a screenshot of what I see immediately after I fill out the List Details and click the Create button using a newly created dummy user account. Note that there is no option available to drag listings from left to right. It just shows the listing title and description and that’s it. Is this a bug?

    The other question I had that your documentation does not address is the ability (or lack thereof) to delete a List after its been created. Again, I know I can do this through the admin but how can a User delete a list?

    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Outstanding, thank you Giri, it’s perfect! Really appreciate your help with this.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Though it’s a bit better, the Location Switcher still jumps from left to right. Where before it would flicker (as in really fast), now when it jumps to the right, it pretty much stays to the right. I’m testing this on the City called “Bath”, as the issue only seems to happen with short city names. If you select this city for yourself, then move the cursor within the Location Switcher dropdown, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Is there anything further you can do to fix this?

    Expired Member
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Added it and there’s a slight change but the flickering is still there. It now only flickers when on a short character city name, with the dropdown activated and you hover to the right or left of the Location Switcher. When on a short character city, the Location Switcher dropdown now also disappears when scroll through cities. The dropdown usually closes before you have a chance to select a city.

    Any other ideas?

    Expired Member
    Post count: 101

    Hi Paolo,

    I see it when using both Chrome and Firefox on a Windows 10 PC. Browsers and PC are fully up to date. I see it when viewing the page from the first link, hovering over the word Location Switcher City name “Bath”, then moving the cursor down into the Location Switcher. The slower you do it the more pronounced it is but it does it every single time without question. Location Switcher dropdown appears down and to the left, then flickers to the right when I move my cursor. If I keep moving the cursor down, the Location Switcher dropdown usually disappears altogether.

    I’ve attached 2 screenshots, 1 titled “left” shows the Location Switcher the way it is supposed to look, down and to the left. the 2nd titled “right” shows the exact same chosen city but with the Location Switcher to the right. It’s just a quick flicker but it makes it difficult to change cities and often causes the Location Switcher dropdown to disappear altogether. Thoughts?


    Expired Member
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