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  • in reply to: Add City Name To Listing Page #506007

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    I am not an employee or support staff member but I am a developer offering a fellow member some help which means I can not see your account or what version you are using.

    Hello JessPena:

    1. Configure the fields in each one of your current custom post types (or even just default places).
    Assume these columns are in order:

    (First Column)Name: Jess Pena
    (Second Column)Date of Test: 09/02/2019 (US Date)
    (Third Column)Test Score: 100.00

    2. Add 1 example listing

    3. Export the listings files.

    4. Erase the example listing (or keep it if its a real listing) and add the rest of the data to your file in the correct columns.
    Gust was trying to say make sure the right data goes in the right column — the Name going into the Test Date column would create an error as the Test Date column is expecting a datestamp or datetimestamp and not a string.

    5. Add all of the additional listings to the spreadsheet and save with LibreOffice or OpenOffice as a csv file.

    6. Upload the spreadsheet wit the added listings.

    Hope this helps further clarify for you.

    Warm Regards,


    in reply to: WP All Import & Ninja Form – Integration Questions #506004

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    Post count: 79

    I thought you meant the manual version. WP All Import can download and update from a remote URL which is very helpful because I am hoping I can have people maintain their listings in Google Sheets and then I Just transload them into the website automatically using a CronJob.

    I think the ZEROBS Conversation was through email possible. I could have sworn I went into extreme detail. I know for a fact I have talked to ZEROBS CRM in depth about it.

    As in my other post, I want to be able to collect ZEROBS CRM Leads for my clients ZeroBS CRM installations through my site using your Ninja Forms integration. I do not even mind if they need to lead collect using “teams” on my installation but I would prefer it sends the lead to their install through the API. Even if I could tie in just my ZEROBS install to the forms so I could lead collect would be a good start!

    Currently, a client can not even manage listing inquiries on your site, only the admin can see the listings. This is very problematic if a client does not receive an email for some reason.

    Warm Regards,


    in reply to: Request to Add WP All Import Support Forum Section #506001

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    in reply to: Upgrade to v2 #505997

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    Post count: 79

    I am not an employee or support staff member but I am a developer offering a fellow member some help which means I can not see your account or what version you are using. I also may not have all the answers but I can get you started in some cases.

    Welcome to Version 2 Elijah!

    The learning curve is a bit steep but trust me the mountain you are climbing is much more stable, flexible, and robust.

    1. Version 2 moved all of the Registration and User functionality to which has a free version. If you install it, I am sure there is a widget to give you the login box you are looking for.

    2. I think a shortcode may accomplish this or one of the existing widgets that are specific to Geo Directory.

    Short Codes:
    A. Shortcode builder can help you build a shortcode if code is not your style ->

    B. Shortcodes List

    I think this is the shortcode you want to use

    Widgets that can accomplish similar actions:

    A. There is the best of Widget. – top listings – works nice for smaller sites where fewer categories
    B. Recently Viewed Listings Widget – works with all types of sites big or small
    C. Recent Reviews Widget – great for when review and third-party-validation matter.

    3. This is theme dependent, but if are looking for different icons for each category you need to set them for each category. Here are some map icon resources that you may find helpful.

    If you mean the “boxes” aka the background color of the table elements then you can change those with CSS code to match the color of your website to essentially remove them.

    4. All of your custom post types slugs can easily be part of the URL, go to yourdomain.ext/wp-admin/options-permalink.php and scroll down until you see the GeoDirectory permalinks. They are in an additional section in addition to the Common permalinks. Changing common permalinks will not help.

    Feel free to reply if you get stuck or need clarification. Wish you the best!


    in reply to: editing invoice template #505996

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    I am not an employee or support staff member but I am a developer offering a fellow member some help which means I can not see your account or what version you are using.

    Are you using GeoDirectory version 1 or 2?

    If you are on version 2: Which option did you select on page yourdomain.ext/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gd-settings&tab=pricing for the setting Cart under Cart Settings?

    Are you using WPInvoicing or selling through WooCommerce?

    If WPInvoicing, are you using the PDF Invoices Addon?



    in reply to: WP All Import & Ninja Form – Integration Questions #504987

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Yes, that is possible with the normal GD import too.

    I did not know that you could load listings using GD import from remote (on clients website, not mine) CSV/XML files. That is awesome!

    Imports never touch anything to do with inquiries for a listing.

    Thank you for confirming. I asked because sometimes the data is stored on the same object as the listing in the database and that could cause issues with bugs in importer tools, etc.

    I am not sure I understand completely, but a custom field called VIN seems to be a lot simpler. Searching for a VIN will return all listings that have used that VIN.

    I apologize, I should have clarified. When I mean unique ID – I am referring to the Unique ID mentioned in the WP All Import Tutorial Video (Step 4 – it is preloaded in URL): WP All Import Tutorial Video – Step 4 I was being very complicated in deciding on this unique ID. I actually will probably use vehicle acquisition date versus expiration date so they can keep advertising/updating listings without a laundry list of listings being fed into the website for no reason.

    Only admin has access to saved enquiries. Ninja may have other options, maybe you could ask them.

    I will be speaking to them as well and most importantly speaking to ZEROBS CRM who I thought I had a thread to discuss integration with them but I can not find it in my ticket list. Did some threads get removed?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Request to Add WP All Import Support Forum Section #504767

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Alex and Stiofan:

    Thank you both very much. Would you mind opening up this discussion to the membership to get member feedback and maybe provide some ideas.

    Thank you.


    in reply to: how can I speed up my site? #504683

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    You are welcome Guust. Thank you for sharing the article as well. Also great to add one more thing to the success tool belt!

    in reply to: how can I speed up my site? #504671

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    I do not work for GeoDirectory but I believe in the community and ran across your post and thought I might offer a suggestion. As I am NOT an employee, I have no idea what version you are using. I presume by you are using version 2.

    Your site does not seem slow to me via a lower tier residential cable internet line (not an enterprise level connection) as of the time of this post.

    1. By defacto, read the GeoDirectory documentation on Performance

    2. Using WHOIS information, I see you use DreamHost. As per the Directory documentation, it is unclear if version still has an issue with Managed WordPress Hosting because they provide their own Caching system which GeoDirectory can not communicate with. This leads to caching things that should not be cached and or in ways that are problematic for data integrity for the user.

    Wordpress optimized servers/server instances are ideal. Additionally, dedicated resources, and your own server instance means you can tweak any settings you want that could optimize your site as it grows. As a hosting provider myself, and having hosted/word on sites from dozens of hosts I can tell you this is a major advantage.

    Therefore, if you are staying with Dream Host, which is totally reasonable to do, but know if you ever have concerns to not feel trapped as there is dozens of quality hosts, then I have a recommendation. I would suggest you go with the VPS Business plan or higher. This would give the server enough resources to handle the operating system and provide enough to servive the resource intensive WordPress Directory site.

    Directory sites are extremely hungry sites for RAM and Compute especially. VPS can be upgraded in usually seconds/minutes to include more resources as you scale. You will also want only SSD drives to process and access the amount of Data. At the very least SSD cache if you use traditional drives in the server (Dream Host I believe is all SSD).

    3. Speaking of assigning resources, MANY MANY WordPress installation have not set their

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    the 256 is the Megabytes assigned to the memory for this wordpress install. I recommend to give this value 80-90% of the maximum ram you are allowed for your hosting account or if you go with VPS to assign it at least 256MB (512MB possibly if you go with 2GB+ RAM VPS plan).

    You may also need to set memory_limit and some other key settings in php.ini and user.ini to increase the memory limit assigned to your server user (the WP_Memory_Limit in my optinion should be only 80-90% of the number you put in the .ini files for memory_limit.

    4. Ensure all plugins are up to date AND compatible with each other and they have no known conflicts.

    5. I see you do not image optimize or uniform size your images you may want to do that. There are image optimization plugins.

    6. Ensure you have a backup plugin such as UpdraftPlus and take a manual backup of your site with database and content at least weekly. Delete or download backups older than 3 months if there has been no reported issues with bugs or information problems. You should have a staging website to test upgrades on before they go live. The backup doesnt help performance other than saving a ton of time if your site has an issue but I mention it because everyone ASSUMES their hosts backups will be enough or saved for long enough before a problem is noticed. Hosts backup their entire server into a snapshot usually. It is expensive and time consuming to restore those backups in some cases and in rare cases they may charge you to do it.

    7. Use one of the supported Caching plugins that GeoDirectory was designed to work with as listed on

    8. Use only absolutely necessary plugins written by trusted developers with large followings. If any of your plugins have less than 1000 active installations or less than 4 stars then you probably shouldnt be using that plugin. Many popular plugins on have many more than that GeoDirectory has 10,000+ active installations and it is a niche plugin. Keep that in mind. Let other people including developers validate quality for you by following number of installations and quality of feedback.

    9. Install a security plugin like WordFence AND configure it. After, about a month I believe it learns the sites traffic habits and can better spot spammer, hacker and other malicious traffic more efficiently. WordFence can prevent server resources from being used by Bots and People trying to do malicious things on your website that detract from your legitimate traffic’s experience. This may be towards the bottom of my list but it is one of my top 3 performance suggestions because it filters traffic BEFORE the server processes it. The larger your site gets, the more of an issue this will become.

    10. Cloudflare as a security measure but also for their CDN – Content Distribution Network that can store your static files like images and CSS so your server does not have to store them AND those files sit one internet “hop” closer to the end user and in some cases MANY hops closer and therefore your site loads MUCH faster.

    11. Post in the GeoDirectory Jobs section to have someone look at your specific needs and server configurations and settings.

    12. One last note from an intellectual property and BRAND PROTECTION standpoint you should buy . If you do not know about new generic top-level domain names, ngTLD’s they are growing in popularity because they are making domains shorter (think etc). I apologize in advance if it violates rules or offends anyone but the .network ngTLD is not available to register everywhere and has .network on sale for $3.88 plus the 0.18 ICANN fee at least for the first year. As of this post, it is still available.
    As you are part of the GeoDirectory family, here is a link to make it easy for you to acquire

    *** This is NOT an affiliate URL , I am NOT affiliated with NameCheap , I will make ZERO from this referral other than a good feeling. I just wish someone would tell me if I was in your position which is why I am spending the time on this forum post.

    If you acquire the domain your host can HELP YOU setup domain alias (the address bar will still show but shares it content from or domain redirection (forwards to

    I hope these suggestions have help you or someone reading. Wish you all the best luck in your new directory site!

    in reply to: &city= never show up on a research #504656

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Mat:

    I do not work for GeoDirectory but I believe in the community and ran across your post and thought I might offer a suggestion. As I am NOT an employee, I have no idea what version you are using. I presume by you saying “it looks good” , I believe it to be a fresh install and therefore version 2. If this is true, check out the below solution. Even if version 1 , there is docs for permalinks you can find.

    Your problem is most likely with a permalink structure in wordpress setting. Check out the version 2 permalink docs here:

    in reply to: Combining Multi-Day Event Listings #473830

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Excellent. I must have missed that option or it was recently added.

    I thought the tab would not show if no linked Posts, thank you for confirming.

    As Alex pointed out, how do I combine multi-day events into one ? I was to combine each year (3) days of my recurring event into one so it only shows 3 results for this place not 9 despite it only being one Recurring Event Listing.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: How to cancel reoccurring payments #452698

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    I have not implemented the MyCred addon yet but the addon fromh UsersWP ( seems to allow one user to transfer points to another therefor your Billing Returns account could transfer points to users and you could add points to that user using the MyCred system or the database.

    in reply to: How to cancel reoccurring payments #452471

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Arkadiusz:

    I do not work with or for the WPGeoDirectory team but I actually had similar questions regarding credits for postings. I found a solution and it became much easier once the new Pricing Manager Came out.

    This solution may require a paid addon or two.

    1. Have GeoDirectory v2 and Pricing Manager v2 and be using WooCommerce as a Gateway.

    2. Download

    3. Acquire WooCommerce Addon for MyCred

    Extra Bonus: I recommend to use: for many reasons. One you will probably love is the addon for MyCred as well. It gives them points for filling out profile.

    Also, more importantly, it would allow them to exchange points between eachother!

    Regarding your first question: Worst case if it is emergency then you can cancel through the Paypal or Stripe or other interface and un-publish the listing. I am sure there is a more official answer and standard operating procedure than this but for now at least there is an option, especially if you are using it on a live production site while in BETA.

    Warmest Regards,


    in reply to: Geodir_Countries Table Does Not Exist #451920

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    Hello Stiofan:

    Thank you very much for clarifying. I really appreciate the Status Page functionality from a development and DevOps perspective.

    Warmest Regards,


    in reply to: Incorrect Shortcodes with Divi Builder #408648

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 79

    @kiran — Thank you for your amazing/tireless support of yourself and the WHOLE Team GEODIRECTORY!!

    Thankfully Elegant Themes support responded to someone. I placed a ticket as well and they have yet to respond. I thought my lifetime membership would have “bought me” something.

    #WishICouldSeeTheDetails — not only because now I realize that CSS may be an issue with our own development team but also …. well … Elegant Themes has yet to respond about my direct question about eliminating their “wrapper” around elements.

    I hope this works for you. Even though it is a patch, it unveils the problematic nature of DIVI that claims to be Agnostic but really it is edge case design wise Annoying!!!!

    Again @kiran — THANK YOU — for superseding expectations (in my book)!

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