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Email Options
Admin Emails
User Emails
Other emails

Email Option

Configure global settings for GeoDirectory email.

Sender Options

  • Name

Set the name to be used as the sender.

  • Email address

Set the email to be used as the sender.

Email BCC options

  • Listing published

Listing published This will send a BCC email to the site admin on listing published

  • Listing owner comment submitted

Listing owner comment submitted This will send a BCC email to the site admin on listing owner comment submitted.

  • Send enquiry

This will send a BCC email to the site admin on send enquiry submit.

Admin Emails

Pending listing submitted – Basic

  • Enable email

Send an email to admin when the listing submitted by a user is under pending review.

Pending listing submitted – Advanced

  • Subject

Set down a new template for the subject of the email. Available template tags listed below may be used. Field is text only.

  • Body

Set down a new template for the body of the email. Available template tags listed below may be used. Field allows text and HTML.

Listing edited – Basic

  • Enable email

Enable email Send an email when a listing is edited by a user.

Listing edited – Advanced

  • Subject

Set down a new template for the subject of the email. Available template tags listed below may be used. Field is text only.

  • Body

Set down a new template for the body of the email. Available template tags listed below may be used. Field allows text and HTML.

Moderate comment – Basic

  • Enable email

Send an email when a comment/review needs approval. This will takeover the standard WordPress email for comments.

Moderate comment – Advanced

  • Subject

Set down a new template for the subject of the email. Available template tags listed below may be used. Field is text only.

  • Body

Set down a new template for the body of the email. Available template tags listed below may be used. Field allows text and HTML.

User Emails

Pending listing submitted

  • Enable email

Enable email Send an email to user when their submitted listing is under pending review.

Listing published

  • Enable email

Send an email to user when their listing is published.

Listing owner comment submitted

  • Enable email

Send an email to the listing owner when a comment is submitted.

Listing owner comment approved

  • Enable email

Send an email to the listing owner when a comment is approved.

Comment author comment approved

  • Enable email

Send an email to the comment author when a comment is approved.


No other emails or related settings at this time, but they may be added in the future.

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