
Customize the design of GeoDirectory Templates with Elementor Pro

A Directory Plugin for Elementor pro today we released GeoDirectory V In this version, the integration with Elementor is tighter than ever. Especially with Elementor Pro. Now you can design all templates of GeoDirectory using Elementor Pro and Elementor’s dynamic widgets. We also started creating ready-made templates for you to use on your site, […]

Create an Airbnb-like listings page with GeoDirectory and Avada

approximately 6 months ago we released V2 of GeoDirectory and we promised it would be a lot easier to customize your design with it. Being compatible with most page builders and themes, you could already do fantastic template designs with GeoDirectory V2, but now that we are fine-tuning it, you will be able to do […]

Upgrading to V2 – A practical step by step checklist with video

The release of GeoDirectory v2 on the wordpress.org plugin directory is imminent. As we explained several times, GeoDirectory v2 is a brand new software. Upgrading from V1 to V2 requires few extra steps compared to the usual update. Stiofan made the screen-cast video of a full conversion of one of his websites. You can find […]

GeoDirectory Translation in 2018

Join the GeoDirectory translation team to translate GeoDirectory into 20+ languages in 2018! Read on to learn about how you can join our awesome language team that translates GeoDirectory using our cool new Translator’s Handbook. Calling All GeoDirectory #polyglots ! Hello, my name is Ismi Aini, and I do UX including translations. I’m here to […]

WP Invoicing + GD Payments Manager V2

If you are upgrading from GD Payments Manager V1 to V2, you must carry out some additional steps. Our new free plugin WP Invoicing will now be required to take payment, and the GD payment manager will still handle the price packages and restrictions. ( You can find out more about WP Invoicing here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/wp-invoicing/ […]

Loading WordPress language files correctly

WordPress localization features allows you to make plugins and themes easily translatable through WordPress Language files (po/mo files). This is true especially since WordPress 3.7 and it got a whole lot easier since WordPress 4.6. A lot of improvement has been made to the whole translation system for WordPress, I felt it really needs a […]

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