Beginner questions on designing

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163


    I’m currently trying to get familiar with the geodirectory plugin, but am pretty lost how to edit the pages.

    I have a few problems that I dont know how to solve:

    1: how can I generally edit the theme? Via widgets and the geodirectory “Design” menu, I can make limited changes to the pages and design. Is there perhaps a way to build my own pages from scratch and just use codes to refer to certain elements of the geodirectory plugin? Let’s say I build a page from scratch and then include with a certain code only the search box for the post code?

    2: how can I edit the start page? I cant find it under pages and neither under the wordpress plugin. I would like to redo the whole page.

    3: on the same start page: the page is scrollable which I dont want. I understand the content below is the “home” page content. Via the widgets I have already removed all items, but naturally the “start” page still loads the empty “home” page

    4: how can the menu be designed and edited? When I hover over “Listing” it shows “Places” which is then clickable, while I just want a menu without submenus

    5: my set menu under “Appearances -> Menu” isnt reflected on the page. I choose the items “Home” “Add Listing” “Login”, while the website shows: “Home” “Add Listing” “Login” “Listing” “Add Listing”?

    6: Via “Design -> Listing -> width of listing right / content section” I have made changes to the numerical values, which however are not reflected on the listings page when refreshed.


    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Remaining pics..


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    1: how can I generally edit the theme? Via widgets and the geodirectory “Design” menu, I can make limited changes to the pages and design. Is there perhaps a way to build my own pages from scratch and just use codes to refer to certain elements of the geodirectory plugin? Let’s say I build a page from scratch and then include with a certain code only the search box for the post code?

    GD pages are generated from templates. You can use any theme you want. You will find that there are many PHP and CSS snippets for Supreme Directory throughout the forum.You can use widgets and shortcodes, some of which can be inlcluded on non-GD generated pages. You can review the widgets page for details.

    2: how can I edit the start page? I cant find it under pages and neither under the wordpress plugin. I would like to redo the whole page.

    Review the basic installation and getting started pages for more information. Breifly, you can go withthe gd_home page created by GD, or make a new page, and then visit GD > Permalinks to set the new page as your homepage. GD’s home page can be different than your sites home page.

    3: on the same start page: the page is scrollable which I dont want. I understand the content below is the “home” page content. Via the widgets I have already removed all items, but naturally the “start” page still loads the empty “home” page

    OK, how can we help with that?

    4: how can the menu be designed and edited? When I hover over “Listing” it shows “Places” which is then clickable, while I just want a menu without submenus

    You can visit the GD > Design > Navigation to choose which items are present in the menu. Remove all the GD items and then you can edit your menu with WP as normal, generally speaking.

    5: my set menu under “Appearances -> Menu” isnt reflected on the page. I choose the items “Home” “Add Listing” “Login”, while the website shows: “Home” “Add Listing” “Login” “Listing” “Add Listing”?

    We can take a look at those settings, if you want, and you can check the links below for information about navigation.

    6: Via “Design -> Listing -> width of listing right / content section” I have made changes to the numerical values, which however are not reflected on the listings page when refreshed.

    Show us an example, please. Supreme is a theme and in some cases overrides the GD Design settings.

    Note: The forum is your friend. I recommend searching through for answers to your questions using the following URL:

    Related Links


    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    GD pages are generated from templates. You can use any theme you want. You will find that there are many PHP and CSS snippets for Supreme Directory throughout the forum.You can use widgets and shortcodes, some of which can be inlcluded on non-GD generated pages. You can review the widgets page for details.

    I’m not looking to layover another theme, but to make detailed changes myself to customise the sites. However, there are so many files, which makes it hard to understand how the page is built up and the files are linked. I couldnt find any helpful sources on this, i.e. an explanation of how the files are related and in which files which changes can be made to tailor the webpages.

    Review the basic installation and getting started pages for more information. Breifly, you can go withthe gd_home page created by GD, or make a new page, and then visit GD > Permalinks to set the new page as your homepage. GD’s home page can be different than your sites home page.

    That’s undestood. However, my question is how one can edit the existing GD homepage? If I create a new page as my start page, I would not know how to include and link the search forms and button, so I rather want to customise the existing one (pictures 2 and 3). Even changing the css for the search form and button and removing the popular categories is quite a cumbersome search task that I havent been able to resolve yet.

    OK, how can we help with that?

    If you could tell me where I can find the code, I could make the amendments.

    We can take a look at those settings, if you want, and you can check the links below for information about navigation.

    I have resolved this, the problem was that within GD -> Design -> navigation, there are 2 tick boxes to include some navigation items, which I unticked. I have now only the navigations items as per my defined menu.

    Show us an example, please. Supreme is a theme and in some cases overrides the GD Design settings.

    The example is picture 6.1 and 6.2. So even if I make changes in the settings (6.2) then the outcome in 6.1 doesnt change.

    Thank you very much for your help Alex!



    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    .. and thanks for relinking the resources links (documentation and FAQ). Unfortunately, I have already watched all videos and read through the documentation, however, it doesnt go into detail of how the pages/files are connected so one could make specific changes and understand the set-up of the plugin and GD theme.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Of course you can override templates:

    For making a ‘custom’ home page you would want to use shortcodes and widgets, from GD and your builder.

    Learn the layout:
    Add widgets to your home, listing, and detail pages:
    Reorder the detail page:
    Add snippets to customize it:
    Integrate other plugins so they work for each of your customers:
    Sort your listings by price:


    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Unfortunately, I have read all these pages already. The closest to my problem was the first link of customising templates, yet, it lacks further details of how to make changes eventually. However, revisiting your link to the widget page just gave me the idea of a new attempt, i.e. to create Non-GD pages and try to include widgets as I saw that almost all widgets can be used on non-GD pages. Hence, I should be able to rebuild the GD home page with the search function. Lets see!

    Many thanks again Alex!


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello David:

    As a fellow member I ran across your post. If you wish to make your own templates then follow the procedure on customizing templates and use short codes / css / etc to change the look and feel of the site :

    THEN use the GeoDirectory Codex for reference for actions, hooks, filters, functions etc…. to adjust any functional concerns you will have.

    If I have misinterpreted, please accept my apologies. I interpreted as you are trying to adjust Geodirectory templates or make pages from scratch using widgets ( and I presume shortcodes and css etc). Either way I hope these two links help you as much as they have and will continue to help me.

    Warmest Regards,



    David Sirius
    Expired Member
    Post count: 163

    Thank you Jonathan, much appreciated.

    I understand now the principles of the core-shortcodes, which will be helpful as I can now create my own sites and just load certain GD functionalities where I need them.

    What isn’t clear to me yet is:
    – is my presumption correct that the GD plugin and template files dont come with any format and just deliver the functionality, i.e. if I was to use a shortcode it would deliver me in a clean way without any CSS format the functionality and I could then add my CSS?

    – what is the best way to format the functionalities, i.e. lets say I create a page (without any theme) and loaded the search box with [gd_advanced_search] on a site. How can I then change the layout of the search box, e.g. colours, rename the submit button etc? My best guess would be to call for a CSS class (in the page code) before the insertion of the shortcode and define the design for the search box in the style.css?

    – if one would want to create its own theme and thus customised website, would be the best approach indeed to load the shortcodes where needed and format the whole page including the functionalities via one style.css or would there be a better way?

    – what are the actions, hooks, and filters for? Could you make an example? Where can I learn more about these or see which ones are available (I saw on your second link the actions of course!)?

    – on the second link the template section is split by php pages, presumably all the template pages that the GD plugin uses. However, I dont see the direct benefit as when I click on the template pages, I always see the same list of actions just in different lines. Clicking on the action it tells me the source code. So my overall take away from that link is that it offers the source code that can be copy pasted into any customised website or to amend the template php pages?

    My apologies for my basic questions and many thanks again!

    Best regards,


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    – is my presumption correct that the GD plugin and template files dont come with any format and just deliver the functionality, i.e. if I was to use a shortcode it would deliver me in a clean way without any CSS format the functionality and I could then add my CSS?

    There is markup, that is why a site appears and it is not just black and white Times Roman on the screen. You can add your CSS at GD > Design > CSS

    – what is the best way to format the functionalities, i.e. lets say I create a page (without any theme) and loaded the search box with [gd_advanced_search] on a site. How can I then change the layout of the search box, e.g. colours, rename the submit button etc? My best guess would be to call for a CSS class (in the page code) before the insertion of the shortcode and define the design for the search box in the style.css?
    CSS for design, translate the plugin to change text:

    – if one would want to create its own theme and thus customised website, would be the best approach indeed to load the shortcodes where needed and format the whole page including the functionalities via one style.css or would there be a better way?

    You can use any theme you like. You can make your own pages and use widgets and shortcodes. Add CSS where needed in GD > Design > CSS

    – what are the actions, hooks, and filters for? Could you make an example? Where can I learn more about these or see which ones are available (I saw on your second link the actions of course!)?

    There is a collection here

    – on the second link the template section is split by php pages, presumably all the template pages that the GD plugin uses. However, I dont see the direct benefit as when I click on the template pages, I always see the same list of actions just in different lines. Clicking on the action it tells me the source code. So my overall take away from that link is that it offers the source code that can be copy pasted into any customised website or to amend the template php pages?

    If you really want to make a new GeoDirectory plugin then you could make a copy of those php files.

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