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  • in reply to: what role should I set for new users? #504692

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok great!!!

    in reply to: Is there any sort of site traffic widget or plugin? #504640

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Thank you!

    in reply to: How can I tell what this message was sent from? #504626

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Good thing I DID get those BCCs because it led me to know this! Those emails this lady sent never got to the businesses! So now once I get this working, I will have to contact her and let her know! AND that she helped me out!

    in reply to: How can I tell what this message was sent from? #504625

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok thank you!! That’s what I was afraid of. I am in there and think I know what to do now. THANK YOU!

    in reply to: How can I tell what this message was sent from? #504623

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: How can I tell what this message was sent from? #504610

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ah HA!!! As always, YOU ROCK, ALEX!! That’s exactly what it was! I had a notification in that advanced setting on the form. Never would I have found that without you! THANK YOU!

    I’m actually going to leave it for now…at least until there starts to be a lot of interaction on the site. It is very comforting to see the interaction going on through my site! Plus I can confidently tell businesses that people DO INDEED use these forms and contact businesses!!

    This is awesome! I’m excited to see it starting already!

    Now, is there any way to make the form note what business they were contacting? I’m just curious. Might be interesting to see which businesses are getting the most attention. Particularly if it ends up being the featured ones. Or maybe a particularly popular category. Just might be good info to track, if there’s a way to do that.

    in reply to: is this [[#site_name#]] my site or theirs? #504607

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Oh good! That’s what I was hoping! Thanks!

    in reply to: How can I tell what this message was sent from? #504588

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok, because I want to know asap what’s going on, I went ahead and did more research after posting this…and did a test listing and messaged myself via that “send enquiry” button to see what the message says. So I discovered that that wording is indeed a message coming from that button.

    So now my question is WHY is this message coming to ME and not to the email address that is on that listing?? I have had this problem for YEARS with people contacting me about booking things for businesses that I just list, and I had hoped that that button would solve this…argh!

    I just checked the documentation and it looks like there is a box that can be checked to BCC admin on every send enquiry submit. But I checked and I do NOT have this box checked.

    So what’s going on?

    in reply to: No notification? #504188

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    But there is also a “pending claims” section on the dashboard. See my screenshot. All the way to the right…that part. THAT was showing zero when I did actually have a claim sitting there waiting to be approved. I had to click “view all” and go in and view the pending claims to find it. It never showed a number on the dashboard. And I only knew it was there because I had gotten a message from the person telling me that they had submitted it.

    in reply to: Can I make a calendar grid display with text? #504186

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Oh ok, thanks for clarifying.

    in reply to: Can I make a calendar grid display with text? #504031

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    So I’m confused…can we make a grid display with text links to the events or not? If I am reading this right, one of you says no, one of you says yes?

    in reply to: Trying to update plugin, getting error #504008

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Ok, it occurred to me to try to deactivate and reactivate it and that did work. But heads up that this glitch happened today. Don’t know if it might happen to others too.

    in reply to: I just want to share my site! (FINALLY!!) #503822

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    Thank you so much you guys!! I’m excited to see what you guys come up with next!!

    in reply to: Addresses very persnickety? #503820

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    And by the way….I just want to AGAIN say how much I LOVE this plugin!! I’m getting compliments from locals on my newly revamped site and I couldn’t have created this thing without you guys! I LOVE THIS THING! SO FUN!!

    I love it so much that I’ve already started the process of creating ANOTHER site (different focus).

    in reply to: Addresses very persnickety? #503818

    Expired Member
    Post count: 317

    You know what? I just discovered that I don’t think I had Google Maps fully configured. Not sure why it was working at all since I hadn’t gotten the Google Maps API Key inputted yet. I thought I had. But I guess it just got lost in the shuffle of ALLLLL the multitude of new things I was learning when I got started. I thought it wouldn’t work at all without that? But maybe that is why it was so persnickety. I kept poking around and poking around yesterday, trying to figure things out and discovered that and once I got that in there, it does seem like it works much better.

    So as usual, it looks like it may have been user error. My bad! But if it does happen again, I will be sure to make a note of things better and post immediately so it can be looked at.

    Here’s hoping this totally fixes it though!

    Thank you for your reply though!

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