Forum Replies Created
Hi Cathy,
because computers are very fast, but also very stupid, you can’t upload just any file with scattered informations, the plugin will not recognize the data and will not be able to enter it in the database correctly.
The plugin needs a CSV file with data structured in the only way the plugin is able to recognize it and that structure is available in the sample file that you can download in the same admin page where you upload the CSV file.
If you need to get many lat and longs coordinates from a list of addresses, you can use a service like :
Mandatory fields are Title, Description, Catgeory (must be created in advance), Country, Region, City, Address, Lat and Long, all the rest it really isn’t.For images, prepare a folder on your desktop and copy the names of the images for each listing in the appropriate fields (including the file extensioin eg: .jpg .png). After uploading the file it will tell you where to copy the images in your server.
Let me know if you still have doubts.
it didn’t work because for some reason you placed all GD pages in draft.
Can’ìt work without its pages.
Custom Post Types I see you have installed, just access the menu and modify Places to start with or add any new post type you want.
To add widget to your theme’s contact us page, go to Appearance >> Widgets.
to be able to change the Add place link, you need to have Custom Post type installed. That will allow you to change Places to Atracctions (as i did in the demo) and add Hotels, Restaurants or anything you want. Events is created by the events addon.
You need to enalbe : Membership >> Anyone can register in WordPress Settings for new users to be able to register on your website.
For a fix to the 404 page on the login form and to give you the css to remove the author from the pages, I’d need to see your website. Can you share a link and wp admin credentials in a private reply?
yes the GD > Loginbox seems to be buggy in the demo too.
In the dropdown the you the add place link should appear along with a link for each other custom post type installed.
Thanks for spotting this, I’ll have the developers follow up.
Yes I was just tgoing to say that I re-uploaded the markers (don’t know what happened there) and if you attach your CSV to the next reply, I’ll see what’s wrong with it.
I’ve built the demo content through CSV uploads and I know for sure that it works flawlessly…
it really depends on your setup…
yes GeoLocation will take the user to the closest location available in your database.
There shouldn’t be locations without places, if there are and the user is from a location without places it will show no places….
Hi Cathy,
to install any addon, you go to Plugins >> Add New >> Upload >> Select zip from your desktop >> Install Now.
Once installed you can activate it directly.
Plugin must be uploaded one by one.
For any doubt you may have about wordpress releated things, I’m glad to let you know that you will find countless tutorials, videos and how to by simple searching with google.
Example: wordpress install plugin
I’ll check now why your icons are not uploading correctly.
Give me 5 mins…
We used Mingle for GeoTheme because I was familiar with it and I wasn’t with bbpress 3 years ago. We were in hurry to release our 1st product and we didn’t even develop the theme used to sell GT.
GeoDirectory took a long while to
While developing GD we took woocommerce, buddypress and also bbpress as examples to follow for our our plugin. As I wrote it in our about page, mainly for 4 reasons:
1) They are free, available through and actively maintained
2) They can easily be extended, thanks to a massive use of hooks and filters
3) They can be integrated in most themes through the use of templates hierarchy
4) Building dedicated themes and extensions for them is faster, easier and can be a good business for other developers tooAdd the fact that bbpres is an official wordpress tool and it’s used on too.
Now that I know bbpress inside out, I know for sure that I’ll never use any other forum plugin again…
HIi Cathy,
here you can only buy the bundle that includes all addons and subscription.
On theme tailors you can buy the addons individually.
It’s not that complicated after all…
Now that you bought it on Theme Tailors, you can login there, click on your avatar (next to log out link) >> My Orders.
Click on the order number link and you will find the download button.
The link to the order page with the download link was also sent to your email.
Thank you 🙂
we were supposed to release it today, but we are not quite done testing. Tomorrow or saturday the latest… (I hope)
ok, to avoid doing the job twice, I’d wait till next release which have templates totally rewritten.
The concept is that you can modify mostly everything via hooks and action filters in your theme functions.php file. We will provide many examples.
Thanks for your patience.
Ok I’ve flagged this for Vikas. It seems that it if you type nothing in the fields, it actually searches for Type of Cusine near Town…
If I search for Bar near ME and select category American it works:, how do we correct this?
to achieve such things, you have to modify the templates. How experienced are you with PHP, HTML and CSS ?