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  • in reply to: Receiving emails from listings #1255

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Vikas please remove the form instead of hiding them like we did for GeoTheme when they are disabled.


    in reply to: Adding a listing Problem #1254

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    if a user adds a listing for a city that is not in the database, the listing will be succesfully created and the city added to your database.

    That’s why there is a merge function, in case someone enter a city mispelling the name and duplicating an already existing one.

    This information are available also here:


    in reply to: Adding Categories to Post Type #1220

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    If you named the Custom Post Type Hotels, you will see a new menu in the wordpress dashboard above GeoDirectory, called “Hotels”.

    If you hover it, 4 submenu will appear:

    Add new
    Hotel Tags
    Hotel Categories

    That’s where you add categories and upload icons for them.

    Just like you did for Places…

    in reply to: CSV Issue #1217

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    the file you attached is totally wrong in format. Data must be delimited by commas and double quotes in order to be imported correctly.

    The file Vikas attached is correct and imports fine. I only see one problem in categories, where there should be a comma between hotel and pizza.

    Please reply to this with a link to your website and wp-admin credentials (Set as private reply) and we will have a look.


    in reply to: Buddy Press Intergration #1158

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    We will provide a buddypress integration addon in the future… just fyi

    in reply to: Users cannot register #1157

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    the left form is the login form, which expect a password.

    The right form is the registration form and it only expect email address and full name. Once entered the password is sent via email.

    At that point user can use the left for to login using their email address and the password sent.

    If this isn’t how your form works, please post a link so that we can see what’s actually happening as we can’t recreate it in our demo. Images don’t help much for this.

    If you don’t want to make the link public, simply tick the checkbox for “Set as private reply” and only moderators of the forum will see the link.

    in reply to: Code for video #1062

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    the ifrmae embed code provided by youtube.

    in reply to: Cmbined Home Page #1061

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Either you use GD home page or you use your theme.

    You can’t combine them unless you move the template creating the GD home inside you theme and modify the output.

    in reply to: Profile place content typography problems #1000

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    I flagged this for Vikas, however I suspect the problem lies in the theme css.

    We’ll let you know…

    in reply to: Backup GD Settings #999

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    there is currently no option to backup plugin options as of now. We will consider for a later version.

    in reply to: Images issues #998

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    it means that we can modify smushit plugin to work with GeoDirectory.

    As Vikas explained we don’t use the canonical wordpress database structure for everything to improve performances.

    We would have to modify that plugin to be aware of the db changes in GD.

    in reply to: new add on feature #997

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    As far as I know, Jeff is working on making his GT Vouchers compatible.

    We have no interest in making a competing alternative.

    in reply to: Theme Reccomendations? #932

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    HI, 2014 is a magazine theme. It could be possible to make it work with GeoDirectory, but it is definitely not a good choice.

    We have tested it with 2012, Genesis and various of its child themes, Sahifa, Buddyboss and basically any theme which is compatible with bbpress, buddyrpess or woocommerce seems to be compatible with GD too.

    in reply to: GT to GD conversion tools? #931

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    we don’t have an ETA yet, currently we are concentrating on fixing any glitch found after official release and building the theme framework.

    The plan is to build a convertion tool to import from basically any directory, not only GT. It will come right after we are done with the above priorities, which shouldn’t take much much longer.


    in reply to: How Can I Configure My Affiliate Link? #930

    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Manilaboy.

    please go to

    Enable it, add your paypal email and save.

    Next, where it says : Hello, Thank you for supporting us, to view or change any of your affiliate settings click on the edit link

    click on edit.

    Down at the bottom of the yellow box you will find :

    Affiliate Details

    In order for us to track your referrals, you should use the following URL to link to our site:

    That is your link.

    Let me know if you still can’t find it.


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