Add City Name To Listing Page

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    Free User
    Post count: 16

    Hello GD, is there a way to add the city name to the Search Page, & Listing Pages?

    I would also like to remove the Red New and words -Place Description

    Please see attached image.

    I’m using WordPress 5.2.2
    Geo Directory Version

    Thank you very much for any help you can provide, once this is complete i’ll purchase the plugin for multiple cities.



    Post count: 29970

    The city name can be added with the Location Manager, with this shortcode:

    [gd_post_address address_template="%%city%%"]

    To remove the NEW, delete this shortcode at GD > Settings > Pages > Archive Item > Edit:

    [gd_post_badge key='post_date' condition='is_less_than' search='+30' icon_class='fas fa-certificate' badge='New' bg_color='#ff0000' txt_color='#ffffff' alignment='left']

    To change “place description”, change the field label at Places > Settings > Custom fields > Description



    Free User
    Post count: 16

    Thanks, I got two out of three, I was unable to do this.

    The city name can be added with the Location Manager, with this shortcode:

    I’m a newby so can you provide the path, please?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Please share WP Admin site credentials in a private reply so we can take a look at the settings.

    If that is the Archive item the city should show in the address if you are using GD Output location to show the address.


    Free User
    Post count: 16
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    Post count: 29970

    I can see the city name is now added, see image.

    Re upload error, see

    If you want to add the city name to the Archive pages, then go to
    GD > Settings > Pages > Archive Item page > Edit
    and add this shortcode:

    [gd_post_address address_template="%%city%%"]

    Review to learn more about how to adjust shortcodes.



    Free User
    Post count: 16

    Thanks but I’m still having issues. I want the city name added to the Search page, however, I need the order correct.
    I would like it to appear like this
    City: State: Zip:

    Thank you all for being patient!!


    Free User
    Post count: 16

    Thanks, the plugin worked for the Import.
    But now there’s another issue.
    1.On the Search Page I have a huge gap with what appears to be an image and link..what are they and how do I remove them? You can see the image for clarification.

    2. After an import do you have to login and set the address on the map for every location?

    Thank you for much appreciated assistance!



    Free User
    Post count: 16

    I have those same links on the GD Location Page also see attached image.


    Post count: 29970

    Use the shortcode builder on the GD Archive Item to add addresses to the Listings on Search pages. Try these shortcodes, adjust as required:

    [gd_post_address show="icon-label-value" address_template="%%city_br%% %%zip_br%% %%region%%"]
    [gd_post_address show="icon-label-value" address_template="%%city%%, %%zip%%, %%region%%"]

    1.On the Search Page I have a huge gap with what appears to be an image and link..what are they and how do I remove them?

    The blank parts are because you have not uploaded the images yet, for example this is where one of the images is supposed to be:
    but it does not exist.

    2. After an import do you have to login and set the address on the map for every location?

    That is not necessary if you are using the correct address in your CSV file and you have set up your Google API key correctly.

    I have those same links on the GD Location Page also see attached image.

    The blank parts are because you have not uploaded the images yet.



    Free User
    Post count: 16

    Thank you for the great responses, how would do I import locations without the images?


    Post count: 29970

    Do not enter any data in the image columns.


    Free User
    Post count: 16

    My map in populate on the website, however, I see this error “Must Provide Google Map Api for Search Location via google map” See attached Image.
    I have added the API Key but it’s still there, also, when I import locations they don’t appear unless I go in each and Set the Address in each location.


    Post count: 29970

    That message comes from your “WP Multi Store Locator Free” plugin.
    If you are not using that plugin it may be better to turn it off, using more than one plugin that uses Google maps often results in conflicts.
    Make sure to follow the links at GD > Settings > General, see image.
    You may have to create a new key using those links to make sure the key is valid for all the different APIs.



    Free User
    Post count: 16
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