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  • in reply to: New ? #4454

    Post count: 29970
    in reply to: Social Sharing #4452

    Post count: 29970
    in reply to: Struggling with basic issues #4451

    Post count: 29970
    1. The fields you see are system fields and cannot be deleted but can be made inactive.
    2. Re the documentation, see your other post.
    3. The demo is currently running the new version which is being fine-tuned as we speak, so there will be some errors that will be fixed before the release.
    4. The current version should work out of the box, you will have to post your WP URL and login credentials in a private reply, if you want us to have a look.
    5. The main difference between Geotheme and GeoDirectory is that the first one is a theme, and GeoDirectory is a plugin that can be used with any theme, so allows a lot more variations.
    6. The URLs in the demo do include the country, don’t they? Example:

    Welcome and enjoy your new project 🙂

    in reply to: Help Documentation Unavailable #4447

    Post count: 29970

    This is the documentation for that:

    The link to the documentation is at the bottom of this page.
    Once the new version is released later this week, you can expect more documentation there.

    Let us know if there is anything else I can help with.

    in reply to: Search by Address #4439

    Post count: 29970

    The search does not really search for an address, but for a geo-location on the maps. You can’t really add Business Address to the sort filter, I don’t think; that is what the maps are for: add a map to the top of the search page and all results will be shown on the map.

    in reply to: Adding Fields on Listing Contact Form #4438

    Post count: 29970

    The form is created by this file:

    But I am not sure what you else you would need to edit, so I’ll pass this topic to the experts.

    in reply to: Organize 'customize my search' results #4437

    Post count: 29970

    You first have to change the custom field itself to SELECT as well, for example for the warranty the options would be Choose one,Yes,No
    Then go back to the advanced search and change the search to the same option as the custom field.
    Checkboxes are used in case you have multiple options (what services do you offer), SELECT is normally used if you only have one option (what is your favourite colour).

    in reply to: Exactly what can be searched in 'search for' area #4429

    Post count: 29970

    It searches at least the profile, title, tags of a listing in the relevant custom post type. Not sure what else, maybe somebody else can jump in.

    in reply to: #4427

    Post count: 29970
    in reply to: Search and Map Question #4425

    Post count: 29970

    Hi almatesic
    In appearance > widgets, you need to add the “GD > Gmap Listing page” widget to the “GD listing top section”.

    For the other question, do you mean that you want it to work like at which has the drop down menu for attractions, events etc? Those are custom post types from the custom post type add-on. It seems you have only Places and categories within that.
    Just as an idea, I suggest some custom post types like financial services with categories like banks etc, and another custom post type like Legal services with categories like lawyers. I guess you get my drift. Then the search function will automatically add the drop down menu for the post types.

    in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #4424

    Post count: 29970

    @Desti Neo: membership plugins are for charging a fee to view parts of your website, which is no use for GD, because it needs to charge for a custom post (a listing).
    Unless you need to close some of the site to the general public, you do not need a membership plugin. Otherwise you can use s2member and probably some others with a few tweaks, but it would not provide any extra functionality to GD.

    in reply to: Text frame #4423

    Post count: 29970

    Like Paolo says, you have to activate the child theme.
    (It also looks like you have two installations of the framework? You should probably solve that first, did you copy on of the frameworks to try to edit it?)
    You have to leave all the files of the framework as they are, or you will get upgrade problems.
    Then activate the GDF child theme. You will find a style.css file there where you can add all the suggestions I made earlier.
    Alternatively, you can do that at GDF options > Quick Code > CSS Code

    in reply to: User Login #4410

    Post count: 29970

    If you allow your users to access the WP admin (Geodirectory > general > Allow user to see wp-admin area) then you can add some plugins like

    To edit the emails, maybe
    but I never used it myself.

    in reply to: Organize 'customize my search' results #4408

    Post count: 29970
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Organize 'customize my search' results #4406

    Post count: 29970

    All I can think of for the moment is whether you want to custom search on all of your options? Some of the options do not seem to be as important as others?
    Also, some of them can be changed to a drop down menu instead of a select, which might save some room (for example the number of staff – only one option would be relevant?).

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