Welcome to the awesome GeoDirectory Blog

Here you’ll find all info needed to start a successful online business directory

Add WordPress Custom Body Class

WordPress Add Class to Body In many cases, the auto-generated classes are not sufficient and we may need to add some custom classes. To add custom classes, we will use the WordPress filter: body_class Below we will show you snippets of the most requested examples. But first a little introduction to explain to beginners more […]

Customize the design of GeoDirectory Templates with Elementor Pro

A Directory Plugin for Elementor pro today we released GeoDirectory V In this version, the integration with Elementor is tighter than ever. Especially with Elementor Pro. Now you can design all templates of GeoDirectory using Elementor Pro and Elementor’s dynamic widgets. We also started creating ready-made templates for you to use on your site, […]

Event Schema for Disrupted Events and Listings’ Temporarily Closed Field for COVID-19

Google recently added some new schema properties to help with disrupted events. Our Events addon from version now support these new properties. We have added a new predefined field called “Event Disruption” if you have events that have been disrupted you should add this custom field. You can add this custom field under Events […]

A few things we can do to help our communities during the COVID-19 emergency

We can all help stop COVID-19 and if you are not a health care professional, the best way to do it is to stay at home. At AyeCde we never had a central office, we all work remotely, and staying at home for us is just another day at the office. It can be done […]

Create an Airbnb-like listings page with GeoDirectory and Avada

approximately 6 months ago we released V2 of GeoDirectory and we promised it would be a lot easier to customize your design with it. Being compatible with most page builders and themes, you could already do fantastic template designs with GeoDirectory V2, but now that we are fine-tuning it, you will be able to do […]

Rank Math

today we released V2.0.0.65 with several fixes and 1 exciting new feature: Rank Math Compatibility untill today, the only SEO plugin fully compatible with GeoDirectory was Yoast SEO plugin. Rank Math is the new WordPress plugin for on-site SEO. Given that it is creating a lot of buzz in the WordPress community and we rarely […]

Compare Listings add-on released

the possibility to compare listings is a feature that many of you requested in the past. A way to compare listings displaying them side by side, showing the most important information and custom fields. Introducing the : Compare Listings Add-on this new add-on allows adding up to 5 listings to the “compare” page. Where they […]

Listimia By Addicted2web

We always tried to attract theme developers. We wanted them to build Directory themes for WordPress, using GeoDirectory as their engine. Since we decided to stop developing GeoTheme and we built GeoDirectory as a WordPress Directory plugin. That was one of our original goals. We have a fairly large user-base that have been waiting for […]

Release of GeoDirectory v

The release today of GDv2.0.0.61 brings a few little new features that we will go over here 🙂 Classifieds Dummy Data We did a poll on Facebook asking users to vote for the next dummy data type: directory developers facebook group Classifieds won and we have now added it. You can see it here: https://wpgeo.directory/supreme-directory/classifieds/ To […]

Embeddable Ratings Badge & WP All Import Add-ons

These are the 1st two add-ons that we release since GeoDirectory V2 was officially launched. Both add-ons are designed to maximize the potential of your directory. The first, by acquiring organic backlinks from the websites of your listing owners. Those are gold for SEO purposes. The second to help you manage imports, exports, and edits […]

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