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Here you’ll find all info needed to start a successful online business directory

Google Maps API Key and new limits

Google announced on Wednesday Updates to Google Maps APIs Standard Plan. Here you can read the full article. For all new applications created on or after June 22, a Google Maps API Key will be required. Existing applications will continue to work without a key, but the new limits will be applied to everyone. Before […]

This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly

This post will tell you how to fix the “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.” problem with Google Maps. If you are using GeoDirectory please see our documentation here. If you want to read about the problem see our blog post here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/google-maps-api-key-and-new-limits/ If you have seen […]

Snazzy Maps support for GeoDirectory

We are delighted to announce support for Snazzy Maps in our Custom Google Maps addon (1.0.5). What is Snazzy Maps? Snazzy Maps is an online resource that enables users to customize the colors, saturation, and other styling options of their Google Maps. The customization options are provided in the form of different map styles designed […]

How to remove all GeoDirectory Breadcrumbs

Even if we don’t have Breadcrumbs on this website, we consider them very important, that’s why GeoDirectory has breadcrumbs on all its pages. They allow your visitors to always know where they are at, while navigating your website. We would never suggest to hide them, but several of our users asked how they could remove […]