Forum Replies Created
April 27, 2020 at 1:53 pm in reply to: Event Add-on – "Event_dates" and how do I get "start_date and end_date" #542829
Hello Tim,
New keys for start date, start time, end date, end time added to post meta keys. It will be in next release of Event Manager plugin.
KiranHi Tania,
I have updated snippet on your site, now it is working fine.
Please check and let us know.
KiranApril 27, 2020 at 8:21 am in reply to: The 'tags' blank can't fill in with Chinese typing system. #542747Hi hctodd,
Sorry but we don’t have control on typing tool. Tags input is not clean text input, tags input is designed differently with autocomplete tags list + new tag. This could be a reason typing tool not converting the word in Chinese. I think copy/paste is only way to handle this typing conversion.
KiranHi Josh,
We implements features based on priority, if more customers requests we will surely implement it.
KiranThis reply has been marked as private.Glad to hear issue is solved 🙂
Hi P B,
Try solution provided at here and let us know how it goes
Hi Christina,
I succeed to access files via FTP account, but it does not have full access to edit wp-config.php file. It shows “permission denied” when tried to update wp-config.php file. Please provide full file permission access.
– I see you have disabled GeoDirectory plugin, may i enable to check from my side?
– Try to increase PHP memory_limit to 512M to see if is solves issue or not.
– Provide us a access to phpMyAdmin so i can check how much it takes time in executing big queries.Let us know.
KiranThis reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hello Pierre,
Try API route provide at here
KiranApril 24, 2020 at 3:21 pm in reply to: How have full control of caching page of Add Listing page #542326Hello,
In GeoDirectory only a function geodir_nocache_headers() defines DONOTCACHEPAGE variable, apart from this not any places it defined.
Please try to disable non GD plugins to check from where DONOTCACHEPAGE is defined.
Which caching system are you using? Make caching system do not have custom code related to these.
KiranHi Tony,
On YOOtheme JavaScripts are not loaded properly if page is setup with YOOtheme page builder.
I have added following PHP snippet in your child theme functions.php to fix this.
/** * Map is not working on page setup with YOOtheme page builder, * because YOOtheme page builder does not register scripts properly. */ function gd_snippet_200424_register_map_js( $display, $params ) { if ( $display && ! wp_script_is( 'geodir-map-widget', 'registered' ) ) { GeoDir_Frontend_Scripts::load_scripts(); } return $display; } add_action( 'geodir_check_display_map', 'gd_snippet_200424_register_map_js', 999, 2 );
Please check and let us know.
KiranApril 24, 2020 at 1:34 pm in reply to: The 'tags' blank can't fill in with Chinese typing system. #542304Hello,
Please screenshot how it shows to me.
Tags fields is deigned differently so once you type or focus in it shows existing tag options. If you leave after typing then on enter keypress it add that keyword to list.
This could be reason for tag field is not behaving like other fields with Google input tool.
KiranHi Josh,
It not possible to change this animation without changing in core JS library.
Kiran -