
Google Maps Platform New Pricing Model

Google Maps Platform, did you hear about it? Google announced today the launch of the Google Maps Platform. They described the new platform as: a simplified product structure, pay as you go pricing for all, and more Technically speaking, from a developers point of view there are no changes to how the Google Maps API […]

GeoDirectory V2 meets Ninja Forms

GeoDirectory V2 and Ninja Forms integration we decided to integrate GeoDirectory V2 with Ninja Forms, here’s why: While GeoDirectory V1 comes with a built in contact form, GeoDirectory V2 will not have one out of the box. We removed our contact form, because: It is limited. You can’t customize it easily. It doesn’t keep track […]

GeoDirectory Translation in 2018

Join the GeoDirectory translation team to translate GeoDirectory into 20+ languages in 2018! Read on to learn about how you can join our awesome language team that translates GeoDirectory using our cool new Translator’s Handbook. Calling All GeoDirectory #polyglots ! Hello, my name is Ismi Aini, and I do UX including translations. I’m here to […]

Refunds for digital products [2023 edition]

Dealing with refunds for digital products in 2022 Whether you are selling WordPress Themes, Plugins, or services, dealing with refunds for digital products is a very delicate matter. When someone requests a refund there is a possibility for either party to feel unsatisfied with the result. The vendor may feel the refund request is unjustified. […]

Road to V2, the New GeoDirectory Dashboard

It’s time for a new GeoDirectory Dashboard and this new GeoDirectory Dashboard will be integrated into the Core plugin, still completely free of charge. We already anticipated that the GeoDirectory back end UI will be completely redesigned and it will blend better with the original WP Dashboard design. You can see an example here: However […]

WordPress User Profile Plugin | UsersWP

The WP plugin directory has been missing a lightweight WordPress User Profile plugin for too long. Popular user profile plugins are basically full-fledged social network apps. Some even include content restriction features that generally belong in a membership plugin. Don’t get me wrong, they are great, but they provide far too many options for anyone […]

Advanced Custom Fields does not scale

Advanced Custom Fields is a fantastic plugin used by millions that convert WordPress into a full-stack CMS, allowing you to create unlimited custom field groups, and types and add them to any type of custom post type. However not many know about Advanced Custom Fields Scalability limits. Quite often we get asked if GeoDirectory uses […]

Move bbPress Multisite plugin and the story behind it

Are you hosting your bbPress powered support forum within your main install? That’s going to slow down your money website. In similar cases, it’s really a good idea to move bbPress into its own website. Why should I Move bbPress? The main reason is that you are loading a lot of extra resources on your […]

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