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  • in reply to: Pin bounce dissappeared #159314

    Post count: 151

    Now the pin is bouncing again.

    Did you changed anything on the site?


    in reply to: VAT inclusion #159287

    Post count: 151

    Thanks! Looking forward.

    in reply to: The fastest theme #159286

    Post count: 151

    looking forward.

    in reply to: The fastest theme #159032

    Post count: 151

    Hi paolo, Supreme rocks!
    I was wondering how did I missed it before but then I saw it is still in beta. May be it was still not there first time I was checking the themes.

    When the final version will be released, so it is save to use it on live sites?


    in reply to: The fastest theme #159031

    Post count: 151

    Thanks, paolo! Exactly the info I was looking for!

    in reply to: Duplicate title/description #159030

    Post count: 151

    huh 🙁

    anything like %pagenumber% to be additionally added?
    or %filter%?

    as definitions to be used in the meta fields….

    this would be awesome.

    in reply to: Always Open is not open #158954

    Post count: 151

    I am following the other post with felix, so it is all good. no need to get info about the changes.


    in reply to: Pin bounce dissappeared #158908

    Post count: 151
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Always Open is not open #158883

    Post count: 151

    Cool news! Looking forward for the fix.

    As felix also asked what we should know about the following up upgrades. I also would like to know if possible.


    in reply to: Always Open is not open #158712

    Post count: 151

    Continued testing and checking.

    After updated to 1.5.9 I started to get a warning message (wrote a support post for it and got a solution).

    I just commented out “error_reporting(E_ERROR);” in functions.php but the error message doesn’t appear anymore as before.

    It looks like something is not executed to get to the point where the php warning comes.

    In opera again I can see this:
    Failed to parse SourceMap: http://iallgaeu.de/wp-content/plugins/geodirectory/geodirectory-assets/js/jquery.barrating.min.js.map

    In firefox again no message.

    in reply to: Always Open is not open #158711

    Post count: 151
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    in reply to: Pin bounce dissappeared #158655

    Post count: 151

    hi, paolo,

    I disabled the GD booster. In Firefox, I also don’t get any errors.

    Now the error message in Opera changed, showing simply the original path to the file:

    Failed to parse SourceMap: http://iallgaeu.de/wp-content/plugins/geodirectory/geodirectory-assets/js/jquery.barrating.min.js.map

    In Firefox a get an error that a stylesheet couldn’t be loaded – the fontawesome.css from maxcdn.

    Have you seen anything like this before?

    I was installing the Affiliate Plugin and its Geodirectory Add-on, as well as an online chat plugin.

    I cannot say if they are related to the problem as I deactivated them but this didn’t change the current situation. (Of course all caches were cleaned before every new check.)

    Looking forward for advises.

    in reply to: Pin bounce dissappeared #157914

    Post count: 151

    Hi Guust,

    Thanks a lot! Looking forward for paolo’s comment.

    It is strange because I even didn’t know this feature is there. It started working with the latest update on our website (1.5.9.). I was so happy to see how the search results list reflects on the map with the bouncing pins.

    And it went again :(. It is a cool feature as I am working on to bring the layout a bit more like “foursquare”-style.

    in reply to: Always Open is not open #157913

    Post count: 151

    Hi felix,

    I am also following your post but to make the work easier for the support, I submitted a separate one.
    It can always be related to the theme, other plugins, etc.

    in reply to: Coonecting a payment order #157781

    Post count: 151

    I’ll try…
    Payments Manager is installed. Packages are defined.

    The general way:
    If I submit a new listing from the front-end, I get through the normal process:
    Choosing Package + Listing Data > Listing Preview > Listing Order > Payment

    In this case, there is a listing (as draft) and a payment order created (Geodirectory > Prices and Payments > Invoices) and connected to each other (Payment order is visible in listing edit screen on back-end. The payment order shows which listing is related to).

    The back-end way:
    I create a new listing via the back-end – I can choose a payment package related to the listing and it shows me the extra custom fields available with this package. I give the necessary data and I can publish the listing.

    In this case, there is no payment order generated (Geodirectory > Prices and Payments > Invoices) and attached to the listing, even that there is a paid package chosen for it.

    Is there a way to create and attach a payment order to the listing created via the back-end?

    Let me know if more explanations are necessary.

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