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  • in reply to: Getting started and creating a new category #5789

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    post_author should be an ID, so 1 or whatever ID correspond to admin in your database.

    category should be either : Childcare Provider and/or Educator and/or Professional

    The location all/all/india will not work correctly. Please use the “everywhere” option instead.


    in reply to: Bulk import CSV #5788

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I’ve replied in the other Topic where you posted about this asking for the CSV to be sent. Please keep your questions in one post so that we can follow up properly.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Near Search: How to handle location disambiguation? #5787

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Marco,

    the reason why it’s returning results from colombia is (probably) because you are using everywhere location.

    In that case the search is performed worldwide.


    1 if I search Monument near salento here:

    It will give me the same result as in your website.

    But if I select one of the locations (new york for example) before searching, you will get no results found, as it will work as expected.

    Now if you are using country restrictions, it shouldn’t search everywhere in the world, but only in those countries. Ive checked on our demo and unfortunately it doesn’t.

    I’ll refer to Vikas so that he can improve the script.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: updates changed layout #5786

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    no, update doesn’t modify anything in your options.
    Whatever is saved in the database remains untouched.

    in reply to: Map Loads to Middle of Ocean #5779

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    after adding the default location, did you click on Set address on map?

    That will get the right lat and long coordinates for the location entered from Google Maps API.

    Let us know,

    in reply to: Still translation problems #5773

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Chintia,

    this kind of message shouldn’t be set as private.

    Only replies with links wp admin or ftp credentials should be marked as private.

    The forum is open so that if anyone is also having your same problem can refer to the same post.

    Please avoid using private reply option unless strictly necessary.

    I’m flagging this for Vikas to follow up.



    in reply to: Multi-issues #5754

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    everybit of GeoDirectory can be translated via po/mo file. If you search in this forum you find several posts talking about the how to.

    To make sure everything works 100% right, you should also make sure your database collation for GD are accepting cyrillic characters.


    in reply to: Display format has changed on 'customize my search' #5751

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Updates do not modify whatever is in your database. Options included.


    in reply to: template compatibility / shortcodes #5750

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I understand and agree. I should have wrote the day after the newly released plugin is stable enough to work on something else… 🙂

    Stiofan said tomorrow he will finish to work on that.


    in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #5747

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I think we could consider creating an addon to show all CPT in one map to allow people to add it only if they think it’s necessary.

    This because anyone with more than few hundreds listing per CPT could see their map loading become slow if they weren’t using a very powerful server.

    Even if optimize the queries to the last bit, a query returning several thousands results from multiple CPT, will always be very resource hungry and long in execution time.

    For the 1st request, I guess you are talking about a “In the neighbourhood” widget to show nearby places when visiting an hotel page, similar to what GeoTheme does?


    in reply to: Getting started and creating a new category #5744

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Ajay,

    there is no limitation to the number of listing you can upload via CSV. The only limit would be in case of hundreds of thousands of listings and a very limited execution time in your server. 195 listings should be uploaded in a matter of few seconds.

    The CSV could have some error in it and only by looking at it, I can tell.

    Can you please attach it to a private reply and also provide wp admin credentials so that we can actually test and see the result for errors.


    in reply to: Uploading Theme for the 1st time #5743

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    HI, would you provide a link and wp-admin credentials in a private reply?

    We will look into your settings and fix it for you. It is really difficult to provide a solution by just looking at an image.


    in reply to: Near Search: How to handle location disambiguation? #5741

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    results are order by distance from the location entered.

    “Salento Puglia” works, because for Google Maps “Salento” as a tourist region doesn’t exist.

    In fact, if in Google Maps (.it) itself you search for “Salento” it will return as only result a city near Salerno :,15.1908607,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x133ead16bb767859:0xf1f18e9e18088b36

    If you use Google Maps .com, it will return a city in Colombia as first result.,+Quindio/@4.594645,-75.51396,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x8e3892bcedc420e5:0x8f81edeeadd699ba

    Only by searching Salento Puglia Google Maps is able to recognize the area, only because there are places with Salento in their name located in that area:,16.7272393,8z/data=!3m1!4b1

    We would have to ask Google Maps to modify their databases to fix this… 🙁

    Sorry about it,

    in reply to: Problem: Home Map all Listings #5740

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    @skprojects, only one CPT at a time can be viewed in the map and search results.

    @zeb I’ve replied in your other post, you didn’t have the location switcher in place.


    in reply to: updates changed layout #5731

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    that’s been fixed and will be in the next version.

    If you whitelist this IP :

    Stiofan will add the fix to your core now.


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