Forum Replies Created
PSI, just got word back from Vikas. This is not possible for the moment, but if there are enough other users interested, it could be implemented in the future.
Rockhopper, just got word back from Vikas. This is not possible for the moment, but if there are enough other users interested, it could be implemented in the future.
Oops, I was looking at the new beta version. If you wait a few days, you will be able to fix it once you upgrade. I hope that is OK.
Hi rockhopper, I alerted the developers for you.
Regarding the photos, you set this in the Prices and Payment settings: look for “Image limit” in the relevant price setting.
I’ll ask Vikas regarding your first question.
Hi PSI, you need to edit the language files of the GeoDirectory Location Manager Add-on.
This reply has been marked as private.I flagged this for the developers.
Events are just like Places, or any other custom post type.
So within Events you will need categories, for example This is an event in the festival category.When I say listing, I mean “place”. Sorry, should have stuck with your naming 🙂 .
Events are linked to “places” or businesses.
Do you have the plugin activated? Within the settings for that add-on, you will find settings for the events.If you give me a link and access details I can always set it up for you if you get stuck.
Yep, all the plugins are set up ready for translation, so you can just create additional language files if you like and use these to translate any grammatical errors 🙂 and preferences etc. > Design > Navigation > Show add listing navigation in menu
Make sure you set up your theme menu first.
Add-listing is a virtual page that will change depending whether people add a place, event or any other type of post (if you use custom posts).@jmoelholt
Ever tried to build a plugin like this yourself 🙂 ?
Like any major project, things don’t always go smooth, and the team rather releases a bug-free (or at least as bug-free as possible) product, rather than meeting a deadline they ambitiously set.
Like Paolo said a few posts above, it should not be long now.[Good things come to those that wait … 🙂 ]
Did you do a preview from within WP admin to see the ADD listing page?
That will not work …
You need to get the links to add a listing working, and then you will find that the form works, as the URL will be /add-listing/?listing_type=gd_placeHi Sophie
Events are linked to a listing, not the other way round.
Events can only be linked to a listing that is submitted by the same owner.
If a listing owner submits an event, he/she would see an option to link their event to their listing.
You need to make sure that the Price and Payment setting for the Events, is set to YES for “Link business”.Let me know how you went.