Google API conflict

This topic contains 16 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Håvard Rosenlund 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38


    I browsed the forum and did find a similar situation:

    However, I can’t fix it myself..

    What is happening is that I have Google API on two plugins, yours and Sabai Directory. They are used separate for separate features on my site, but never at the same time. I need both, as one can do things the other can’t and fits their purposes perfectly. I therefore need to fix the API issue, causing maps markers on he Sabai Directory maps to be erroneous (info windows won’t load). I can disable google maps api for Sabai, but that only causes the same error. How do I remove the geodirectory API? Or at least configure it not to conflict with the Sabai one?



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956


    Your are fighting a losing battle, i’m almost 100% sure if you resolve one issue you will find many more, the same is true when you have two plugins trying to do the same job on any site.

    What can that plugin do that GD can’t, maybe your are missing soemthing?




    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38

    Hello Stiofan

    I really want GeoDirectorry to work for everything, but there are some things that just makes the other better for my purpose at the moment. I have a website that allows people to add their wildlife sightings in real time. This is what I use the Sabai Directory for.

    For them to do this without hassle there are a few requirements. One is to not have the description field required, as that is not that important unless the observer wants to add some interesting info about the sighting. I tried the hiding method with your plugin, but it still leaves a white gap in the form that doesn’t look good. Having tags as a field also is not something I need and would love to remove entirely if possible.

    A second edge Sabai has is a “Use current location” option, when adding location/address, so they do not have the hassle of finding their location manually. When adding sighting in real time, that is a requirement.

    A third is to make it easy to find the correct species. They are categorized in several subcategories which makes it a hassle to find them if you have to go through one subcategory at the time to get to your species. This isn’t perfect in the Sabai plugin, but a bit easier than in GeoDirectory. The best would be to allow for preselected categories if you press “add sighting” on a given page, but that neither plugin can do. However, the Sabai creator has put it on his to do list for a later update.

    Also very important is to allow for address/location in the gd_listing_map shortcode, as I have pages and profiles for countries with lots of info and species lists, as well as a map showing sightings from only that country. I do not see a parameter that allows me to do this in GeoDriectory. Is there? This is possible with the Sabai Directory plugin.

    I actually bought the $199 year membership just now hoping it would allow me the tools to tweak GeoDirectory to my needs, but I still can’t do exactly what I wish to do. If I could, I’d stick with GeoDirectory for all purposes. For now I only use it for businesses and travel agencies to add business listings, which GeoDirectory is perfect for, and Sabai not that good. Unless I manage to get things working perfectly I might request a refund, as $199 is a bit much for me at the moment, but worth it if I can make it work.


    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38

    Can you see my reply? It isn’t showing for me.


    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38

    Seems to be missing…

    This is what I wrote:

    Hello Stiofan

    I really want GeoDirectorry to work for everything, but there are some things that just makes the other better for my purpose at the moment. I have a website that allows people to add their wildlife sightings in real time. This is what I use the Sabai Directory for.

    For them to do this without hassle there are a few requirements. One is to not have the description field required, as that is not that important unless the observer wants to add some interesting info about the sighting. I tried the hiding method with your plugin, but it still leaves a white gap in the form that doesn’t look good. Having tags as a field also is not something I need and would love to remove entirely if possible.

    A second edge Sabai has is a “Use current location” option, when adding location/address, so they do not have the hassle of finding their location manually. When adding sighting in real time, that is a requirement.

    A third is to make it easy to find the correct species. They are categorized in several subcategories which makes it a hassle to find them if you have to go through one subcategory at the time to get to your species. This isn’t perfect in the Sabai plugin, but a bit easier than in GeoDirectory. The best would be to allow for preselected categories if you press “add sighting” on a given page, but that neither plugin can do. However, the Sabai creator has put it on his to do list for a later update.

    Also very important is to allow for address/location in the gd_listing_map shortcode, as I have pages and profiles for countries with lots of info and species lists, as well as a map showing sightings from only that country. I do not see a parameter that allows me to do this in GeoDriectory. Is there? This is possible with the Sabai Directory plugin.

    I actually bought the $199 year membership just now hoping it would allow me the tools to tweak GeoDirectory to my needs, but I still can’t do exactly what I wish to do. If I could, I’d stick with GeoDirectory for all purposes. For now I only use it for businesses and travel agencies to add business listings, which GeoDirectory is perfect for, and Sabai not that good. Unless I manage to get things working perfectly I might request a refund, as $199 is a bit much for me at the moment, but worth it if I can make it work.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956


    I’ll try and answer each point in turn:

    #1 The description can be disabled per price pack but other wise its required, you could add a default text like “No description yet” which would bypass the requirement, this can be done via a hook.
    #2 The same is true for tags, in the price package set “tags limit” to YES and the limit to 0 to disable.

    #3 This has already been added and will be in the next release midweek.

    #4 For this i would be inclined to just use the main cat and then use tags for all the sub species?

    #5 the gd_listing_map shortcode used the listing page template so you can show any info here, for example go to GD>Place Settings>Address>Show in what locations? add “listing page” and it will show there, you can do this for any custom field.

    I think GD can do everything you require, though the categories one might require some further explanation of how you want it to work.

    Just let me know if you have any further requirements, there is not much GD can’t do 🙂




    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38

    Thanks for your reply!

    I’ve been working all evening to try to get this up and running as I want it to, but it is proving to be quite difficult..

    I managed to sort out the description and tags part using the pricing packages, so I got the sightings form I wanted. Except for the “Use current location” option, but if that is coming soon, then that’s not an issue.

    As I’ve been delving deeper trying to set things up I stumble up on other issues that I feel is solved a lot better in the other plugin, at least for my purposes. If I could tweak yours to do the same that would be great!

    The lack of maps showing in places is a downside. Especially on the category page. What I want is for people to go to a category page (for a species) and see a map of all the sightings of that species, with the ability to search the map for sightings in a certain location, a date added, or sex observed, and similar custom filters I can add. This is possible in the Sabai Plugin. If the users want to have it shown in a grid, or in a list with maps, that is also possible, but default is the map.

    The same goes for the page where I want users to search all sightings. I want to have a large map with all sightings, and a search bar where you can search anything within the sightings post type I’ve created, such as categories (species) and locations, with the additional aforementioned filters. In the search settings, however, I only see option for grid view or list view. For my purposes that won’t work.

    I didn’t quite catch what you meant in #5 in your reply, but from what I could gather it doesn’t solve the problem I mentioned exactly, unless I’ve misunderstood. What I want is to have a shortcode I can post wherever I want on any post or page looking something like this: [gd_listing_map address=Norway]. This would then show a map for Norway with all sightings added in Norway.

    There would also be no need for any sightings to have been added for that country yet either, so that if I want a map of Somalia showing on a page I could use [gd_listing_map address=Somalia], and a map of Somalia would show, even though no one has ever added a sighting from that country.

    Let me give you a few examples in the next post. It’s private one as you would need login info to access the content.


    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    Can you please reset your S2member IP restrictions, we are getting this message:

    503: Service Temporarily Unavailable
    Too many IP addresses accessing one secure area!
    Please contact Support if you need assistance.

    To add maps to a Listings page [like “places”] you can add a GD Map Listings widget to any of the GD Listings areas, see more detail at and

    Same idea for the GD Search widget, see more at for custom filters.

    I think Stiofan in #5 means that there is no need to create the separate pages. GD automatically creates the separate pages for different locations and categories in those locations etc; and you can select what you want to show at these pages.

    Have a look at which explains how to add custom fields, and then select where you want that info to show etc.

    To illustrate, if you would have a Custom Post Type called birds, then /birds/ can show a map with all sightings, example

    If you only want to see the sightings in the Pennsylvania, you would go to /birds/united-states/pennsylvania/, example

    If we have a category for birds with green feathers, the page for Pennsylvania will be /birds/united-states/pennsylvania/green-feathers, example

    To create a Somalia map, all you would have to do is add a city in Somalia to the database, and the Somalia page would be automatically be created, together with the other pages. So if you would go to /birds/somalia/green-feathers you would not get any results, but a ready made page.



    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38

    Thanks Guust! Those examples are exactly what I was looking for! Now I just have to figure out how to make them look like that, and add other content, to make it similar to what I already have. Like this:

    It doesn’t have to look exactly like that, but have the same elements at least. If I could add the map on top, with search bar, like in your example, but with the listings next to it, not underneath (on the same “line” if you will), and then my other content below, that would be great!

    I have fixed the IP restrictions, so you can log in and have a look at what I mean.

    For my animal pages, I want them similar to this:

    I’d like the other info before the map. So, a similar map with search engine and list, but with the other content above. Can this be done?

    And is there a way of adding featured images to such a page? I need that specifically for how my search engine works and looks. Try to search for South Africa, for example, using the tiny looking glass on the main menu to see what I mean. The circled images is a nice feature I’d like for all my search results.


    Post count: 29970

    To add extra content to location pages like /location/norway:

    To change location pages to a two column page:
    GD > Design > Home tab: use one sidebar only and set both sidebar and content section to about 48%.

    Adding map and search on top would be done by selecting the Top section to be active at GD > Design > Home tab, and then add the GD Map Home widget and the GD search widget.

    An animal page would be a category/listings page.
    GD > Design > Listings tab
    Again, you have 5 sections to play with.
    All sightings would be on the map.
    Each category can have its own description added at Birds > Bird Categories > edit the category and enter any data you like in the description.


    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 29970

    The search bar adapts/defaults to the custom post type, examples at
    So you could hide the CPT selector on those pages if you wanted to.

    Category pages can be different for different CPTs with some coding and CSS.

    I will leave the API question for Stiofan.



    Håvard Rosenlund
    Post count: 38

    Thanks for pointing that out, it does solve one major issue, but it won’t be enough for me now I’m afraid. Too much work to set things up as I want and I have other work that needs to be done and not much time to do it in..

    I still think the GeoDirectory is a great plugin, and it works like a charm for what I had intended it to do! Some of the addons are fantastic for business listings. So now I think I’ll try keeping them both, as I didn’t have any issues before the API conflict. Just to get that one solved now and I can continue with the other stuff that needs attention.


    Post count: 29970

    One option might be to turn your site into a multi-site and have one of the directories in its own folder. But then you will not be able to use shortcodes or widgets from either in the other folder.
    Just a thought.

    Let’s wait for Stiofan after the weekend. Thanks

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