Naveen Giri
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Viewing 15 posts - 916 through 930 (of 1,165 total)
Viewing 15 posts - 916 through 930 (of 1,165 total)
Hi @anders
this is the hook, you can customise.
for any further customisation you can take help of GD Experts.
you can add extra social fields in header using this filter.
make sure to replace following shortcode with actual shortcode.
add_filter( 'sd_details_output_social_shortcode', 'sd_details_output_social_shortcode_callback');
function sd_details_output_social_shortcode_callback( $social_shortcodes ){
$social_shortcodes = '[gd_post_badge key="linkedin_field_key" condition="is_not_empty" icon_class="fas fa-phone fa-fw" link="%%input%%" badge="%%input%%" bg_color="#ed6d61" txt_color="#ffffff" alignment="left"]';
return $social_shortcodes;
Hi Adam,
I have activated Imagify plugin and uploaded an image in the backend GD post section. I haven’t seen any issue.
Please can you share a link of post or image for which you see the issue.
Hi Amy,
I have fixed the issue on repo. so you can get it in upcoming version.
Hi Mitch,
I will need to check database, could you please send db access or cpanel details in private message.
Awesome, Thanks for trying GD support, closing the ticket.
Hi Matt,
Please check now.
Hi Matthias,
Thanks for confirming. I will check and get back to you on it very soon.
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