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I just realised that my site has a profile page where users can change their password.
I use s2Member to keep some pages private for some users, as part of that plugin a profile page is created.
Users joining using the GD login page can also change their password there.Trying to do a localization on my main site, I get this warning before editing the language for Claims addon:
Warning: The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain.
It seems, that there is code contained extracted out of other plugins, themes or widgets and used by copy & paste inside some source files.
The affected unknown textdomains are: geothemeMaybe that explains something (not to me, but maybe to you)
I am new to localization, but have been able to generate a and geodirclaim-en_AU.po file, rather than changing things in the wp-content/plugins/geodir_claim_listing/language.php file.
Is that the right approach?
The question is where do I place these MO and PO files? In the wp-content/plugins/geodir_claim_listing/geodir-claim-languages folder I guess? So that is what I did, but my translations are not working …
Any hints greatly appreciated.
I used this link to create the PO and MO files:
I am new to localization, but have been able to generate a and geodirclaim-en_AU.po file, rather than changing things in the wp-content/plugins/geodir_claim_listing/language.php file.
Is that the right approach?
The question is where do I place these MO and PO files? In the wp-content/plugins/geodir_claim_listing/geodir-claim-languages folder I guess? So that is what I did, but my translations are not working …
Any hints greatly appreciated.
I used this link to create the PO and MO files: solved, there was a conflict with
I deactivated those plugins and now all is fine.
[Did not really use them anyway]This reply has been marked as private.All fixed 🙂 !
There was a conflict between slugs, I changed slugs and all is well now.
The reason I could not create another custom post type was because I started the post type with a capital letter instead of a lower case letter. Always read the instructions!Sorry to bother you with this issue.
This reply has been marked as private.Just a second, I think I might have found it: duplicate slugs. Stand by
This reply has been marked as private.Not fixed.
As you can see from Accommodation should be listed in the listings links, but as you can see from it does not show.
Thanks for all your hard work, lots of respect your way 🙂Thanks Vikas, no rush, I know you’re busy for the moment.
Just to add a bit.
I think the “My Dashboard” menu needs a link to a user dashboard/profile page that where the user is presented with all his options to add listings etc.
If I have 10 custom post types, the “My Dashboard” gets very long if I want the user to be able to add any listing from the “My Dashboard” menu.
Therefore this would be better done from a profile page, rather than from the “My Dashboard” widget.
Also would be nice if the profile page can be edited to add other stuff, so the best would be if it creates a page that can be edited from the WP Pages list.
I hope I am clear, and that what I suggest is not too complicated; I am not a WP developer 🙂I am not that sure about mtchairs comment: “As events are held at a place/venue/location it makes more sense to enter an address for that location, rather than for the event itself.”
For example, a local festival or rock concert might be held in a paddock somewhere. In that case there will be no other post with that address.
Maybe adding a drop down menu where the event poster can choose one of his other listings, might be better.
But there needs to be an option to add events without having a listing.
For example, if I have a local tourism site, I will not list churches, but I’d like to list the weekly farmers’ market in the church grounds.Woody Jessy, note the link in my previous post, it might not have been clear, but click on the word “markers”.