Here’s an easy-to-understand guide on how to make a Directory Website using the Breakdance Website Builder plugin:

  1. Install the Breakdance plugin
  2. Install and setup GeoDirectory
  3. Design the Directory Website using the Breakdance plugin

The Breakdance Plugin, when used with the GeoDirectory Plugin, is an excellent way to create a flexible online directory. With this combination, you can easily add location-based features, customize the layout, and include dynamic content for a user-friendly experience.

This system allows web developers and designers to build a high-quality directory website for specific industries or broader community needs.
Let’s look at the details of how to do this.

In this tutorial, we will:

Installing and setting up Plugins.

1. Install the Breakdance Plugin

You can buy the Breakdance plugin from the You will get a plugin zip. To install it go to  Plugins >> Add new >> Click Upload plugin

Now after installation, we will disable the WordPress theme from the Breakdance >> settings >> Theme >> Disable theme

2. Install GeoDirectory

Finally, you need to install GeoDirectory.

Go to Plugins >> Add new, search GeoDirectory. Please install and activate it. We finished installing the plugins.

Install GeoDirectory plugin

3. GeoDirectory Install Wizard

For the GeoDirectory plugin, you should complete the Setup Wizard to configure the Google Maps API key and import a few dummy listings.

Choosing the Map System (Google Maps or OpenStreetMap)

GeoDirectory Setup Wizard

You can choose between two mapping systems on the wizard’s first step: Google Maps and OpenStreetMaps (which doesn’t require an API key).

In this tutorial, we select OpenStreetMaps.

If you wish to select Google Maps, do the following extra steps.

Click on the Generate Key button and follow the steps of this doc to generate a valid API key.

The essential steps are:

  1. Enable the Keys.
  2. Create or select an existing project.
  3. Get the Key.
  4. Activate a billing account.
  5. Restrict the API key (so it can only be used from the URL of your website)

About point four: it is a requirement. However, you only get charged if you pass the threshold of $200/month.

This free credit is more than enough for 99% of directories.

Setting the default city

Settings the Directory default city

After that, you will set the default location. This is the city for which the directory is created.

We will set Philadelphia as the default city.

You can use whatever location you need.

If you need to add listings to multiple cities, you will need the Location Manager add-on.

Adding extra features


In this step, we will install our UsersWP, a user management plugin that lets users register and log into your website.

This is needed to allow users to add and edit their listings. It will also create user profiles where they can find their listings, reviews, and so on.

We will also install Ninja Forms so that all listings have a contact form that sends emails directly to the listing owners.

AyeCode Connect is not mandatory for this tutorial. It is mainly needed if you want to add GeoDirectory premium add-ons and install them directly from the WordPress Dashboard.

Adding Dummy Data

GeoDirectory Dummy Listings

The last step to complete the installation wizard is adding some dummy listings. This will also add listing categories that you can edit later according to your needs.

You will not add sidebar widgets and menu items right now; we will do that later.

Design the Breakdance Directory Website

Now that we have installed the plugins and done the preliminary setup of GeoDirectory, we can start designing our Directory Website with the Breakdance Suite of tools.

First things first: we will need a logo for our website.

You don’t need to invest in a designer to sketch the 1st version of your logo.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a new directory is investing too much time and money before testing the product market fit.

You can design a logo in five minutes with an app like Canva, which is cheap and surprisingly good.

Create your 1st logo draft using

For an MVP (minimum viable product), a logo designed with Canva will be more than enough.

There are several logo templates to choose from, and it doesn’t matter if your initial logo is not as perfect and original as you believe it should be.

If your project gets traction, you can always invest in improving it or radically changing it later.

An average logo is never the leading cause of a failed project.

2. Breakdance Directory Home page design

You can create a new page or use one WordPress makes by default, like the Sample Page.

Go to Pages, edit the Sample page, and rename it Home or create a new page for this.

Next, go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage Settings and select your Home.

The Navigation Menu

After creating and adding the logo, go to Appearance >> Menus and create your menu.

Directory Navigation Menu

Add the links needed (from the left to the right column) and save.

In the Menu Settings > Display location section, you can check the “Main” option.

If you want, you can make the same menu appear on the footer or create another menu to appear there.

In this example, we’ll only have the header navigation menu.

We added seven main navigation links and a few sub-navigation links:

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Blog
  4. Places and add places
  5. Profile
  6. Login
  7. Logout

The Login link (from UsersWP Endpoints) will only appear for Logged-out users, while the log-out, account, and profile links will only appear for logged-in users.

The Typography

Let’s set global Typography settings from the Breakdance >> settings >> Global Styles >> Launch Breakdance

following are the Typography settings
Heading font: Poppins
Body Font: Poppins
Base size: 16px
Ratio: 1.2

Setup Header

Let’s set the site Header for that let’s go to Breakdance >> Header and click Add header.

here we will give a title to the header and we will select
Location: Everywhere
Priority: 1

Now Click the Add New button at the top left corner. You can create a header using these available block elements or you can click Library and use already-built header templates.

I am using one of the existing header templates from the library and I have uploaded the Logo and selected a menu there.

Now that our header is ready, we will come to the homepage content.

The Content

I will start building this page from scratch using the Breakdance plugin.

We need a hero header on the homepage for that.

Let’s first edit the Homepage in Breakdance by clicking on Edit in Breakdance button.

we will drag an empty section by Clicking on the Add button on the Top left.

From the section style tab set
Align: Center
Background Type: Image
Image Size: Full
Size: Cover
Repeat: no-repeat
Position: Center
Attachment: Scroll
Unset image At: Desktop
Height: Custom
Custom Height: 400px

Now let’s drag a Heading element with the following setting.

Text: Find The Best Restaurant In Philadelphia
Font Size: 48
Font Weight: 600

we will add a shortcode block with the [gd_search] shortcode below it.

Add search shortcode

Now let’s add one more empty container below it with the following shortcode to display lists of categories.

[gd_categories post_type="0" max_level="1" max_count="all" max_count_child="all" sort_by="az" design_type="image" row_items="4" card_shadow="small" use_image="1" image_size="large" cat_text_color_custom="#000000" cat_font_size="0" badge_text_color_custom="#000000" badge_color="light" badge_font_size="0" title_tag="h4" mb="3" rounded="rounded"]

we will give padding of 50px on Top and Bottom.

Now we need a recent listing section. we will add a shortcode element with the following shortcode.

[gd_listings post_type="gd_place" post_limit="6" add_location_filter="1" sort_by="latest" title_tag="h3" layout="3" view_all_link="1" bottom_pagination="1" slide_interval="5" mb="3" rounded="rounded"]

Now let’s add one more shortcode to display the listing map.

[gd_map map_type="auto" post_settings="1" 
width="100%" height="425px" 
maptype="ROADMAP" zoom="0"]

In the end, we need a CTA for that I am using an existing CTA template.

Now at the end let’s set up the site Footer and let’s go to Breakdance >> Footer and click Add Footer.

we can create a Footer from scratch or we can use any of the existing ones. I am using an existing Footer Template. we can easily customize these Footer menus based on our needs.
For now, I am keeping it as it is.

Congratulations! Your homepage is Completed.

2. Breakdance Directory Website Listings and Search page design

Listings page

Now you need to design two pages that are essential for any directory.

The listings page (general archive, categories, tags), and the search results page.

GeoDirectory creates them by default with a general layout. In this tutorial, we will create and customize the layout of these pages using Breakdance Builder.

Let’s go to the Breakdance >> Templates >> Add Template

In the next option, we will select the below settings and click the Add Template button.
Location: Archive/Post Type Archive
Condition: Post Type = Places

In the template, we will add an empty section and add the following settings for the section block.
Align: Center
Vertical Align: Center
Color: F5F8FFFF
Type: Gradient

Now let’s add the Archive Title block inside it.

Now you have two options and we’ll show you both:

The easier way to do this is with a single column and using the shortcode: [gd_simple_archive layout=”2″ height=”100vh” maptype=”ROADMAP” marker_cluster=”1″]

2) If you want to have full control of the design, we will need to add a column block with a two-column layout instead.

In the setting we will use Width: Full

Now we will drag the shortcode container and use the required shortcode inside it.

Now on the left container, we will use the GD Archive page-related widgets like GD > Loop ActionGD > LoopGD > Loop Pagination, and GD > Search on top so the user can search from the Archive page.

[gd_search mb="3"]
[gd_loop layout='2']

In the right column, use the GD > Map block, and we’ll leave all the settings at their default settings. However, we’ll set the height of the GD > Map block to 100vh.

[gd_map map_type="auto" post_settings="1" scrollwheel="1"  width="100%" height="100vh" maptype="ROADMAP" zoom="0"]

Now we will add the following gd-archive-left-container class to the left section.

In the left column, we will add the following class gd-archive-left-column.

To give it a final touch we will add the following CSS in the theme customizer from Appearance => Customize => Add CSS

.geodir-archive .gd-archive-left-container{
    overflow-Y: scroll;
    max-height: 100%;


After this, the Listing Archive page is now ready.

Search page

Now we will create a template for the Geodirectory Search page so Let’s go to the Breakdance >> Templates >> Add Template >> Search Results

Now we will copy all the content of the GD Archive template to the GD Search template.

So now our GD Search and Archive page templates are ready.

4. Breakdance Directory Website single Listing page design

Let’s go to the Breakdance >> Templates >> Add Template

In the next option, we will select the below settings and click the Add Template button.
Location: Single/Places
Condition: Post Type = Places

We will add an empty section with 0 padding from all sides.

we will add the following shortcode to show an image slider.

[gd_post_images ajax_load="1" limit="10" limit_show="3" type="slider" slideshow="1" controlnav="1" animation="slide"]

Now let’s add one more section and a two-column layout inside it.

Now let’s add all the required GD Detail page shortcodes on the left column one by one.

Which includes GD > Post TitleGD > Single Taxonomies, and GD > Single Tabs.

[gd_single_taxonomies taxonomy=''  prefix=''  link_style=''  link_color=''  link_color_custom=''  link_icon='false'  mt=''  mr=''  mb='2'  ml=''  pt=''  pr=''  pb=''  pl='' ]
[gd_single_tabs heading_font_size="0" heading_text_color="primary" heading_text_color_custom="#000000" mt_lg="3" border_type="border"]
[gd_single_next_prev bg=''  mt='4'  mr=''  mb='3'  ml=''  pt=''  pr=''  pb=''  pl=''  border=''  rounded=''  rounded_size=''  shadow='' ]

On the right column, we will add GD > Author Action and GD > Output Location block.

[gd_author_actions hide_edit='false'  hide_delete='false'  author_page_only='false'  display=''  size=''  alignment=''  color='primary'  text_color='white'  btn_mt='1'  btn_mr=''  btn_mb='1'  btn_ml=''  bg=''  mt=''  mr=''  mb=''  ml=''  pt=''  pr=''  pb=''  pl=''  border=''  rounded=''  rounded_size=''  shadow='' ]
[gd_output_location location="detail" list_style="wrap"]

Adding Premium Features to your Breakdance Directory Website

If you wish, now you can add premium features to your directory, such as:

  1. Paid Listings: with the GeoDirectory Listing Price Manager add-on, you can set prices for listing submission. For each price tier, you can enable/disable features such as: Restricting the number of pictures for free listings while allowing more pictures for paid listings. Allowing more or fewer tags and categories. Enabling or disabling specific custom fields. Submitting longer or shorter descriptions.
  2. Claim Listings: This is a fundamental feature for a directory where the admin creates the database and invites business owners to take control of their free listings. The claim listing process may include forcing an upgrade to a paid listing to take over the listing’s ownership.
  3. Advertisingselling ads is another form of monetizing an online directory. If you have a lot of traffic, you can use Ads networks. Otherwise, you may sell ads directly, allowing businesses to add banners in specific areas of your website or allowing for listings to appear as ads, for example, on top of organic search results.

These are just three examples. However, a directory website offers many ways to make money online.

You can create a global marketplace of handcrafted items, sell event tickets, or sell discount coupons.

Learn the fundamental aspects with this essential guide: The essentials of creating a directory website.

The possibilities are endless.

In today’s fast-paced world, fostering strong and connected communities is more important than ever.

A neighborhood directory can be a powerful tool for achieving this goal.

A neighborhood directory enhances communication and fosters a sense of belonging by providing residents with valuable information about their neighbors, local businesses, and community services.

In this article, we will guide you through building a neighborhood directory, empowering you to create a valuable resource that brings neighbors closer and supports local businesses.

Let’s embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of your community.

Why a neighborhood directory is worth it

  • Community Connectivity: A neighborhood directory fosters a sense of community by providing contact information, facilitating interactions, and promoting neighborly support.
  • Communication and Collaboration: It serves as a central hub for exchanging information, coordinating events, and addressing community concerns, enhancing communication and collaboration among residents.
  • Resource and Recommendation Hub: The directory offers a valuable resource for residents, providing information about local businesses, services, and amenities, supporting the local economy, and improving quality of life.
  • Safety and Security: In times of emergency, a neighborhood directory enables quick communication and assistance among neighbors, enhancing safety and security within the community.
  • Sense of Belonging: By promoting social integration and participation, the directory cultivates a strong sense of belonging, contributing to overall well-being and satisfaction within the neighborhood.

Print vs online directories: Why we recommend online

When it comes to creating a neighborhood directory, having an online version is the most efficient and cost-effective solution.

  • Real-time Updates: Online directories provide instant updates, while print directories require reprints or supplements for changes.
  • Accessibility and Convenience: Online directories offer 24/7 access from any device, unlike print directories that rely on physical copies.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Online directories feature interactive elements and easy navigation, unlike print directories’ static format.
  • Cost and Environmental Considerations: Online directories eliminate printing costs and reduce paper waste, unlike print directories that require physical resources.
  • Privacy and Security: Online directories offer privacy controls for sensitive information, whereas print directories have limited control over physical distribution.

So, what is the best tool to create an online neighborhood directory?

The best way is using WordPress, the world’s most popular website-building tool.

They offer a vast array of templates and plugins that make it incredibly easy to create an online directory for your neighborhood.

In this guide, for example, we’ll show you how to build a neighborhood directory with the easy-to-use GeoDirectory plugin, the leading directory builder for WordPress users everywhere.

1. Ask: Why do you need a neighborhood directory?

When identifying the purpose and goals of your neighborhood directory, consider the specific features that would align with those objectives:

  1. Enhancing Community Communication: If your goal is to improve communication, consider incorporating features such as resident profiles, where neighbors can share their contact information and interests. The UsersWp plugin (WordPress User Registration Plugin) is a great integration to your directory builder that enables residents to connect, organize events, or collaborate on community initiatives. Additionally, having a discussion board or community forums encourages dialogue and information exchange among residents.
  2. Supporting Local Businesses: If promoting local businesses is a primary objective, allow local enterprises to showcase their offerings, contact details, and customer reviews in a dedicated section for business listings. Adding an events calendar can also provide opportunities for businesses to advertise special promotions or events within the community.
  3. Sharing Important Community Information: If your focus is on sharing community information, ensure the directory has a section for news and announcements. This can serve as a platform for posting updates, neighborhood projects, and development plans. Additionally, a classified ads section can allow residents to post ads, service recommendations, or real estate listings , further facilitating information sharing.
  4. Improving Neighborhood Safety: For enhancing safety, consider including a safety and emergency resources section. This can provide essential contact numbers, safety tips, and neighborhood watch information. Integration with a reporting system for suspicious activities or a platform to share safety-related information can also be beneficial.
  5. Promoting Social Engagement: To promote social engagement, feature an events calendar where residents can find and participate in community gatherings, workshops, or shared interest groups. Incorporating volunteer opportunities within the directory can also encourage residents to contribute to social causes and engage in community service.

By aligning the features of your online directory with the purpose and goals identified, you can create a comprehensive and tailored resource that addresses the specific needs and objectives of your community.

2. What to include in a neighborhood directory: Your options

Resident Contact Details

  • Names of residents
  • Addresses or general location information
  • Phone numbers or preferred methods of contact
  • Email addresses (if desired)

Business Listings

  • Names and descriptions of local businesses
  • Contact information (phone numbers, websites, emails)
  • Addresses or locations
  • Operating hours
  • Special promotions or discounts (if applicable)

Amenities and Services

  • Information about community amenities (parks, playgrounds, swimming pools)
  • Service providers (plumbers, electricians, handymen)
  • Healthcare facilities (hospitals, clinics, pharmacies)
  • Educational institutions (schools, tutoring centers)
  • Religious organizations (churches, mosques, synagogues)

Community Events and Activities

  • Upcoming events (festivals, fundraisers, block parties)
  • Regularly scheduled activities (book clubs, fitness classes, workshops)
  • Event descriptions, dates, times, and locations

Emergency Contacts and Safety Information:

  • Local emergency services (police, fire department, ambulance)
  • Neighborhood watch information
  • Important phone numbers (poison control, non-emergency services)

A Neighborhood Job Board:

This Job Board could cover “shovel snow from my driveway” or “Cut my lawn” jobs for kids to legitimate Job Listings for local businesses.

Community Resources:

  • Local government offices and representatives
  • Public transportation information
  • Waste management guidelines
  • Recycling centers or programs

Neighborhood Association or Council Information:

  • Details about neighborhood associations or councils
  • Board members or representatives
  • Meeting schedules and locations

Remember, the specific information included in the neighborhood directory should be based on the needs and preferences of the community.

Regular updates and maintenance are crucial to ensure the directory remains accurate and useful to residents.

3. How to gather information for your neighborhood directory

  1. Conduct surveys or questionnaires: Design online or paper surveys to capture residents’ information and preferences. Offer incentives or prizes to encourage participation.
  2. Organize neighborhood social events: Host community gatherings, block parties, or potluck dinners. Create an information booth where residents can provide their contact details and learn about the directory’s purpose.
  3. Create an online submission form: Develop a simple form on your neighborhood’s website or social media platforms where residents can voluntarily submit their contact information and business details.
  4. Collaborate with local schools or community centers: Partner with educational institutions or community centers to collect information from families and businesses during school or community events.
  5. Utilize social media platforms: Create online groups or forums dedicated to the directory. Run targeted online campaigns promoting the directory and encouraging residents to submit their information.
  6. Engage with local organizations: Work with homeowners’ associations, neighborhood watch groups, local businesses, libraries, healthcare providers, and community services to gather information and ensure comprehensive coverage.

4. Install GeoDirectory & Configure Your Settings

Assuming you already have WordPress installed, you’re ready to begin setting up your directory. Installing GeoDirectory is simple and straightforward, just like any other WordPress plugin.

  • From the Dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for the appropriate neighborhood directory plugin (e.g., “Neighborhood Directory Plugin”).
  • Click on “Install” for the desired plugin.
  • After installation, click “Activate” to activate the plugin.

General Settings

  • Establish directory permalinks for SEO optimization, improving the visibility of your neighborhood directory in search engines.
  • Fine-tune search functionality to ensure accurate and efficient search results for residents.
  • Set terms and conditions for listing submissions, tailored to the specific guidelines and requirements of your neighborhood community.
  • Enable security features like a captcha to prevent spam and maintain the integrity of your directory’s content.

Listing Preferences

  • Specify the number of items displayed per page, considering the optimal browsing experience for residents in your neighborhood.
  • Determine the duration of each listing, aligning with the frequency of updates or changes typically observed within the neighborhood.
  • Define the sorting order of items to prioritize specific categories or businesses relevant to your neighborhood.
  • Include a contact form for each listing, facilitating easy communication between residents and local businesses.

Email Settings

  • Decide whether to publicly display owner emails and customize the format of displayed email addresses based on privacy preferences.
  • Configure email notification settings to keep residents informed about updates, events, or important announcements related to the neighborhood.
  • Personalize the appearance of email communications to maintain consistency with your neighborhood directory’s branding.

Payment Configuration

  • Establish payment policies if you plan to monetize your directory, setting up fees for listings based on the value provided to local businesses.
  • Enable recurring payment options for convenience and continuity, allowing businesses to maintain their presence in the neighborhood directory.

Appearance Customization

  • Adjust the visual aspects of your directory to reflect the unique character and aesthetics of your neighborhood.
  • Personalize the appearance of the listing submission button, ensuring it is visually appealing and encourages engagement.
  • Configure options for searching, viewing, and managing listings to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Licenses and Upgrades

  • If you have been using the free version of the plugin, consider upgrading to a premium version for additional features and support.
  • Access a comprehensive knowledge base for further guidance and information specific to your neighborhood directory.

By customizing these settings, you can create a neighborhood directory that is tailored to the unique needs, preferences, and characteristics of your community, enhancing connectivity, supporting local businesses, and providing a valuable resource for residents.

5. Personalize Submission Form Fields

  • Access the ‘CPT > Settings > Custom Fields’ section in your WordPress dashboard.
  • The interface is divided into two sections: ‘Add New CPT Form Field’ on the left for creating new fields, and the right panel displays the existing fields on the ‘Add New CPT Listing Form’.
  • Choose from ‘Standard Fields’, ‘Predefined Fields’, or the ‘Custom Fields’ area to incorporate your own custom fields through custom code.
  • To add a new custom field, click on the desired field in the left panel, and it will be added to the right panel, similar to the WordPress Widget Manager interface.
  • Customize your field and click ‘Save’. Ensure the ‘Is Active?’ option is checked before saving to make the custom field visible on your site.

Some ideas for your neighborhood directory:

  • Add a ‘Neighborhood’ Field: Include a dropdown menu for visitors to find businesses in specific parts of the neighborhood.
  • Customize ‘Categories’ Field: Personalize categories to reflect relevant options for your neighborhood, such as ‘Restaurants’, ‘Parks’, ‘Shopping’, or ‘Hospitals’.
  • Include a ‘Business Hours’ Field: Provide operating hours for listed businesses or services.
  • Integrate a ‘Parking Available’ Checkbox: Indicate whether a location has parking to address parking concerns in the neighborhood.
  • Add ‘Public Transport Links’ Field: Allow users to input information about nearby public transportation options.
  • Create a ‘Special Features’ Field: Provide a text box for listers to highlight unique attributes or services their business offers.

6. Creating Your Categories

By grouping listings into relevant categories such as restaurants, parks, or local services, residents can easily navigate the directory and find the information they need. 

Moreover, categories provide opportunities for targeted advertising, marketing, and promotion within the neighborhood, benefiting both businesses and residents. 

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard and select ‘CPT > CPT Categories’.
  • Use the form on the left side of the page to create a new category.
  • Input the category name, preferably in plural form, and define the category slug for the URL.
  • Optionally, assign the new category as a subcategory under a parent category.
  • Include a brief description and a category top description.
  • Choose a default listing image and select map and category icons if desired.
  • Assign a color to the category, which is used for the map icon and other settings on the site.
  • Set a suitable schema type if available to inform search engines about the data expected.

Submit the new category, and it will be available when adding new listings to your neighborhood directory.

7. Promoting your Neighborhood Directory

So, you’ve created your awesome neighborhood directory, and now it’s time to spread the word and engage the community.

Here are some practical and conversational strategies to promote your directory and make it a thriving hub for residents and local businesses:

Spread the Word Locally

  • Pin up eye-catching posters or distribute flyers in community centers, libraries, and local businesses. Let everyone know about the directory and its benefits.
  • Collaborate with local businesses by asking them to promote the directory on their social media platforms or include information in their customer newsletters.
  • Connect with influential individuals in your neighborhood, like local influencers or community leaders, who can help generate buzz and support for your directory.

Leverage Social Media

  • Create social media accounts dedicated to your neighborhood directory. Share engaging content regularly, such as featured listings, upcoming events, and stories about local businesses.
  • Encourage residents, local businesses, and community organizations to follow and share your social media posts to reach a wider audience.
  • Consider running targeted social media ads to specifically target residents within your neighborhood and neighboring communities.

Collaborate with Neighborhood Associations and Groups

  • Partner with homeowners’ associations, neighborhood watch groups, and other community organizations. They can help promote the directory through their communication channels and events.
  • Offer to give guest presentations or write articles during their meetings or events. Showcase how the directory benefits the community and provide tips on how to make the most of it.

Host Neighborhood Events

  • Bring the directory to life by organizing neighborhood events around it. Think local business fairs, community festivals, or networking gatherings.
  • Emphasize the directory’s features and encourage residents to participate. This way, they can discover new local businesses and connect with their neighbors, fostering a sense of community.

Encourage User-Generated Content

  • Make it interactive! Allow residents to leave reviews, ratings, or recommendations for listed businesses and services. This creates a sense of involvement and community engagement.
  • Run fun contests or campaigns where residents can share their favorite directory listings or success stories. Offer prizes to incentivize participation and generate user-generated content.

Collaborate with Local Media

  • Get the word out by reaching out to local newspapers, radio stations, or community newsletters. Share stories about the directory’s impact, success stories, or unique features.
  • Offer interviews or press releases to gain media coverage and increase awareness within the neighborhood.

Optimize for Local SEO

  • Help residents easily find your directory online by optimizing it for local search engine optimization (SEO). Include relevant keywords, location-specific meta tags, and accurate business information.
  • Create neighborhood-specific landing pages and provide valuable content related to the community. This helps attract organic traffic and boosts your directory’s visibility.

Seek Feedback and Continuously Improve

  • Be open to feedback from residents, local businesses, and directory users. Ask for their thoughts and suggestions to understand their needs better.
  • Actively respond to feedback and make necessary updates or enhancements to improve the user experience and keep the directory relevant and valuable.

By implementing these conversational strategies, you’ll create a buzz around your neighborhood directory, engage residents and local businesses, and make it a go-to resource for everything happening in your vibrant community. Let’s make it happen together!

Ready to give your neighborhood the best directory it’s ever seen?

You made it to the end – congrats!

Crafting a directory that brings neighbors closer, supports local businesses, and fosters a sense of community is now within your reach.

Following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll have the tools to build a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that becomes an invaluable resource for residents and businesses.

Get ready to embark on this journey and witness the positive impact your exceptional directory will have on your neighborhood.

Let’s create an extraordinary resource that connects neighbors and contributes to the growth and vitality of your community.

Here’s an easy-to-understand guide on how to make a Directory Website using the Beaver Builder theme and Beaver Builder plugin:

  1. Install the Beaver Builder theme
  2. Install and setup GeoDirectory
  3. Install the Beaver Builder plugin & Beaver Themer
  4. Design the Directory Website using the Beaver Builder plugin

The Beaver Builder Theme, when used with the GeoDirectory Plugin and Beaver Builder Plugin, is an excellent way to create a flexible online directory. With this combination, you can easily add location-based features, customize the layout, and include dynamic content for a user-friendly experience.

This system allows web developers and designers to build a high-quality directory website for specific industries or broader community needs.
Let’s look at the details of how to do this.

In this tutorial, we will:

Installing Theme and Plugins.

1. Install the Beaver Builder Theme

We need to install a Theme, and for this tutorial, you will install the Beaver Builder Theme.

Go to and purchase the Beaver Builder Pro Plugin, including the Beaver themes & Beaver Themer plugin.

Download these products from the My Account page.

Go to Appearance >> Themes.

Select Add New, Install the Beaver Theme and Child theme, and Activate the Child Beaver Theme.

2. Install the Beaver Builder Pro & Beaver Themer plugin

Beaver Builder Pro and Beaver Themer are powerful WordPress plugins designed to enhance the website building and customization experience.

Go to Plugins >> Add new >> Click Upload plugin

Upload the plugin zip file and Activate both the plugins one by one.

You can Skip all steps of the Setup Wizard.

3. Install GeoDirectory

Finally, you need to install GeoDirectory.

Go to Plugins >> Add new, search GeoDirectory. Please install and activate it. We finished installing the plugins.

Install GeoDirectory plugin

4. GeoDirectory Install Wizard

For the GeoDirectory plugin, you should complete the Setup Wizard to configure the Google Maps API key and import a few dummy listings.

Choosing the Map System (Google Maps or OpenStreetMap)

GeoDirectory Setup Wizard

You can choose between two mapping systems on the wizard’s first step: Google Maps and OpenStreetMaps (which doesn’t require an API key).

In this tutorial, we select OpenStreetMaps.

If you wish to select Google Maps, do the following extra steps.

Click on the Generate Key button and follow the steps of this doc to generate a valid API key.

The essential steps are:

  1. Enable the Keys.
  2. Create or select an existing project.
  3. Get the Key.
  4. Activate a billing account.
  5. Restrict the API key (so it can only be used from the URL of your website)

About point four: it is a requirement. However, you only get charged if you pass the threshold of $200/month.

This free credit is more than enough for 99% of directories.

Setting the default city

Settings the Directory default city

After that, you will set the default location. This is the city for which the directory is created.

We will set Philadelphia as the default city.

You can use whatever location you need.

If you need to add listings to multiple cities, you will need the Location Manager add-on.

Adding extra features


In this step, we will install our UsersWP, a user registration and login plugin that lets users register and log into your website.

This is needed to allow users to add and edit their listings. It will also create user profiles where they can find their listings, reviews, and so on.

We will also install Ninja Forms so that all listings have a contact form that sends emails directly to the listing owners.

AyeCode Connect is not mandatory for this tutorial. It is mainly needed if you want to add GeoDirectory premium add-ons and install them directly from the WordPress Dashboard.

Adding Dummy Data

GeoDirectory Dummy Listings

The last step to complete the installation wizard is adding some dummy listings. This will also add listing categories that you can edit later according to your needs.

You will not add sidebar widgets and menu items right now; we will do that later.

Design the Beaver Builder Directory Website

Now that we have installed the theme and the plugins and done the preliminary setup of GeoDirectory, we can start designing our Directory Website with the Beaver Builder Suite of tools.

First things first: we will need a logo for our website.

You don’t need to invest in a designer to sketch the 1st version of your logo.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a new directory is investing too much time and money before testing the product market fit.

You can design a logo in five minutes with an app like Canva, which is cheap and surprisingly good.

Create your 1st logo draft using

For an MVP (minimum viable product), a logo designed with Canva will be more than enough.

There are several logo templates to choose from, and it doesn’t matter if your initial logo is not as perfect and original as you believe it should be.

If your project gets traction, you can always invest in improving it or radically changing it later.

An average logo is never the leading cause of a failed project.

2. Beaver Builder Directory Home page design

You can create a new page or use one WordPress makes by default, like the Sample Page.

Go to Pages, edit the Sample page, and rename it Home or create a new page for this.

Next, go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage Settings and select your Home.

Setup Homepage

Now set the logo from Appearance>> Customize >> Header >> Header Logo
set. Logo Type: Header and Upload Logo image.

Upload Logo Image

The Navigation Menu

After creating and adding the logo, go to Appearance > Menus and create your menu.

Directory Navigation Menu

Add the links needed (from the left to the right column) and save.

In the Menu Settings > Display location section, you can check the “Main” option.

If you want, you can make the same menu appear on the footer or create another menu to appear there.

In this example, we’ll only have the header navigation menu.

We added seven main navigation links and a few sub-navigation links:

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Blog
  4. Places and add places
  5. Profile
  6. Login
  7. Logout

The Login link (from UsersWP Endpoints) will only appear for Logged-out users, while the log-out, account, and profile links will only appear for logged-in users.

The Typography

Now let’s define the Typography for the website text font and size. I am setting a global Font Family, Font Weight, and Font Size that will be applied to all site text.

we will go to the Appearance > Customiser > General > Layout. we will set the following settings
Width: Full Width
Content Width: 1200

we will go to the Appearance > Customiser > General > Text.

Font Family: Outfit
Font Weight: Light
Font Size: 18
Line Height: 1.45

The Content

I will start building this page from scratch using the Beaver Builder plugin.

We need a hero header on the homepage for that.

Let’s first edit the Homepage in Beaver Builder by clicking on Launch Beaver Builder.

Launch Beaver builder for Homepage

Now drag a row container by Clicking on the plus icon on the Top right.

From the Row style tab set
Width: Full Width
Content Width: Fixed
Minimum Height: 600px
Background Type: Photo
Background Photo Source: Media Library
Position: Center
Scale: Fill

Let’s now drag a header and the GD > Seach Block over the top of this row.

Let’s now add one empty row container, and we will add a GD > Categories block inside of it.

Set the GD > Categories block settings to the following
Design type: Image Background
Row Items: 4
Enable the Use Category Image option

Add a Categories section

You can set the image to a category by editing the category from wp-admin -> places -> Place Categories.

Each category has an option to set a default image

Categories Default Image

Now, we will add an empty row with 1 column layout.

with following settings
Color: rgba(234,240,255,0.64)
Width: Full Width
Content width: Fixed

Now, we will add a header element
Text: Recent Business Listing
Size: 42
Align: Center

Next, we will edit some settings in this GD > Listings block.

We will set: Sorting: recent
Grid: 4

Home Page GD Listings Block settings

We will add a row container with the following settings.
Width: Full Width
Content Width: Full Width

Add the GD > Map block inside of it and keep the settings to default.

Now, at last, we need a CTA at the bottom.

We will add an empty row with a two-column layout and the following settings.
Width: Full Width
Content Width: Fixed

Let’s now add a heading and content in the left column, and in the right column, we will add a button to send users to the add listing page.

Congratulations! Your homepage is Completed.

3. Beaver Builder Directory Website Listings and Search page design

Now, you need to design two essential pages for any directory.

The listings page (general archive, categories, tags) and the search results page.

GeoDirectory creates them by default with a general layout. In this tutorial, we will customize the design of these pages a bit.

The listing and search pages are mostly identical, so we create it once and copy the layout on the other page.

We decided the Listing page layout would be the listings on the left and on the right, a sticky map showing the listings’ precise location.

Listings and Search page inspired by Airbnb search page layout

This is very easy.

Listings page

Go to Beaver Builder > Themer Layout > Add new and select
Title: GD Archive
Type: Themer Layout
Layout: Archive
Click on the Add Theme Layout button

On the next page, select Location: Place Archive.

After saving these settings, click on Launch Beaver Builder. We will add an empty row with 1 column layout.
Width: Full Width
Background color: #577196

We will add an Archive title to it.

Now, let’s add a row with a two-column layout.
Width: Full Width
Content Width: Full Width

Next, on the left container, we will drag GD Archive page-related widgets like GD > Loop ActionGD > LoopGD > Loop Pagination, and GD > Search on top so the user can search from the Archive page.

On the right column, we will drag the GD > Map block.

We will keep all the settings default for the GD > Map. Let’s give it some height, and I have decided to give it a height of 100vh.

GD>Map Block Styles

Add the following style in the theme customizer from  Appearance => Customize => Add CSS.

.geodir-archive .geodir-listings .geodir_location_listing{
    overflow-y: scroll;
    max-height: 100vh;
    padding-right: 15px;

After this, the Listing Archive page is ready.

Another option is to use the GD > Simple Archive block, as explained in this tutorial on building a Directory Website with Elementor.

For the search page, we repeat the same process.

Search page

Go to Beaver Builder > Themer Layout > Add new and select
Title: GD Search
Type: Themer Layout
Click on the Add Theme Layout button

Copy all the content of the GD Archive Themer Layout template and paste it into the GD Search Themer Layout template.

Now Go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages and in the Search Page Themer Layout select GD Search

So now our GD Search and Archive pages are ready.

4. Beaver Builder Directory Website single Listing page design

Go to Beaver Builder > Themer Layout > Add new and select
Title: GD Details
Type: Themer Layout
Layout: Singular
Click on the Add Themer Layout button.

On the next page, select Location: All places

After saving these settings, click on Launch Beaver Builder. We will add an empty row with 1 column layout.
Width: Full Width
Content Width: Full Width
Padding: 0

First, add an image slider at the top of the Listing Detail page.

We will drag the GD > Post Image block in this container with the following settings

Image Limit: 10
Show limit: 3
Output Type: Slider
Auto Start: Enable

Now let’s add a row with two columns layout.

Now, let’s individually add all required GD Detail page shortcodes on the left column.

Which includes GD > post Title, GD > Single TaxonomiesGD > Single Tabs, and GD > Single Next Prev.

We will add GD > Author Action and GD > Output Location block on the right column.

After doing it,, our Listing Detail page is complete.

Adding Premium Features to your Beaver Builder Directory Website

If you wish, now you can add premium features to your directory, such as:

  1. Paid Listings: with the GeoDirectory Listing Price Manager add-on, you can set prices for listing submission. For each price tier, you can enable/disable features such as Restricting the number of pictures for free listings while allowing more images for paid listings and more or fewer tags and categories. Enabling or disabling specific custom fields. Submitting longer or shorter descriptions.
  2. Claim Listings: This is a fundamental feature for a directory where the admin creates the database and invites business owners to take control of their free listings. The claim listing process may include forcing an upgrade to a paid listing to take over the listing’s ownership.
  3. Advertisingselling ads is another form of monetizing an online directory. If you have a lot of traffic, you can use Ads networks. Otherwise, you may sell ads directly, allowing businesses to add banners in specific areas of your website or allowing for listings to appear as ads, for example, on top of organic search results.

These are just three examples. However, a directory website offers many ways to make money online.

You can create a global marketplace of handcrafted items, sell event tickets, or sell discount coupons.

Follow this tutorial for a step-by-step approach: Tutorial: How to create a directory website.

This generic tutorial can be adapted to any theme or page builder.

The possibilities are limitless.

Imagine spending hours manually typing every detail about each student or staff in a spreadsheet. Wouldn’t it be great to have an easier way to do it?

With WordPress, you can create a comprehensive online school directory that’s easy to use and looks professional. Here’s a step-by-step guide on building an online school directory in WordPress with one of the best directory builder plugins on the market: GeoDirectory.

Ready? Let’s go.

What is a school directory?

A school directory is a list of all the students and staff in your school, their contact information, photos, and other relevant details. It’s like a virtual yearbook that makes it easier for students to stay connected with one another.

Why might a school directory come in handy?

  1. Quick Contact Info: It’s a one-stop shop for finding contact details of students, parents, teachers, and staff. No more digging through multiple sources to get in touch with the right person.
  2. Seamless Communication: With a directory, schools can ensure smooth communication among everyone involved. Important updates, announcements, and notifications reach the right people promptly.
  3. Collaboration Made Easy: Finding and reaching out to fellow teachers, students, and staff becomes a breeze. It encourages teamwork, resource sharing, and coordination for projects and extracurricular activities.
  4. Parent Participation: Parents can stay informed and actively engage in their child’s education. They can easily connect with teachers, administrators, and other parents, fostering a solid home-school partnership.
  5. Substitute Teacher Support: When regular teachers are absent, substitute teachers can refer to the directory for classroom locations, contacts, and quick familiarity with staff members they need to communicate with.
  6. Networking Opportunities: The directory acts as a networking tool, helping individuals connect with others with similar interests or expertise. Teachers, parents, and students can find and collaborate with like-minded people.
  7. Alumni Connections: Alumni directories within the school directory facilitate connections between former students and the school community. It keeps alumni engaged, enables knowledge sharing, and allows potential contributions to the school.
  8. Subject-Specific Resources: You can have department-specific directories for students and faculty, making it easy to access subject-related resources, contact details, and specific academic information.
  9. Privacy and Security: While directories provide information, they also ensure privacy and security by controlling access to sensitive data, making sure only authorized individuals can access the directory.
  10. Building a Strong Community: Ultimately, a school directory brings everyone together. It encourages communication, collaboration, and engagement among students, parents, teachers, and staff. It creates a supportive and connected environment.

What to include in a school directory

  • School Contact Details: Provide the school’s official contact information, including the address, phone number, and email address.
  • Administrative Staff: List the names, titles, and contact details of the principal, vice-principal, and other administrative personnel.
  • Teachers and Faculty: Include a directory of teachers and faculty members, their names, subjects taught, and email addresses. Optionally, you can add their office locations or availability hours.
  • Support Staff: Include contact information for support staff members such as guidance counselors, librarians, nurses, and IT technicians.
  • Student Directory (Optional): If permitted and appropriate, you can include a student directory with basic information like student names, grade levels, and classroom assignments. Ensure that privacy regulations and consent are respected.
  • Department Listings: If applicable, create separate sections or listings for various departments such as science, mathematics, arts, athletics, etc. Include contact details of department heads and faculty members.
  • School Calendar: Incorporate a calendar highlighting important dates, events, holidays, and academic schedules.
  • Resources and Services: Provide information on resources available within the school, such as the library, counseling services, extracurricular activities, clubs, and academic support programs.
  • Parent-Teacher Association (PTA): Include contact details for the PTA or parent association, enabling parents to connect with fellow parents and engage in school-related activities.
  • Emergency Contacts: For quick reference, list emergency numbers, school security, and relevant safety protocols.

Ensure that the directory is regularly updated to maintain accuracy and relevancy. Additionally, adhering to privacy guidelines and obtaining necessary consent when including personal information in the directory is essential.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Theme for Your School Directory

The perfect theme is essential when creating a school directory site with WordPress. GeoDirectory offers a range of beautiful and customizable themes with free and premium options ($19 to $39).

These themes are designed for single or multi-city directories and seamlessly integrate with Google Maps. They provide predefined listing types for various school features and events, ensuring a user-friendly experience for listing submissions.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Domain and Hosting

You’ll need a domain and hosting service to bring your school directory website to life. Choose a domain name that reflects your school’s identity and purpose. Opt for simplicity, incorporating your school or region’s name.

Regarding hosting, we recommend Cloudways and its Vultr High-Frequency 1GB plan, which costs only $15 per month and is an excellent choice for 99% of Chamber of Commerce Directories. It offers reliable services for storing your site’s data and making it accessible online.

Step 3: Install GeoDirectory & Configure Your Settings

After securing your domain and hosting, the next step is to install the GeoDirectory plugin. This plugin is essential for creating a functional school directory, offering a range of tools to manage staff and faculty profiles, event management, and school facilities and amenities.

Here’s how to install the GeoDirectory plugin:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  2. In the search field, enter “GeoDirectory” and click Enter.
  3. Look for the “GeoDirectory – Business Directory Plugin” and select the “Install” button.
  4. Once the installation is complete, click on the “Activate” button.

Next, you’ll want to tap into the vast array of features specifically designed to meet the needs of school directories:

  • Easy Listing Management: With GeoDirectory, you can manage and organize listings for different departments, classes, clubs, or school facilities. Keep track of relevant details such as contact information, descriptions, and photos.
  • Events Management: Organize and promote school events, including parent-teacher meetings, performances, workshops, or sports tournaments. GeoDirectory allows you to create event listings with dates, locations, and descriptions.
  • Staff and Faculty Profiles: Showcase your school’s dedicated teachers and staff by creating profiles highlighting their qualifications, areas of expertise, and contact information. This helps students and parents connect with the right educators easily.
  • Parent Reviews and Ratings: Enable parents to share feedback and rate their experiences with various aspects of the school, such as classes, extracurricular activities, or support services. This valuable feedback can assist other parents in making informed decisions.
  • School Facilities and Amenities: Highlight the different facilities and amenities available within the school, such as libraries, sports facilities, laboratories, or cafeterias. GeoDirectory allows you to create listings for each facility, providing essential details and photos.

Step 4: Personalize Submission Form Fields

Here’s how you can tailor the form fields in GeoDirectory for your school directory:

  • Access the WordPress dashboard and navigate to ‘CPT > Settings > Custom Fields’.
  • In the interface, you’ll find two sections. On the left, ‘Add New CPT Form Field’ allows you to create new fields. The ‘Add New CPT Listing Form’ on the right displays the currently available fields.
  • You can choose from ‘Standard Fields’, ‘Predefined Fields’, or utilize the ‘Custom Fields’ area to incorporate your custom fields through custom code specifically designed for your school directory needs.
  • To add a new custom field, select your desired field from the left panel, which will be added to the right panel. The process is similar to using the WordPress Widget Manager interface.
  • Once you’ve customized the field, click ‘Save’. Remember to check the ‘Is Active?’ option to ensure the field is visible on your school directory website.

Consider these customization ideas for your school directory:

  • Additional Field for Grade Levels: Include a dropdown menu or checkboxes to specify the grade levels associated with each listing, helping users find relevant resources for specific grade levels.
  • Subject or Department Field: Add a field to specify the subject or department related to each listing, allowing users to search and filter resources by subject or department.
  • Extracurricular Activities Field: Include a field where schools can provide information about various extracurricular activities, such as sports teams, clubs, music groups, and more.
  • Facilities and Amenities Field: Create a field to highlight the facilities and amenities available within the school, such as libraries, science labs, sports facilities, playgrounds, and cafeteria.
  • Staff Profiles Field: Provide a section where schools can showcase profiles of teachers and staff members, including their qualifications, areas of expertise, and contact information.

By customizing the form fields in GeoDirectory to suit your school directory’s unique needs, you can create a comprehensive and tailored platform that effectively presents your school’s offerings, resources, and staff information to students, parents, and the school community.

Step 5: Creating Your Categories

Creating a well-structured category system is essential for maintaining organization and usability in a school directory website with many listings.

GeoDirectory themes can establish hierarchical categories, including parent and subcategories, tailored specifically for school directories.

To begin, follow these steps within your WordPress dashboard by selecting ‘CPT > CPT Categories’:

  • Name: Enter the category name you want to create, such as ‘Subjects,’ ‘Extracurricular Activities,’ or ‘Facilities.’ It’s recommended to use descriptive plural terms. This field is required. Here’s an example below:
  • Slug: Define the category slug, which is part of the URL leading to the category’s page. For example, ‘subjects,’ ‘activities,’ or ‘facilities’.
  • Parent Category: If applicable, position your new category as a subcategory under a parent category. This helps to organize listings hierarchically. For instance, ‘Sports’ could be a parent category, with ‘Football,’ ‘Basketball,’ and ‘Swimming’ as subcategories.
  • Description: Optionally, provide a brief description of the category, offering additional context or details about the listings it encompasses.
  • Category Top Description: This text will appear at the top of the category’s listings page, serving as an introduction or providing essential information related to that specific category.
  • Default Listing Image: Choose a default image representing listings within this category. It could be an icon, photo, or graphic that visually represents the nature of the category.
  • If desired, select a map icon from your media files to represent this category visually on any maps displayed in the directory.
  • Category Icon: Set a category icon that represents the category visually. This icon can be utilized within the directory for easy recognition and navigation.
  • Category Color: Choose a color that corresponds to the category, providing visual differentiation and aiding in categorization throughout the directory.
  • Schema Type: If a suitable schema type is available for your category, select it. This helps search engines understand the data within the category and may enhance search result display.

Once you’ve filled in these fields, save your new category. It will now be available when adding new listings to your school directory. By structuring categories effectively, you’ll enhance the organization and usability of your school directory, making it easier for users to navigate and find relevant information.

How to get people to use your school directory

Now that you know how to build an online school directory, it’s time to encourage sign-ups and engagement. Here are some ways you can do that:

  1. Student Ambassadors: Recruit enthusiastic student ambassadors to promote the school directory among their peers. These ambassadors can share the benefits, demonstrate how to sign up, and organize engaging activities or contests to incentivize student participation.
  2. In-Class Presentations: Collaborate with teachers to allocate time for in-class presentations about the school directory. Explain its advantages, demonstrate the registration process, and answer students’ questions. Make it interactive and emphasize how the directory can benefit them.
  3. Exclusive Student Features: Offer exclusive features within the directory tailored explicitly to students, such as a platform to connect with classmates for group projects, access to academic resources, or a forum to share interests and hobbies. Highlight these features to make the directory more appealing to students.
  4. Staff Engagement: Engage staff members by highlighting the benefits of the directory in staff meetings or professional development sessions. Demonstrate how it can streamline communication, facilitate collaboration, and provide convenient resource access.
  5. Contests and Incentives: Organize contests or incentives exclusive to students and staff who sign up on the directory. For example, offer prizes for the most active users, encourage participation in surveys or feedback sessions, or reward staff members who consistently update their profiles with special recognition.
  6. Integration with School Activities: Integrate the directory into school activities and events. For instance, during orientation days or parent-teacher meetings, have a dedicated booth or station where students and staff can sign up and explore the directory’s features.
  7. Student Portfolios: Position the directory as a platform for students to showcase their achievements, projects, or portfolios. Emphasize how it can be a digital record of their educational journey and support college or job applications.
  8. Collaboration Opportunities: Highlight how the directory can foster collaboration among students and staff. Showcase its features that enable group discussions, shared document repositories, or project management tools to encourage sign-ups.
  9. Peer Recommendations: Encourage students and staff who have already signed up to share their positive experiences with their peers. Word-of-mouth recommendations from trusted school community members can be influential in driving sign-ups.
  10. Simple Registration Process: Ensure the registration process is simple, user-friendly, and age-appropriate. Minimize the required fields and offer assistance or tutorials to help students and staff complete the sign-up process effortlessly.

Tailoring these strategies to students and staff members’ specific needs and preferences will increase the likelihood of sign-ups and create an engaged school directory community.

Ready to give your school an online presence?

Building an online school directory in WordPress offers a transformative solution for enhancing communication, collaboration, and community engagement within educational institutions.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a comprehensive directory that connects students, parents, teachers, and staff in a user-friendly and efficient manner. Every aspect of theme selection to customization and strategic sign-up incentives contributes to a thriving digital hub that strengthens the educational ecosystem.

Start connecting, collaborating, and transforming your educational environment today!

Picture this: a thriving ecosystem where businesses flourish, professionals connect, and local economies thrive.

At the heart of this success lies a Chamber of Commerce Directory.

A dynamic tool that ignites collaboration and fuels economic growth.

In this article, we present a comprehensive guide to building your own powerful hub, seamlessly connecting businesses and professionals within your community.

Whether you represent a Chamber of Commerce, aspire to join a directory, or have bold entrepreneurial ambitions, this step-by-step guide equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to construct a robust Chamber of Commerce Directory.

Ready? Let’s go.

What is a chamber of commerce directory?

First, a chamber of commerce can be a voluntary or mandatory association that brings together business firms from various trades and industries.

So, a chamber of commerce directory is an online platform that lists all the members of these chambers, giving you a comprehensive overview of your local business landscape.

By unifying members through a searchable directory, you can make it easier for local businesses and customers to find each other.

Whether they’re looking for partners, suppliers or services within their community, your directory can make it happen.

What do I need to get started?

To kickstart your Chamber of Commerce Directory, you’ll need a few essential tools and resources.

Here’s a handy list to get you started:

  1. Website Builder: Let’s go with WordPress! It’s a popular website creation choice thanks to its user-friendly interface and flexibility. You’ll find plenty of customization options and a vast library of plugins to make your directory shine.
  2. Directory Plugin: Speaking of Directory plugin, GeoDirectory is your go-to directory builder. It offers robust features like member profiles, search functionality, interactive maps, and more. It’ll be the backbone of your directory management.
  3. Membership Management: Consider using UsersWP. This plugin make it a breeze to handle member accounts, subscriptions, and access control based on membership levels (subscriptions, and access control coming soon). They keep your directory organized and secure.
  4. Contact Forms: We recommend Ninja Forms or if you are using our Block Theme called Blockstrap, its internal Contact Form Block. These tools help you create customized contact forms, making it easy for members and visitors to connect with you or the listing owners. Stay accessible and responsive to inquiries.
  5. Payment Gateway: Get paid hassle-free by integrating PayPal or Stripe. These trusted payment gateways handle secure transactions, allowing you to collect membership fees and process payments seamlessly.
  6. SEO Plugin: Boost your directory’s visibility with Yoast SEO or Rankmath. These plugins help you optimize your website for search engines, allowing potential members to find you more quickly and improving your overall ranking.
  7. Analytics: Gain insights into your directory’s performance with Google Analytics. It’s a powerful tool for tracking website traffic, visitor behavior, and engagement. Stay informed and make data-driven decisions.

Remember, this is just a starting point! Depending on your specific needs and goals, there are countless additional plugins and resources available to enhance further and customize your Chamber of Commerce Directory.

The Setup: Creating your Chamber of Commerce Directory

Step 1: Selecting a theme

Choosing an appropriate theme is crucial for a WordPress Chamber of Commerce Directory site. GeoDirectory has various attractive, fully customizable themes, both free and premium ($19 to $39).

The newest is the free WordPress Directory Theme. A full site editing block theme.

It is tailored for single or multi-city directories, effortlessly integrates with Google Maps, and offers predefined listing types for business aspects and events, simplifying submissions.

Step 2: Set up domain registration and hosting

To activate your Chamber of Commerce directory website, secure a domain and hosting service. At GeoDirectory,We recommend Cloudways and its Vultr High-Frequency 1GB plan which costs only $15 per month and is an excellent choice for 99% of Chamber of Commerce Directories.

Pick a simple domain name representing your Chamber of Commerce’s identity.

Step 3: Install GeoDirectory & Configure Your Settings

After establishing your domain and hosting, the subsequent step is to install the GeoDirectory plugin.

This plugin is indispensable for setting up a fully operational chamber of commerce directory, providing tools to manage member profiles, event scheduling, and chamber facilities and services.

Here’s how to install the GeoDirectory plugin:

  1. From your Dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. In the search box, type “GeoDirectory” and press Enter.
  3. Search for the “GeoDirectory – Business Directory Plugin” and press the “Install” button.
  4. After the installation concludes, click the “Activate” button.

Next, you’ll want to use all the features tailored for a chamber of commerce directory:

  • Efficient Business Listing Management: With GeoDirectory, effortlessly manage and organize business listings, complete with contact information, descriptions, and photos. This feature allows for easy access and referencing of all registered businesses within the chamber.
  • Event Management: Organize, manage, and promote chamber events such as business mixers, workshops, or local expos. GeoDirectory lets you create detailed event listings with dates, locations, and descriptions, helping ensure your chamber community is well-informed.
  • Member and Business Profiles: Highlight the unique offerings and skills of your chamber members by creating comprehensive profiles. These can include details such as their business specialties, areas of expertise, and contact information, facilitating networking within the chamber.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Enable businesses to share feedback and rate their experiences with various aspects of the chamber, including events, services, and networking opportunities. This feature helps ensure quality control and can assist others in making informed decisions about participation.
  • Chamber Facilities and Amenities: Spotlight the resources available through the chamber, such as meeting rooms, event spaces, and business support services. GeoDirectory allows you to create detailed listings for each resource, ensuring your members know the full range of benefits.

How will you categorize the businesses in the chamber of commerce?

When building your Chamber of Commerce Directory, effectively categorizing businesses is crucial for seamless navigation and an optimal user experience.

Follow these steps to categorize the businesses in your directory:

  1. Identify Relevant Categories: Determine the main categories that will encompass the businesses in your directory. Consider industry sectors such as retail, hospitality, healthcare, professional services, manufacturing, technology, construction, and food services. These overarching categories will serve as the foundation for organizing your directory.
  2. Subcategories: Break down the main categories into relevant subcategories. For instance, under the retail category, you might have subcategories like clothing, electronics, home goods, sports equipment, and beauty products. Under professional services, you could have subcategories like legal services, accounting, marketing, and consulting. This helps users quickly locate businesses within their desired industry.
  3. Specializations or Attributes: Consider including additional categories or subcategories based on specialized services or unique attributes. Examples could include eco-friendly businesses, women-owned businesses, minority-owned businesses, locally sourced products, or businesses catering to specific customer needs, such as pet-friendly establishments, vegan options, or accessibility services. This allows users to discover businesses with specific qualities or specialties.
  4. User-Friendly Design: Ensure your category structure is intuitive and easy to understand. Use clear labels and logical hierarchies, and consider implementing a search function to enhance navigation. Make it effortless for users to find the services they need within your directory.

Creating categories on GeoDirectory

GeoDirectory allows you to set up hierarchical categories, including primary categories and subcategories, explicitly designed for chamber directories.

To start, navigate through your WordPress dashboard and select ‘CPT > CPT Categories’:

Name: Input the name of the category you wish to create, such as ‘Industries’, ‘Events’, or ‘Services’. Descriptive plural terms are recommended. This field is obligatory. For example:

  • Slug: Identify the category slug, which will form part of the URL leading to the category’s page. For example, ‘industries’, ‘events’, or ‘services’.
  • Parent Category: If suitable, position your new category as a subcategory under a main category. This aids in hierarchical organization of listings. For instance, ‘Restaurants‘ could be a primary category, with ‘Italian’, ‘Asian’, and ‘Mexican’ as subcategories.
  • Description: Optionally, offer a concise description of the category, providing further context or details about the listings it covers.
  • Category Top Description: This text will be displayed at the top of the category’s listings page, introducing or delivering important information about that specific category.
  • Default Listing Image: Pick a default image representing listings within this category. It could be an icon, photo, or graphic that visually symbolizes the nature of the category.
  • Map Icon: If you wish, select a map icon from your media files to visually denote this category on any maps shown in the directory.
  • Category Icon: Assign a category icon that visually symbolizes the category. This icon can be used within the directory for easy recognition and navigation.
  • Category Color: Choose a color that matches the category, offering visual differentiation and assisting in categorization throughout the directory.
  • Schema Type: If a suitable schema type is available for your category, select it. This aids search engines in comprehending the data within the category and may improve search result display.

After filling in these fields, save your new category. It will now be accessible when adding new listings to your chamber directory. By effectively structuring categories, you’ll improve the organization and usability of your chamber directory, simplifying navigation and information retrieval for users.

Personalize the form submission fields for businesses to register

Here’s how you can adjust the form fields in GeoDirectory to suit your chamber of commerce directory:

First, enter the WordPress dashboard and go to ‘CPT > Settings > Custom Fields’.

Within the interface, there are two sections. The left one, ‘Add New CPT Form Field’, lets you generate new fields. On the right, ‘Add New CPT Listing Form’ shows the currently available fields.

GeoDirectory provides ‘Standard Fields’, ‘Predefined Fields’, and a ‘Custom Fields’ area to integrate your custom fields through custom code, precisely designed for chamber directory needs. To add a new custom field, select your desired field from the left panel, which will appear in the right panel. This is similar to using the WordPress Widget Manager interface.

After adjusting the field, click ‘Save’. Make sure to mark the ‘Is Active?’ option to make the field visible on your chamber directory website.

Consider these customization suggestions for your chamber directory:

  • Membership Type Field: Include a dropdown menu or checkboxes to identify the types of memberships associated with each listing, aiding users in finding pertinent resources.
  • Business Sector Field: Add a field to designate the business sector related to each listing, enabling users to search and filter resources by industry.
  • Events and Activities Field: Incorporate a field where businesses can share information about events or networking activities they participate in.
  • Services and Amenities Field: Construct a field to spotlight the services and amenities offered by the chamber or by the businesses, such as meeting rooms, networking events, or business support services.
  • Business Profiles Field: Provide an area where businesses can display profiles, including their specializations, areas of expertise, and contact information.

By tailoring the form fields in GeoDirectory to meet your chamber directory’s specific needs, you can construct a detailed and customized platform that effectively displays your chamber’s offerings, resources, and business information to members, potential members, and the community.

Make it easy for locals to find businesses.

You should also ensure that you have advanced search tools that make it easy for locals to find businesses.

  1. For example, you can integrate a search bar on your directory page that allows users to filter their search results by location, city, or zip code. This way, they don’t have to manually scroll through the entire list of businesses in your chamber of commerce.
  2. You can also add filters such as business type, services offered, and hours of operation. These filters make it easier for users to find the businesses they need quickly and conveniently.
  3. You can also integrate a map feature with an embedded Google Map so that users can easily search for businesses based on their locations. This allows them to narrow down their search results by visualizing where the businesses are located.
  4. Don’t forget featured listings! This is a great way to showcase top-tier businesses in your chamber of commerce or with unique offerings that would benefit members or potential members. You can offer additional benefits to these featured businesses, such as higher visibility on search results and priority for the proper customization. Your chamber directory can become a powerful resource for businesses in your community.

With the proper customization and search tools, you can create an easy-to-use chamber directory that makes it simple for locals to find businesses in their area.

How do you get people to signup and use your Chamber of commerce directory

1. “The Local Expert” Webinar Series

Host a series of webinars showcasing local businesses listed on the directory. This not only provides valuable insights to attendees but also shows the diverse range of businesses featured in the directory. Encourage sign-ups during these sessions by offering exclusive access to webinar recordings or supplemental materials.

2. The “Directory Challenge” Game

Create an interactive game or challenge that requires users to sign up and use the directory to find answers. For example, a virtual scavenger hunt through the directory or a ‘guess the business’ trivia game. Reward the winners with discounts or free consultations with businesses in the directory.

3. Social Media Directory Highlights

Regularly spotlight businesses from the directory on your social media channels. Use creative formats like Instagram stories, Facebook Live interviews, or TikTok challenges. This not only increases visibility for the featured businesses but also promotes the diversity and value of the directory.

4. “Member of the Month” Feature

Recognize and promote an active directory member each month. Feature their story on your website, newsletters, and social media. This could motivate others to sign up and engage more with the directory to gain similar recognition.

5. Engage Influencers

Partner with local influencers who can authentically promote the value of the directory to their followers. An influencer could host a live “day in the life” tour of different businesses they visit from the directory or share their favorite picks.

6. Exclusive Deals & Flash Sales

Collaborate with businesses in the directory to offer time-limited deals or flash sales exclusively for directory users. Promote these sales heavily on social media channels and email newsletters to drive sign-ups.

7. Easy Peasy Sign-up Process

Create a simple and quick sign-up tutorial video. Post this on your website and social media channels, highlighting the ease of use and value of the directory.

8. Partner with Local Events

Work with local festivals, sports events, or other gatherings to promote the directory. Perhaps directory members can offer special promotions during these events, or you could host a directory signup booth.

These creative strategies, when implemented effectively, will generate excitement and boost engagement, resulting in more sign-ups and active users for your Chamber of Commerce directory.

Ready to build your chamber of commerce directory?

All in all, a well-curated and actively engaged Chamber of Commerce directory can serve as an invaluable asset to your local business community.

Implementing creative strategies such as webinars, interactive games, social media promotion, and collaboration with local influencers and events will significantly boost sign-ups and usage.

Remember, the key to a thriving directory lies in continually innovating and tailoring your engagement efforts to the unique needs and interests of your audience.

Here’s to a thriving and vibrant Chamber of Commerce directory that serves as a valuable hub for local businesses and consumers alike.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a Directory Website using the Neve theme and Otter blocks plugin:

  1. Install the Neve theme
  2. Install and setup GeoDirectory
  3. Install the Otter plugin
  4. Design the Directory Website using the Neve theme and the Gutenberg Editor

The Neve Theme, when used alongside the GeoDirectory Plugin and the Otter Plugin, provides a comprehensive and adaptable platform for developing a sophisticated online directory.

Utilizing this combination, users can effortlessly incorporate location-centric functionalities, refine layout configurations, and add dynamic content blocks, guaranteeing a user-friendly and immersive interface.

This cohesive system empowers web developers and designers to construct a top-tier directory website that caters to specific industry demands or wider community requirements.

Let’s delve into the specifics of how this can be achieved.

In this tutorial, we will:

Installing Theme and Plugins.

1. Install the Neve Theme

We need to install a Theme, and for this tutorial, you will install the Neve Theme.

Go to Appearance >> Themes

Select Add New, Install, and Activate the Neve Theme.

Install Neve theme

2. Install the Otter plugin

The default Gutenberg plugin is not enough to style a template so we will install the Otter plugin.

This plugin provides customized blocks that are better than the default and will help you design the page templates.

Go to Plugins >> Add new.

Search for Otter. Install it and Activate it.

Install Otter Plugin

You can Skip all steps of the Setup Wizard.

3. Install GeoDirectory

Finally, you need to install GeoDirectory.

Go to Plugins >> Add new, search GeoDirectory. Please install and activate it, and we finished installing the plugins.

Install GeoDirectory plugin

4. GeoDirectory Install Wizard

For GeoDirectory, you will need to complete the Setup Wizard to configure the Google Maps API key and import a few dummy listings.

Choosing the Map System (Google Maps or OpenStreetMap)

GeoDirectory Setup Wizard

You can choose between two mapping systems on the wizard’s first step. Google Maps and Open Street Maps (which doesn’t require an API key).

In this tutorial, we select OpenStreetMaps.

In case you wish to select Google Maps, do the following extra steps.

Click on the Generate Key button and follow the steps of this doc to generate a valid API key.

The essential steps are:

  1. Enable the Keys.
  2. Create or select an existing project.
  3. Get the Key.
  4. Activate a billing account.
  5. Restrict the API key (so it can only be used from the URL of your website)

About point four: it is a requirement. However, you only get charged if you pass the threshold, which is $200/month.

This free credit is more than enough for 99% of directories.

Setting the default city

Settings the Directory default city

After that, you will set the default location. This is the city for which the directory is created.

We will set Philadelphia as the default city.

You can use whatever location you need.

If you need to add listings to more than one city, you will need the Location Manager add-on.

Adding extra features


In this step, we will install our UsersWP, a user registration plugin that lets users register and log into your website.

This is needed to allow users to add and edit their listings. It will also create user profiles where they can find their listings, reviews, and so on.

We will also install Ninja Forms so that all listings have a contact form that sends emails directly to the listing owners.

AyeCode Connect is not mandatory for this tutorial. It is mainly needed if you want to add GeoDirectory premium add-ons and install them directly from the WordPress Dashboard.

Adding Dummy Data

GeoDirectory Dummy Listings

The last step to complete the installation wizard is adding some dummy listings. This will also add listing categories that you can edit later according to your needs.

You will not add sidebar widgets and menu items right now, as we will do that later.

Design the Neve Directory Website

Now that we installed the theme and the plugins and done the preliminary setup of GeoDirectory, we can start designing our Directory Website with the Neve Suite of tools.

1. Neve Directory Home page design

You can create a new page or use one WordPress creates by default, like the Sample Page.

Go to Pages, edit the Sample page, and rename it Home or create a new page for this.

Next, go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage Settings and select your Home.

First thing first, we will need a logo for our website.

You don’t need to invest in a designer to sketch the 1st version of your logo.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a new directory is investing too much time and money before testing the product market fit.

You can design a logo in five minutes with an app like Canva, which is cheap and surprisingly good.

Create your 1st logo draft using

For an MVP (minimum viable product), a logo designed with Canva will be more than enough.

There are several logo templates to choose from, and it doesn’t matter if your initial logo is not as perfect and original as you believe it should be.

If your project gets traction, you can always invest in improving it or radically changing it later.

An average logo is never the leading cause of a failed project.

After designing your logo, go to Appearance > Customize > Header, click the Change logo link, and upload your PNG file. Skip cropping (or crop the image as needed), in Logo Layout select the option Logo and click publish.

Generatepress Directory Logo

The Navigation Menu

After creating and adding the logo, go to Appearance > Menus, and create your menu.

Neve Directory Navigation Menu

Add the links needed (from the left column to the right column) and save. In the Menu Settings > Display location section, you can check the “Main” option.

If you want, you can make the same menu appear on the footer or create another menu to appear there.

In this example, we’ll only have the header navigation menu.

We added seven main navigation links and a few sub-navigation links:

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Blog
  4. Places and add places
  5. Profile
  6. Login
  7. Logout

The Login link (from UsersWP Endpoints) will only appear for Logged-out users, while the log-out, account, and profile links will only appear for logged-in users.

The Typography

Now let’s define the Typography for the website text font and size. I am setting a global Font Family, Font Weight, and Font Size that will be applied to all site text.

we will go to the Appearance > Customiser > Typography > General > Body. we will set the 
Font Family: Inter 
Additional Font Varients: Regular 400, Medium 500, Semi-Bold 600, Bold 700, Extra Bold 800, Black 900
Transform: None
Weight: 400
Font Size: 16
Line Height: 1.7
Font Family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif

From Appearance > Layout > Pages set the Header Layout: Cover

The Content

I will start building this page from scratch using the Otter plugin.

We need a hero header on the homepage for that, let’s add a Row block provided by WordPress.


We will add a Section block with a full-size Layout.


Verticle alignment: Align the middle (shown in the screenshot) in the Section block settings and set the Section Structure settings to.
Minimum Height: Custom
Custom Height: 600


Next, check the block setting and set the Background image.

For the Hero Section, we will need an image, and we will download a free image from (Thanks, @rachel-claire).


Select Background overlay settings, set
Overlay Opacity: 50
Background Overlay Color: #000000 (Black)


Hero image overlay color settings

Now that we have made the hero image darker, we can add text.

Click the center of the image (a plus button is barely visible). This will allow you to select a new block. Add a Section block.
Click the center of the image again and add an “Advanced Heading” block.
In the Text block, add text like: “Find The Best Restaurant Philadelphia”.

Block select H1 as HTML Tag. Text Alignment Center. (shown in the screenshot.)

In the Advanced Heading block style settings
Font Size: 48
Font Transform: Capitalize
Text Color: #FFFFFF


At this point, we can add the search form to the hero section of our Neve directory website.
Click on the + button at the lower-right corner of the Title Section to add a new section.
In order to add GD search on the homepage header, Drag the GD > Search block inside the hero container.


Now let’s add the following settings to the parent Section block.
In the Structure settings set
Maximum Content Width: 1170
Horizontal Align: Center


Now we will add some space below the hero section. Let’s use a spacer block and set height = 40.


It’s time to add a few more required sections to the homepage, click on the plus icon and add a Section block with full-size Layout.


Change the Section block settings and update the Section Structure settings to
Maximum Content Width: 1170 and Horizontal Align: Center.


Now we will add an empty section below the hero header and add the GD > Categories block in that grid.

Set block options to the following
Design type: Image Background
Row Items: 4
Enable Use Category Image


You can set the image to a category by editing the category from wp-admin -> places -> Place Categories.

Each category has an option to set a default image


Now, let’s proceed to add the third section to our website. we will call it “Recent Business Listing“.
Click on the plus icon and search for ‘Advanced Heading‘ and once added, configure the text settings as follows: Set the HTML tag to H3 and align it to the center.


Add a GD > Listing block by clicking on the plus icon and then accessing the block settings. Make sure to enable the Show Advanced Settings option.


In the block Style tab, please update the Layout: Grid View (Four Columns).


Change the number of posts to show: 8 and ensure that you check the ‘Enable location filter‘ option and set the Sort By: Latest.


Now let’s add an empty Column with Content and Wide to 100.


Add the GD > Map block to it and keep the settings to default.


Congratulations! Your homepage is Completed.


2. Neve Directory Website Listings and Search page design

Listings page

Now you need to design two pages that are essential for any directory.

The listings page (general archive, categories, tags), and the search results page.

GeoDirectory creates them by default with a general layout. In this tutorial, we will customize the layout of these pages a bit.

The listing and search pages are mostly identical so we create it once and just copy the layout on the other page.

We decided the Listing page layout would be the listings on the left, and on the right, a sticky map showing the listings’ precise location.

Listings and Search page inspired by Airbnb search page layout

This is very easy.

Go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Archive page template


Remove all the content from this GD Archive page template.

we will set the page settings to the following
Sidebar Layout: No Sidebar
Footer Widget: Default
Content Container: Full Width


Now, add a Section block with a 1:1 layout.


Now on the left container, we will drag GD Archive page-related widgets like GD > Loop Action, GD > Loop, GD > Loop Pagination, and GD > Search on top so the user can search from the Archive page.


In the right column, drag the GD > Map block, and we’ll leave all the settings at their default settings. However, we’ll set the height of the GD > Map block to 100vh.


To give it a final touch we will add the following CSS in the theme customizer from Appearance => Customize => Add CSS

.geodir-archive .container.grid-container{
.geodir-archive .wp-block-geodirectory-geodir-widget-loop .geodir-loop-container .geodir-listing-posts{
    overflow-y: scroll;
    max-height: 100vh;

Since the Neve theme has a minor compatibility issue with the GD > Archive page title. we will create a title container at the top of this page.

we will drag an empty section and set the block setting to
Background: #444444
Padding: 50 px, 20 px, 50 px, 20 px
we will drag the Archive title block inside it.

After this, the Listing Archive page is now ready.

Another option is to use the GD > Simple Archive block as explained in this tutorial on how to Build a Directory Website with Elementor.

For the search page, we repeat the same process.

Search page

Go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Search page template

Remove all the content from this GD Search page template.

Copy all the content of the GD Archive page and paste it into the GD Search page.

So now our GD Search and Archive page is ready.

3. Neve Directory Website single Listing page design

Now to edit and customize the GD Detail page, You can go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Detail page template.


In this template, you will already find default content generated by Geodirectory.
we will remove all these default content and add a new Section block.


First, let’s add an image slider at the top of the Listing Details page.


we will drag the GD > Post Image block in this container with the following settings

Image Limit: 10
Show limit: 3
Output Type: Slider
Auto Start: Enable


Now we will add one more Section block below it with a 2:1 layout.


We will change the Section block settings and update the Section Structure settings to Maximum Content Width: 1170 and Horizontal Align: Center


Now let’s add all the required GD Detail page shortcodes on the left column one by one.

Which includes GD > Post Title, GD > Single Taxonomies, and GD > Single Tabs.
On the right column, we will add GD > Author Action and GD > Output Location block.


Now let’s add a class( single-gd-section ) to this entire parent section to give it a final touch.


Finally, add the following CSS in the theme customizer from Appearance => Customize => Add CSS


After doing so, our Listing Details page has been completed.


Adding Premium Features to your Neve Directory Website

If you wish, now you can add premium features to your directory, such as:

  1. Paid Listings: with the GeoDirectory Listing Price Manager add-on, you can set prices for listing submission. For each price tier, you can enable/disable features such as: Restricting the number of pictures for free listings while allowing more pictures for paid listings. Allowing more or fewer tags and categories. Enabling or disabling specific custom fields. Submitting longer or shorter descriptions.
  2. Claim Listings: This is a fundamental feature for a directory where the admin creates the database and invites business owners to take control of their free listings. The claim listing process may include forcing an upgrade to a paid listing to take over the listing’s ownership.
  3. Advertisingselling ads is another form of monetizing an online directory. If you have a lot of traffic, you can use Ads networks. Otherwise, you may sell ads directly, allowing businesses to add banners in specific areas of your website or allowing for listings to appear as ads, for example, on top of organic search results.

These are just three examples. However, a directory website offers many ways to make money online.

You can create a global marketplace of handcrafted items, sell event tickets, or sell discount coupons.

Begin building your site today with this detailed guide: Your guide to building a directory website. This is a generic tutorial that can be adapted to any theme or page builder.

The possibilities are endless.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a Directory Website using the Ollie theme for WordPress:

  1. Install the Ollie theme
  2. Install and setup GeoDirectory
  3. Design the Directory Website using the OllieWP theme and the Gutenberg Editor

GeoDirectory is fully compatible with FSE Block Themes like Ollie, so we won’t need a page builder or an extra blocks plugin, in this case.

GeoDirectory offers a robust and flexible solution for crafting a dynamic online directory using any theme or page builder.

In this tutorial, we will show how to build a directory website with the OllieWP Theme in combination with the GeoDirectory Plugin.

This duo allows users to seamlessly integrate location-based features, customize layout designs, and incorporate interactive content blocks, ensuring an intuitive and engaging user experience.

With this integrated approach, web developers and designers can easily achieve a professional-grade directory site tailored to specific niche markets or broader community needs.

Let’s see how we can do that in detail.

In this tutorial, we will:

Installing Theme and Plugins.

1. Install the OllieWP Theme

We need to install a Theme, and for this tutorial, you will install the OllieWP Theme.

Go to Appearance >> Themes

Select Add New, Install, and Activate the OllieWP Theme.

Install OllieWP theme
Install OllieWP theme

2. Install GeoDirectory

Finally, you need to install GeoDirectory.

Go to Plugins >> Add new, search GeoDirectory. Please install and activate it, and we finished installing the plugins.

Install GeoDirectory plugin

3. GeoDirectory Install Wizard

For GeoDirectory, you will need to complete the Setup Wizard to configure the Google Maps API key and import a few dummy listings.

Choosing the Map System (Google Maps or OpenStreetMap)

GeoDirectory Setup Wizard

You can choose between two mapping systems on the wizard’s first step. Google Maps and Open Street Maps (which doesn’t require an API key).

In this tutorial, we select OpenStreetMaps.

In case you wish to select Google Maps, do the following extra steps.

Click on the Generate Key button and follow the steps of this doc to generate a valid API key.

The essential steps are:

  1. Enable the Keys.
  2. Create or select an existing project.
  3. Get the Key.
  4. Activate a billing account.
  5. Restrict the API key (so it can only be used from the URL of your website)

About point four: it is a requirement. However, you only get charged if you pass the threshold, which is $200/month.

This free credit is more than enough for 99% of directories.

Setting the default city

Settings the Directory default city
Settings the Directory default city

After that, you will set the default location. This is the city for which the directory is created.

We will set Philadelphia as the default city.

You can use whatever location you need.

If you need to add listings to more than one city, you will need the Location Manager add-on.

Adding extra features


In this step, we will install our UsersWP, a user login plugin that lets users register and log into your website.

This is needed to allow users to add and edit their listings. It will also create user profiles where they can find their listings, reviews, and so on.

We will also install Ninja Forms so that all listings have a contact form that sends emails directly to the listing owners.

AyeCode Connect is not mandatory for this tutorial. It is mainly needed if you want to add GeoDirectory premium add-ons and install them directly from the WordPress Dashboard.

Adding Dummy Data

GeoDirectory Dummy Listings

The last step to complete the installation wizard is adding some dummy listings. This will also add listing categories that you can edit later according to your needs.

You will not add sidebar widgets and menu items right now, as we will do that later.

Design the OllieWP Directory Website

Now that we installed the theme and the plugins and done the preliminary setup of GeoDirectory, we can start designing our Directory Website with the OllieWP Suite of tools.

1. OllieWP Directory Home page design

You can create a new page or use one WordPress creates by default, like the Sample Page.

Go to Pages, edit the Sample page, and rename it Home or create a new page for this.

Next, go to Appearance > Editor > Pages > Home and click on the edit button.

Setup the Home Page

First thing first, we will need a logo for our website.

You don’t need to invest in a designer to sketch the 1st version of your logo.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a new directory is investing too much time and money before testing the product market fit.

You can design a logo in five minutes with an app like Canva, which is cheap and surprisingly good.

create a logo
Create your 1st logo draft using

For an MVP (minimum viable product), a logo designed with Canva will be more than enough.

There are several logo templates to choose from, and it doesn’t matter if your initial logo is not as perfect and original as you believe it should be.

If your project gets traction, you can always invest in improving it or radically changing it later.

An average logo is never the leading cause of a failed project.

The Navigation Menu

After creating and adding the logo, go to Appearance > Editor, and create your menu.

create navigation menu

Click on the menus on top and remove all existing ones.

setup header for menu

Now let’s add a column block with a two-column layout.

add 2 columns to the header

In the left column add the site logo block.

add logo to first column

Click on the main header container and from the block settings set the Background: #FFFFF

add menu to second column

In the right column add the Navigation menu.

add links to menu

We added the following main navigation links and a few sub-navigation links:

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Blog
  4. Places and add places
  5. Profile
  6. Login/out

The Login/out block will only Login and Logout links based on the user login status.

The Content

I will start building this page from scratch using the OllieWP and Gutenberg blocks.

Go to Appearance > Editor > Design > Pages and click on the edit home page button.

setup home page content

we need a hero header on the homepage for that let’s remove all the content of this page and add a Cover block.

Next, check the block setting and set the Background image URL.

For the Hero Section, we need an image and we will download a free image from (Thanks, @rachel-claire).

add hero section

we will add add following settings in this cover block

Content: 1200
Wide: 100
Opacity: 50
Padding & Margin: 0
Minimum Height of cover: 600

Now let’s add a header tag inside this cover block with the
Text: Find The Best Restaurant in Philadelphia

fine tune hero section

we will also give the header tag one additional class( heading-text-center ) to add some style to it.

add title to hero section

Now let’s add the following style in the theme customiser.


Now let’s add the GD > search block below this heading.

add search form to hero section

below it, let’s add some space using a spacer block with a Height of: 60

add space to hero section

Now let’s add an empty column and put the GD > Categories block in it.

Set block options to the following
Design type: Image Background
Row Items: 3
Enable Use Category Image

add categories below hero section

You can set the image to a category by editing the category from wp-admin -> places -> Place Categories.

Each category has an option to set a default image

Categories Default Image

Below the hero section, add one more Column by clicking on the plus icon and add the GD > Listings blocks there.

add listings to home
Home Page GD Listings Block

Now we will do some needed settings in this GD > Listings block. we will set sorting: recent

Home Page GD Listings Block settings

Now let’s add an empty Column with Content and Wide to 100.

add row for home page interactive map

Add the GD > Map block in it and keep the settings to default.

add map to home page

Click on the Footer and OllieWP already provides a few prebuild Footer templates. I am selecting one of them.

add footer

Congratulations! Your homepage is Completed.

home page completed

2. OllieWP Directory Website Listings and Search page design

Now you need to design two pages that are essential for any directory.

Now you need to design two pages that are essential for any directory.

The listings page (general archive, categories, tags), and the search results page.

GeoDirectory creates them by default with a general layout. In this tutorial, we will customize the layout of these pages a bit.

The listing and search pages are mostly identical so we create it once and just copy the layout on the other page.

We decided the Listing page layout would be the listings on the left, and on the right, a sticky map showing the listings’ precise location.

Listings and Search page inspired by Airbnb search page layout

This is very easy.

Listings page

Go to Appearance > Editor > Design > Templates and Click on Edit GD Archive page template

customize gd archive template
Edit the listings page

Remove all the content from this GD Archive page template.

Now let’s add an empty row.

add row for columns to gd arcvhive

Inside this add a two-column layout

2 column gd archive airbnb style

Now on the left container, we will drag GD Archive page-related widgets like GD > Loop Action, GD > Loop, GD > Loop Pagination, and GD > Search on top so the user can search from the Archive page.

On the right column, we will drag the GD > Map block.

Add GD>Map Block

we will keep all the settings default for the GD > Map. let’s give it some height and I have decided to give it the height of 100vh.

GD>Map Block Styles

Add the following style in the theme customizer from  Appearance => Customize => Add CSS

.geodir-archive .geodir-listings .geodir_location_listing{
    overflow-y: scroll;
    max-height: 100vh;
    padding-right: 15px;

Now after this, the Listing Archive page is ready.

archive and search page completed

Another option is to use the GD > Simple Archive block as explained in this tutorial on how to Build a Directory Website with Elementor.

For the search page, we repeat the same process.

Search page

Go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Search page template

Remove all the content from this GD Search page template.

Copy all the content of the GD Archive page and paste it into the GD Search page.

So now our GD Search and Archive page is ready.

3. OllieWP Directory Website single Listing page design

Now to edit and customize the GD Detail page, You can go to Appearance > Editor > Design > Templates and Click on Edit GD Single page template.

single listing design

Add an empty column

add empty column to gd detail template

Let’s first add an image slider at the top of the Listing Detail page. we will drag the GD > Post Image block in this container with the following settings

Image Limit: 10
Show limit: 3
Output Type: Slider
Auto Start: Enable

add GD post image for the gallery

Now let’s add an empty row with
Content: 1200
Wide: 100

add empty row for gd listings content

add two columns inside of it.

add 2 columns for gd listings content

Now let’s add all required GD Detail page shortcodes on the left column one by one.

Which includes GD > Single Taxonomies, GD > Single Tabs, and GD > Single Next Prev.

On the right column, we will add GD > Author Action and GD > Output Location block.

add content to gd listing detail template

After doing it our Listing Detail page has been completed.

gd single listing page completed

Adding Premium Features to your OllieWP Directory Website

If you wish, now you can add premium features to your directory, such as:

  1. Paid Listings: with the GeoDirectory Listing Price Manager add-on, you can set prices for listing submission. For each price tier, you can enable/disable features such as: Restricting the number of pictures for free listings while allowing more pictures for paid listings. Allowing more or fewer tags and categories. Enabling or disabling specific custom fields. Submitting longer or shorter descriptions.
  2. Claim Listings: This is a fundamental feature for a directory where the admin creates the database and invites business owners to take control of their free listings. The claim listing process may include forcing an upgrade to a paid listing to take over the listing’s ownership.
  3. Advertisingselling ads is another form of monetizing an online directory. If you have a lot of traffic, you can use Ads networks. Otherwise, you may sell ads directly, allowing businesses to add banners in specific areas of your website or allowing for listings to appear as ads, for example, on top of organic search results.

These are just three examples. However, a directory website offers many ways to make money online.

You can create a global marketplace of handcrafted items, sell event tickets, or sell discount coupons.

Kickstart your directory website project with this advice: Start a directory website today.

The possibilities are limitless.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a Directory Website using the Generatepress theme and Generatepress blocks plugin:

  1. Install the Generatepress theme
  2. Install and setup GeoDirectory
  3. Install the GenerateBlocks plugin
  4. Design the Directory Website using the Generatepress theme and the Gutenberg Editor

Generatepress Theme in combination with the GeoDirectory Plugin and a GenerateBlocks Plugin, offers a robust and flexible solution for crafting a dynamic online directory.

This trio allows users to seamlessly integrate location-based features, customize layout designs, and incorporate interactive content blocks, ensuring an intuitive and engaging user experience.

With this integrated approach, web developers and designers can easily achieve a professional-grade directory site tailored to specific niche markets or broader community needs.

Let’s see how we can do that in detail.

In this tutorial, we will:

Installing Theme and Plugins.

1. Install the Generatepress Theme

We need to install a Theme, and for this tutorial, you will install the Generatepress Theme.

Go to Appearance >> Themes

Select Add New, Install, and Activate the Generatepress Theme.

Install Generatepress theme

2. Install GenerateBlocks plugin

The default Gutenberg plugin is not enough to style a template so we will install the GenerateBlocks plugin.

This plugin provides customized GenerateBlocks which are better than the default blocks and will help you design the page templates.

Go to Plugins >> Add new.

Search for GenerateBlocks. Install it and Activate it.

Install GenerateBlocks Plugin

You can Skip all steps of the Setup Wizard.

3. Install GeoDirectory

Finally, you need to install GeoDirectory.

Go to Plugins >> Add new, search GeoDirectory. Please install and activate it, and we finished installing the plugins.

Install GeoDirectory plugin

4. GeoDirectory Install Wizard

For GeoDirectory, you will need to complete the Setup Wizard to configure the Google Maps API key and import a few dummy listings.

Choosing the Map System (Google Maps or OpenStreetMap)

GeoDirectory Setup Wizard

You can choose between two mapping systems on the wizard’s first step. Google Maps and Open Street Maps (which doesn’t require an API key).

In this tutorial, we select OpenStreetMaps.

In case you wish to select Google Maps, do the following extra steps.

Click on the Generate Key button and follow the steps of this doc to generate a valid API key.

The essential steps are:

  1. Enable the Keys.
  2. Create or select an existing project.
  3. Get the Key.
  4. Activate a billing account.
  5. Restrict the API key (so it can only be used from the URL of your website)

About point four: it is a requirement. However, you only get charged if you pass the threshold, which is $200/month.

This free credit is more than enough for 99% of directories.

Setting the default city

Settings the Directory default city
Settings the Directory default city

After that, you will set the default location. This is the city for which the directory is created.

We will set New York as the default city.

You can use whatever location you need.

If you need to add listings to more than one city, you will need the Location Manager add-on.

Adding extra features


In this step, we will install our UsersWP, a user login plugin that lets users register and log into your website.

This is needed to allow users to add and edit their listings. It will also create user profiles where they can find their listings, reviews, and so on.

We will also install Ninja Forms so that all listings have a contact form that sends emails directly to the listing owners.

AyeCode Connect is not mandatory for this tutorial. It is mainly needed if you want to add GeoDirectory premium add-ons and install them directly from the WordPress Dashboard.

Adding Dummy Data

GeoDirectory Dummy Listings

The last step to complete the installation wizard is adding some dummy listings. This will also add listing categories that you can edit later according to your needs.

You will not add sidebar widgets and menu items right now, as we will do that later.

Design the Generatepress Directory Website

Now that we installed the theme and the plugins and done the preliminary setup of GeoDirectory, we can start designing our Directory Website with the Generatepress Suite of tools.

1. Generatepress Directory Home page design

You can create a new page or use one WordPress creates by default, like the Sample Page.

Go to Pages, edit the Sample page, and rename it Home or create a new page for this.

Next, go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage Settings and select your Home.

First thing first, we will need a logo for our website.

You don’t need to invest in a designer to sketch the 1st version of your logo.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a new directory is investing too much time and money before testing the product market fit.

You can design a logo in five minutes with an app like Canva, which is cheap and surprisingly good.

Create your 1st logo draft using

For an MVP (minimum viable product), a logo designed with Canva will be more than enough.

There are several logo templates to choose from, and it doesn’t matter if your initial logo is not as perfect and original as you believe it should be.

If your project gets traction, you can always invest in improving it or radically changing it later.

An average logo is never the leading cause of a failed project.

After designing your logo, go to Appearance > Customize > Header, click Logo Select Logo, and upload your PNG file. Skip cropping (or crop the image as needed), in Logo Layout select the option Logo and click publish.

Generatepress Directory Logo

The Navigation Menu

After creating and adding the logo, go to Appearance > Menus, and create your menu.

Generatepress Directory Navigation Menu

Add the links needed (from the left column to the right column) and save. In the Menu Settings > Display location section, you can check the “Main” option.

If you want, you can make the same menu appear on the footer or create another menu to appear there.

In this example, we’ll only have the header navigation menu.

We added seven main navigation links and a few sub-navigation links:

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Blog
  4. Places and add places
  5. Profile
  6. Login
  7. Logout

The Login link (from UsersWP Endpoints) will only appear for Logged-out users, while the log-out, account, and profile links will only appear for logged-in users.

The Typography

Now let’s define the Typography for the website text font and size. I am setting a global Font Family, Font Weight, and Font Size that will be applied to all site text.

we will go to the Appearance > Customiser > Typography > Body. we will set the Font Family: Poppines Category: sans-serif and Varient: 100, 100italic, 200, 200italic, 300, 300italic, regular, italic, 500, 500italic, 600, 600italic, 700, 700italic, 800, 800italic, 900, 900italic

Set Typography Font and size

The Content

I will start building this page from scratch using the GenerateBlocks plugin.

we need a hero header on the homepage for that let’s add a Grid block provided by the GenerateBlocks plugin.

Blank homepage with only one section made of one column

we will set block alignment to wide.

In the Grid setting set the Layout setting to
Sidebar Layout: No sidebars
Footer Widget: Default
Content Container: Full Width
Disable Element: Content Title
Grid Item Width: 100

Next, check the block setting and set the Background image URL.

For the Hero Section, we need an image and we will download a free image from (Thanks, @rachel-claire).

On the spacing setting padding 100px on the Top and Bottom margins.

Now let’s add a header tag to add some text.

Text:: Find the best restaurants in Philadelphia
Size: Small
Appearance: Small Bold
Text Color: #FFFFFF

Inside the same Grid, we will add the GD > Search block with padding on top and bottom as 200px.

Now we will add an empty grid below the hero header and add the GD > Categories block in that grid.

Set block options to the following
Design type: Image Background
Row Items: 3
Enable Use Category Image

You can set the image to a category by editing the category from wp-admin -> places -> Place Categories.

Each category has an option to set a default image

Categories Default Image

There is no working setting I found in Generateblocks to make the grid into the content layout. we will add the home-container class to the Category parent grid.

Below the hero section, add one more Grid by clicking on the plus icon and add the GD > Listings blocks there.

Home Page GD Listings Block

Now we will do some needed settings in this GD > Listings block. we will set sorting: recent

Home Page GD Listings Block settings

Similarly, like the category block, we will add the home-container class to the Recent Listings parent grid.

Now let’s add an empty Grid and add GD > Map block in it and keep the settings to default.

Similarly, like others, we will add the home-container class to the GD > map parent grid.

Finally, add the following CSS in the theme customizer from Appearance => Customize => Add CSS


Congratulations! Your homepage is Completed.

2. Generatepress Directory Website Listings and Search page design

Now you need to design two pages that are essential for any directory.

The listings page (general archive, categories, tags), and the search results page.

GeoDirectory creates them by default with a general layout. In this tutorial, we will customize the layout of these pages a bit.

The listing and search pages are mostly identical so we create it once and just copy the layout on the other page.

We decided the Listing page layout would be the listings on the left, and on the right, a sticky map showing the listings’ precise location.

Listings and Search page inspired by Airbnb search page layout

This is very easy.

Listings page

Go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Archive page template

Edit the listings page

Remove all the content from this GD Archive page template.

we will set the page setting to the following
Sidebar Layout: No Sidebar
Footer Widget: Default
Content Container: Full Width

Now add an empty Grid with two columns.

add a grid with two columns

Now on the left container, we will drag GD Archive page-related widgets like GD > Loop Action, GD > Loop, GD > Loop Pagination, and GD > Search on top so the user can search from the Archive page.

On the right column, we will drag the GD > Map block.

Add GD>Map Block

we will keep all the settings default for the GD > Map. let’s give it some height and I have decided to give it the height of 150vh.

GD>Map Block Styles

In order to make the archive page layout full-width. we will add the following CSS in the theme customizer from Appearance => Customize => Add CSS

.geodir-archive .container.grid-container{
.geodir-archive .wp-block-geodirectory-geodir-widget-loop .geodir-loop-container .geodir-listing-posts{
    overflow-y: scroll;
    max-height: 100vh;
Listing Archive page is ready.

Now after this, the Listing Archive page is ready.

Another option is to use the GD > Simple Archive block as explained in this tutorial on how to Build a Directory Website with Elementor.

For the search page, we repeat the same process.

Search page

Go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Search page template

Remove all the content from this GD Search page template.

Copy all the content of the GD Archive page and paste it into the GD Search page.

So now our GD Search and Archive page is ready.

3. Generatepress Directory Website single Listing page design

Now to edit and customize the GD Detail page, You can go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Detail page template.

Edit GD Detail Page Template

In this template, you will already find default content generated by Geodirectory.

we will remove all these default content and add a new Grid.

Let’s first add an image slider at the top of the Listing Detail page. we will drag the GD > Post Image block in this container with the following settings

Image Limit: 10
Show limit: 3
Output Type: Slider
Auto Start: Enable

Now we will add one more empty Grid block below it with a two-column layout.

we will add a class (single-details-container ) to this Grid from the block settings.

Now let’s add all required GD Detail page shortcodes on the left column one by one.

Which includes GD > Single Taxonomies, GD > Single Tabs, and GD > Single Next Prev.

On the right column, we will add GD > Author Action and GD > Output Location block.

Finally, add the following CSS in the theme customizer from Appearance => Customize => Add CSS

.single-details-container {
    max-width: 1200px;
    margin: auto !important;
.single-gd_place .entry-content{

After doing it our Listing Detail page has been completed.

Adding Premium Features to your Generatepress Directory Website

If you wish, now you can add premium features to your directory, such as:

  1. Paid Listings: with the GeoDirectory Listing Price Manager add-on, you can set prices for listing submission. For each price tier, you can enable/disable features such as: Restricting the number of pictures for free listings while allowing more pictures for paid listings. Allowing more or fewer tags and categories. Enabling or disabling specific custom fields. Submitting longer or shorter descriptions.
  2. Claim Listings: This is a fundamental feature for a directory where the admin creates the database and invites business owners to take control of their free listings. The claim listing process may include forcing an upgrade to a paid listing to take over the listing’s ownership.
  3. Advertisingselling ads is another form of monetizing an online directory. If you have a lot of traffic, you can use Ads networks. Otherwise, you may sell ads directly, allowing businesses to add banners in specific areas of your website or allowing for listings to appear as ads, for example, on top of organic search results.

These are just three examples. However, a directory website offers many ways to make money online.

You can create a global marketplace of handcrafted items, sell event tickets, or sell discount coupons.

Elevate your website with these key strategies: Key strategies for creating a directory website.

The possibilities are limitless.

How to Create a Directory Website with Divi theme?

The easiest way to build a Directory Website using the Divi WordPress theme is to implement the following 3 steps:

  1. Install the Divi theme
  2. Install and setup GeoDirectory
  3. Design the Directory Website using the Divi theme

Before I describe the details of how to create a business directory step by step, I would like to quote a post published on September 11, 2023, on the official Elegantthemes blog, the developers of the Divi theme.

Is GeoDirectory the best WordPress plugin for creating a business directory website with the Divi theme?

In the ranking prepared by Elegant Themes. GeoDirectory plugin Took first place.

On the Elegant Themes blog, an article titled “7 Best WordPress Directory Plugins in 2023 (Ranked)” was published.

GeoDirectory plugin took the top spot in the ranking. In the article’s content, the author justifies why GeoDirectory is the best WordPress plugin for creating a directory website.

I encourage you to read this article. Below is a quote from the FAQ section of the mentioned article.

What is the best directory plugin for WordPress?
GeoDirectory is the best WordPress directory plugin. It offers customizable listings, advanced search, user reviews, Google Maps integration, monetization options, and great theme/plugin compatibility. You can create feature-rich directory websites easily with GeoDirectory.

Quote from the FAQ section of the article: 7 Best WordPress Directory Plugins in 2023 (Ranked).

My first WordPress site, created in 2013, was a business directory without any dedicated plugins.

I recall when the creators of WP GeoDirectory, Paolo Tajani, and Stiofan O’Connor, forked the “GeoPlaces” theme from Templatic and fixed all its issues.

They enhanced its performance and subsequently introduced GeoTheme over 10 years ago.

Later, adapting to the evolving WordPress ecosystem and drawing from their experiences, they shifted from theme development.

Building on its foundation, they crafted the GeoDirectory plugin, which facilitates the creation of directory sites of nearly any kind.

I’ve tested most of the plugins and themes for WordPress that allow for the creation of a directory website.

Both the aforementioned entry and my 11 years of experience confirm that WP GeoDirectory is the best plugin for this purpose.

Step-by-step guide on how to create a directory website using the Divi theme and the GeoDirectory plugin

Let’s see how we can build a Directory Website with GeoDirectory and the Divi theme in detail.

In this tutorial, we will:

Table of Contents

Installing Theme and Plugins.

1. Install the Divi theme

First, you will need to install a Divi Theme

Install Divi theme

Go to Appearance >> Themes >>

Select Add New, Upload Theme, Install, and Activate the Divi Theme.

2. Install GeoDirectory

Now you need to install the GeoDirectory plugin.

Go to Plugins >> Add new, search GeoDirectory. Please install and activate it.

Install and activate the GeoDirectory plugin

Done, once the Divi theme and GeoDirectory plugin are active, we can move on to the next step.

3. GeoDirectory Install Wizard

If you appreciate Divi Builder for its simplicity, you’ll surely appreciate the Setup Wizard built into the Geo Directory plugin.

Choosing the Map System (Google Maps or OpenStreetMap)

Now you have to complete the Setup Wizard to configure. You can choose between two mapping systems on the wizard’s first step. Google Maps and Open Street Maps (which doesn’t require an API key).

GeoDirectory Setup Wizard step 1

In this tutorial, we select OpenStreetMaps.

Select OpenStreetMap and click continue.

In case you wish to select Google Maps, do the following extra steps.

Click on the Generate Key button and follow the steps in this doc to generate a valid API key.

The essential steps are:

  1. Enable the Keys.
  2. Create or select an existing project.
  3. Get the Key.
  4. Activate a billing account.
  5. Restrict the API key (so it can only be used from the URL of your website)

About point four: it is a requirement. However, you only get charged if you pass the threshold, which is $200/month.

This free credit is more than enough for 99% of directories.

Setting the default city

GeoDirectory Setup Wizard – select default location

After that, you will set the default location. This is the city for which the directory is created. GeoDirectory uses Philadelphia as the default City.

Considering the niche I chose for this tutorial, we will set the default city to Split in Croatia.

You can drag the map marker to use whatever location you need, or use advanced settings by clicking “Show Advanced”.

If you need to add listings to more than one city, you will need the Location Manager add-on.

Adding extra features

In this step, we will install our UsersWP, a user login plugin that lets users register and log into your website.

This is needed to allow users to add and edit their listings. It will also create user profiles where they can find their listings, reviews, and so on.

We will also install Ninja Forms so that all listings have a contact form that sends emails directly to the listing owners.

AyeCode Connect is not mandatory for this tutorial. It is mainly needed if you want to add GeoDirectory premium add-ons and install them directly from the WordPress Dashboard.

Adding Dummy Data

Setup Wizard Dummy Data

The last step to complete the installation wizard is adding some dummy listings. This will also add listing categories that you can edit later according to your needs.

You will not add sidebar widgets and menu items right now, as we will do that later.

Design the Divi Directory Website

divi directory
Divi Directory Website

Now that we installed the theme and the plugins and done the preliminary setup of GeoDirectory, we can start designing our Directory Website with the Divi Theme.

1. Divi Directory Website Home Page design

You can create a new page or use one WordPress creates by default, like the Sample Page.

Go to Pages, edit the Sample page, and rename it Home or create a new page for this.

Next, go to Settings > Reading > Homepage Settings and select your Home.

We will select the Posts page later.

Setting Homepage Divi Business Directory

Avoid spending on a designer for your initial logo.

Many make the mistake of investing heavily before assessing the market fit.

Use apps like Canva for quick, affordable, and quality designs.

Create your logo draft using

For an MVP, a Canva-designed logo suffices.

While initial perfection isn’t crucial, you can enhance the logo if your project succeeds.

Remember, an average logo isn’t the reason for project failures.

After designing your logo, go to Divi > Theme Options, click upload and select the logo you created with

Skip cropping (or crop the image as needed) and click Save changes in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Set the Logo that you created on

The Navigation Menu

After creating and adding the logo, go to Appearance > Menus, and create your menu.

Divi Directory Navigation Menu

Add the links needed (from the left column to the right column) and save. In the Menu Settings > Display location section, you can check the “Primary Menu” option.

In this example, we’ll only have the header navigation menu.

We added twelve links:

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Blog
  4. Account
  5. Profile (Visible for logged-in users)
  6. Change Password (Visible for logged-in users)
  7. Log out (Visible for logged-in users.)
  8. Register (Visible for not logged in)
  9. Login (Visible for not logged in)
  10. Forgot Password? (Visible for not logged in)
  11. Search Page
  12. Add Listing

Links from UserWP Endpoints are dynamics, see parentheses above.

Menu visible to logged-in users
Menu visible to not logged-in users

The Content

The Divi theme offers over 330 pre-made Layout packs.

For the purposes of this tutorial, I will choose a ready-to-use layout that allows for the creation of an attractive business directory without the tedious task of styling Divi modules.

For this tutorial, I chose premade Charter Divi Layout Pack.

Create a Divi business directory based on a premade layout pack

Go to your homepage, click ‘Enable Visual Builder’, and then click ‘Browse Layouts’.

In the premade Layout library, select the ‘Charter Boat Landing Page’ and click ‘Use This Layout.

After the second text module, add the code module and click Add Shortcode.

Divi does not allow the use of Gutenberg blocks, but the creators of the GeoDirectory plug-in have implemented shortcode generator.

Thanks to which, you can easily add dynamic widgets using the Divi Code module.

So, the shortcode generator feature is your friend when creating a directory website in Divi.

Add a shortcode for the search form

Select “gd_search “(GD > Search)” from the drop-down list and click Copy shortcode.

The copied shortcode is in the clipboard. Paste the copied code into the code module. And click on the check mark icon.

Edit text module content and h1 font size

Change the first text module content to “Search for”.

Change the header content in the content tab to Yacht Delivery. In the Design tab, change the h1 header font size to 70px and click the check mark.

Remove the “Book a Trip” button module.

So now our Hero section is completed.

In the next section, from the predefined Divi landing page template, change the content of the H2 header to “Listings Categories”.

Remove the text module under the heading (gold font) or change the content to your own, I will leave the Lorem Ipsum fragments to make the website design more interesting.

Delete the two-column row with photos and text, then add a new row with a code module. When adding, click ‘Add Shortcode’ in the same manner as you did for the search form.

Select “gd_categories “(GD > Categories)” from the drop-down list.

The options I changed in the shortcode generator to achieve the appearance of the category columns as shown below:

Filters tab:
Max cats to show per CPT: 3
Mark: Hide Empty
Card Design Tab:
Design Type: Image Background
Row positioning: Center
Card shadow: Large
Icon / Image Tab:
Mark: Use category image
Image size: Large

You can also copy the shortcode below and paste it into the code module.

Generated shortcode:

[gd_categories post_type="0" hide_empty="1" max_level="1" max_count="3" max_count_child="all" sort_by="count" design_type="image" row_positioning="center" card_shadow="large" use_image="1" image_size="large" cat_text_color_custom="#000000" cat_font_size="0" badge_text_color_custom="#000000" badge_color="light" badge_font_size="0" title_tag="h4" mb="3"]
Listings categories section

You can set the image to a category by editing the category from wp-admin -> places -> Place Categories.

Each category has an option to set a default image.

I also changed the category names to match the niche I chose for this tutorial.

Categories Default Image
Section with the latest listings

We will use the next section to show the latest entries.

Change Our boats heading to the Latest Yacht providers. Delete the row after the heading and add a new section with Divi code module.

Similarly to the search form and categories, we need to generate a shortcode that will show the latest listings.

Generate shortcode for latest listings

Select “gd_listings “(GD > Listings)” from the drop-down list.

The options I changed in the shortcode generator to achieve the appearance as shown below:

Filters tab:
Posts to show: 3
Design Tab:
Layout: Grid View (three Columns)

You can also copy the shortcode below and paste it into the code module.

Generated shortcode:[gd_listings post_type=”gd_place” post_limit=”3″ add_location_filter=”1″ sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”3″ view_all_link=”1″ bottom_pagination=”1″ slide_interval=”5″ mb=”3″]

Remove unnecessary section

This section will not be needed, so delete it.

The next section will serve as our CTA section. Change the text to “Do you provide Yacht Delivery services?” In the design tab of the text module, change the size of the h2 header to 60px.

Edit button module text to add listing and set link to “/add-listing/places/”.

You can remove the next “FAQ” section, but I won’t, to make the project look more interesting.

I recommend populating the FAQ section with content related to the niche for which you are creating a business directory.

The more thematic content, the better for optimizing your website in search engines.

Similarly, with the next section, I will remove it in this guide, but you can use it to optimize your website for search engines.

I won’t remove the reviews section for a better homepage design. You can do as you wish.

The homepage of the Divi Directory website is complete. Now, let’s create a global footer for our site.

We will use this section as the global footer

Click save Section to library icon, in the section name field, write “global-footer” and click save to library. After all, Save Your Homepage layout with the Save button In the lower-right corner of the screen.

Delete the section we saved in the Divi library and save the project again.

Build Divi global footer

Go to the WordPress dashboard, then click on Divi > Theme Builder, click Add Global Footer and select Build Global Footer.

Insert a new section, click Add From Library, choose the section we created before and click Use This Section.

Edit global footer links

The global footer section is built with photo, four text modules and social icons modules.

Change the content and links of text modules. I will use text modules to re-present the categories of my business directory on the website for easier navigation.

Enter the appropriate links in the Social Media Follow module.

Delete the empty section and save the global footer

Delete the empty section and save the global footer, then click close in the upper-right corner of the screen. 

Very important: when you return to the Divi theme Builder, click the Save Changes button.

The home page and global footer of the directory website are done.

Divi Directory Website Listings and Search page design

Now you need to design two pages that are essential for any directory.

The listings page (general archive, categories, tags), and the search results page.

GeoDirectory creates them by default, but in this tutorial, we will make minor changes to the default pages.

We have to add a map, as well as a Text Module with a dynamic title.

Edit GD Archive with Divi

Go to the ‘All Pages’ tab in the WordPress dashboard, find the ‘GD Archive’ page, click ‘Edit With Divi’, and then edit the existing content.

Delete the text module, add the two code modules.

On the left, a map shortcode; on the right, a listings shortcodes.

Now, use the shortcode generator in the same way you did for generating shortcodes for categories or recent listings.

From the dropdown list, select, copy and paste the following shortcodes in order:

GD > Map

GD > Notifications

GD > Search

GD > Loop Action

GD > Loop

GD > Loop paging

You can also paste the following shortcodes to code module.

In the first code module, we need to add the shortcode responsible for the map:

[gd_map map_type="auto" post_settings="1" width="100%" height="425px" maptype="ROADMAP" zoom="0"]

Second code module:

[gd_map map_type="auto" post_settings="1" width="100%" height="425px" maptype="ROADMAP" zoom="0"] <br>


[gd_search bg=” mt=” mr=” mb=’3′ ml=” pt=” pr=” pb=” pl=” border=” rounded=” rounded_size=” shadow=”]

[gd_loop_actions bg=” mt=” mr=” mb=’3′ ml=” pt=” pr=” pb=” pl=” border=” rounded=” rounded_size=” shadow=”]

[gd_loop layout=’2′ row_gap=” column_gap=” card_border=” card_shadow=” bg=” mt=” mr=” mb=” ml=” pt=” pr=” pb=” pl=” border=” rounded=” rounded_size=” shadow=”]

[gd_loop_paging show_advanced=” bg=” mt=” mr=” mb=’3′ ml=” pt=” pr=” pb=” pl=” border=” rounded=” rounded_size=” shadow=”]

Now, above the Divi code modules section, we need to add a new section with a Divi Heading Module.

To display the title of the archive pages, we will use Divi’s built-in option for displaying dynamic content.

Set dynamic content for the GD Archive page.

In the content tab, hover over the heading field and click Use Dynamic content on the right. Select Page/Archive Title from the drop-down list.

Click check mark and save Your GD Archive Divi layout.

Search page

For the search page, we repeat a similar process, but as with creating the footer, we will use the Divi Theme Builder.

Building a GD search page with Divi theme Builder

From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to Divi > Theme Builder. Click Add new template and then Build New Template.

You’ll see the Template settings. Under the Use on tab, find the Other section and select GD Search Results Page and click Create Template.

You’ll see a new Template responsible for the GD Search page.

Add Custom Body click Add from library in Your Existing page tab Click on GD Archive Layout and then use this Layout.

Click on the pencil icon and edit the Custom body. You do not have to do anything, just save Layout and save changes in Divi Builder Theme.

Just one more step and your directory website built with Divi will be fully functional.

Single listing page

A single listing page is responsible for displaying a single entry in your directory website.

Similar to the GD archive and Gd Search page, the page template was created by the GD install wizard.

Go to pages in Your WordPress dashboard and edit with Divi GD Details page.

Delete content and add two columns row as shown in the image below.

Gd Details columns layout

In the left code module, we will add shortcodes responsible for the post content and gallery.

In the right code module, we will add shortcodes that will be responsible for displaying post details such as phone number, address, social media links, and others.

You know how to use the shortcode generator, so generate, copy, and paste the following shortcodes. I have also prepared ready-to-copy shortcodes below.

Code module on the left

[gd_post_images title='' types='' fallback_types='' ajax_load='true' limit='' limit_show='' css_class='' type='slider' slideshow='true' controlnav='1' animation='slide' show_title='true' show_caption='true' image_size='' aspect='' cover='' link_to='' link_screenshot_to='' bg='' mt='' mr='' mb='' ml='' pt='' pr='' pb='' pl='' border='' rounded='' rounded_size='' shadow='' ]

[gd_single_taxonomies taxonomy=” prefix=” link_style=” link_color=” link_color_custom=” link_icon=’false’ mt=” mr=” mb=’2′ ml=” pt=” pr=” pb=” pl=” ]

[gd_single_tabs show_as_list=’false’ output=” tab_style=” disable_greedy=’false’ ]

[gd_single_next_prev bg=” mt=’4′ mr=” mb=’3′ ml=” pt=” pr=” pb=” pl=” border=” rounded=” rounded_size=” shadow=” ]

GD Output location shortcode

Code module on the right

[gd_output_location location="detail" list_style="wrap"]

Almost done!

Now, similar to when creating the GD archive page template, we need to add a Heading module that will be responsible for displaying the dynamic listing tittle.

Add a new Divi Heading module in the first column above the code module and set the Dynamic title as Page/Archive Title.

Click the check mark and save your layout. The single post page will look as follows.

Divi theme GeoDirectory plugin Listing Detail page completed

Fine-tuning your Divi directory site

Your Divi directory website is almost ready, now we have set some options, tune up Your website.

Colors and Typography

The main color I chose for this website is a shade of navy blue. Hex code: #1e2d44.

Go to Theme Customizer > General Settings > Layout settings and change Divi theme accent color to: #1e2d44.

Now we have to change GeoDirectory plugin primary color.

In the theme customizer, click on AyeCode UI and set the primary color to: #1e2d44.

Customize colors and typography with the Theme Customizer.

Now we need to set the global font. Go to Theme Customizer > General Settings > Typography and change the Header font to Cinzel.

As you can see, the font of the headers generated by WpGeodirectory did not change to the Cenzel font.

Go to the Additional CSS tab in the Theme customizer and paste the following CSS code.

h1, .h1, h2, .h2, h3, .h3, h4, .h4, h5, .h5, h6, .h6 {
  font-family: 'Cinzel', Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif!important;

Change BootStrap Version

AyeCode UI BootStrap version settings

In the WordPress dashboard, click on Settings and AyeCode UI and change Version to BootStrap V5 and save.

Your Divi Directory website is done.

Maximize Your Divi Directory Potential with DiviGeo

This is a simple method to build a directory with GeoDirectory and Divi.

If you prefer not to tackle this project alone, or require something more sophisticated, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Visit my website, consider purchasing one of my pre-designed Divi Business GeoDirectory child theme DiviGeo, or hire me to create a unique website tailor-made for your needs.

Adding premium features to your Divi Directory Website

If you wish, now you can add premium features to your directory, such as:

  1. Paid Listings: with the GeoDirectory Listing Price Manager add-on, you can set prices for listing submission. For each price tier, you can enable/disable features such as: Restricting the number of pictures for free listings while allowing more pictures for paid listings. Allowing more or fewer tags and categories. Enabling or disabling specific custom fields. Submitting longer or shorter descriptions.
  2. Claim Listings: This is a fundamental feature for a directory, where the admin creates the database and invites business owners to take control of their free listings. The claim listing process may include forcing an upgrade to a paid listing to take over the listing’s ownership.
  3. Advertisingselling ads is another form of monetizing an online directory. If you have a lot of traffic, you can use Ads networks. Otherwise, you may sell ads directly, allowing businesses to add banners in specific areas of your website or allowing for listings to appear as ads, for example, on top of organic search results.

These are just three examples. However, a directory website offers many ways to make money online.

You can create a global marketplace of handcrafted items, or sell event tickets, or sell discount coupons.

Gain insights into the building process with these tips: Building a directory website: Tips and tricks.

The possibilities are Extensive.

How to Create a Directory Website with OceanWP?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a Directory Website using the OceanWP theme:

  1. Install the OceanWP theme
  2. Install and setup GeoDirectory
  3. Install the Spectra Gutenberg Blocks Plugin
  4. Design the Directory Website using the OceanWP theme and the Gutenberg Editor

OceanWP Theme in combination with the GeoDirectory Plugin and a Gutenberg Blocks Plugin, offers a robust and flexible solution for crafting a dynamic online directory.

This trio allows users to seamlessly integrate location-based features, customize layout designs, and incorporate interactive content blocks, ensuring an intuitive and engaging user experience.

With this integrated approach, web developers and designers can easily achieve a professional-grade directory site tailored to specific niche markets or broader community needs.

Let’s see how we can do that in detail.

In this tutorial, we will:

Installing Theme and Plugins.

1. Install the OceanWP Theme

We need to install a Theme, and for this tutorial, you will install the OceanWP Theme.

Go to Appearance >> Themes

Select Add New, Install, and Activate the OceanWP Theme.

Install OceanWP theme

2. Install Spectra Blocks plugin

The default Gutenberg plugin is not enough to style a template so we will install the Spectra Blocks plugin. (check out this tutorial if you want to create a directory website with the Astra Theme and the Spectra Plugin instead)

This plugin provides customized Gutenberg blocks which are better than the default blocks and will help you design the page templates.

Go to Plugins >> Add new.

Search for Spectra Blocks. Install it and Activate it.

Install Spectra Blocks Plugin

You can Skip all steps of the Setup Wizard.

3. Install GeoDirectory

Finally, you need to install GeoDirectory.

Go to Plugins >> Add new, search GeoDirectory. Please install and activate it, and we finished installing the plugins.

Install GeoDirectory plugin

4. GeoDirectory Install Wizard

For GeoDirectory, you will need to complete the Setup Wizard to configure the Google Maps API key and import a few dummy listings.

Choosing the Map System (Google Maps or OpenStreetMap)

GeoDirectory Setup Wizard

You can choose between two mapping systems on the wizard’s first step. Google Maps and Open Street Maps (which doesn’t require an API key).

In this tutorial, we select OpenStreetMaps.

In case you wish to select Google Maps, do the following extra steps.

Click on the Generate Key button and follow the steps of this doc to generate a valid API key.

The essential steps are:

  1. Enable the Keys.
  2. Create or select an existing project.
  3. Get the Key.
  4. Activate a billing account.
  5. Restrict the API key (so it can only be used from the URL of your website)

About point four: it is a requirement. However, you only get charged if you pass the threshold, which is $200/month.

This free credit is more than enough for 99% of directories.

Setting the default city

Settings the Directory default city
Settings the Directory default city

After that, you will set the default location. This is the city for which the directory is created.

We will set New York as the default city.

You can use whatever location you need.

If you need to add listings to more than one city, you will need the Location Manager add-on.

Adding extra features


In this step, we will install our UsersWP, a user login plugin that lets users register and log into your website.

This is needed to allow users to add and edit their listings. It will also create user profiles where they can find their listings, reviews, and so on.

We will also install Ninja Forms so that all listings have a contact form that sends emails directly to the listing owners.

AyeCode Connect is not mandatory for this tutorial. It is mainly needed if you want to add GeoDirectory premium add-ons and install them directly from the WordPress Dashboard.

Adding Dummy Data

GeoDirectory Dummy Listings

The last step to complete the installation wizard is adding some dummy listings. This will also add listing categories that you can edit later according to your needs.

You will not add sidebar widgets and menu items right now, as we will do that later.

Design the OceanWP Directory Website

Now that we installed the theme and the plugins and done the preliminary setup of GeoDirectory, we can start designing our Directory Website with the OceanWP Theme.

1. OceanWP Directory Website Home Page design

You can create a new page or use one WordPress creates by default, like the Sample Page.

Go to Pages, edit the Sample page, and rename it Home or create a new page for this.

Next, go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage Settings and select your Home.

Setting up the homepage.

First thing first, we will need a logo for our website.

You don’t need to invest in a designer to sketch the 1st version of your logo.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a new directory is investing too much time and money before testing the product market fit.

You can design a logo in five minutes with an app like Canva, which is cheap and surprisingly good.

Create your 1st logo draft using

For an initial MVP (minimum viable product), a logo crafted using Canva is adequate.

Canva offers a plethora of logo templates, and it’s okay if your first logo doesn’t epitomize perfection or originality.

As your project gains momentum, you always have the option to refine or completely revamp your logo.

Remember, a project’s success isn’t determined by the perfection of its logo.

Now go to Appearance > Customize > Header > Logo, click Select Logo, and upload your PNG file. Skip cropping (or crop the image as needed) and click publish, You can also set the logo max height and width if your logo is bigger in size.

oceanwp logo
OceanWP Directory Logo made with

The Navigation Menu

After creating and adding the logo, go to Appearance > Menus, and create your menu.

OceanWP Directory Navigation Menu

Add the links needed (from the left column to the right column) and save. In the Menu Settings > Display location section, you can check the “Main” option.

If you want, you can make the same menu appear on the footer or create another menu to appear there.

In this example, we’ll only have the header navigation menu.

We added seven main navigation links and a few sub-navigation links:

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Blog
  4. Places and add places
  5. Search Page
  6. Login
  7. Account > Profile > Forgot Password > Logout
The navigation menu visible on the top-right corner of the site

The Login link (from UsersWP Endpoints) will only appear for Logged-out users, while the log-out, account and profile links will only appear for logged-in users.

The Typography

Now let’s define the Typography for the website text font and size. I am setting a global Font Family, Font Weight, and Font Size that will be applied to all site text.

we will go to the Appearance > Customiser > Typography > Body. we will set the Font Family: Red Hat Text and Font Weight: Normal: 400


and in the Appearance > Customiser > Typography > main menu settings. we will set Font Weight: Medium 500, Font Size: 13px

Typography sizes

Now we will go to the Appearance > Customiser > General Options > General Styling Primary Color: #ff914d and Hover Primary Color: #ff731c

Typography colors

The Content

I will start building this page from scratch using the Spactra Blocks plugin.

we need a hero header on the homepage for that let’s add a container block provided by the spectra blocks plugin.

Blank homepage with only one section made of one column

Next, click Style from the top tabs. Select > Type Images as the Background Type.

For the Hero Section, we need an image and we will download a free image from (Thanks, @Kelly).

Hero Image

Click on the added section and select Full Width in the Content Width option as mentioned in the below screenshot.

Hero image added to the section as a background.

From the style tab of the container block setting select Repeat to No Repeat and Size to Cover.

Hero Image settings

Drag and Drop a Heading Element inside the Hero Image.

Adding heading text to the hero image

It’s time to give a title to our Homepage Hero Image.

From the Style tab, change the text color to white (#FFFFFF) to improve the contrast and readability.

In this tutorial, I will use something simple like “Find the Best Restaurants in New York” You can add whatever slogan you want here.

Hero Text Heading Title

Don’t forget to center the text using the alignment option.

Hero Text Heading Title settings

In order to add GD search on the homepage header, Drag the GD > Search block inside the hero container.

Center the heading text and add Gd search form

Next, add some minimum height to this hero container. I will set it to 650 x 600 px in width and height and also make the container width: Boxed and content width: Boxed.

Add minimum height to the hero image heading text.

it’s time to remove this page title and extra space in the header section.

Click on the O icon on the right top of the page, just click on it. Inside that check General section set padding: disabled and inside Title selection Title: disabled

Page default title and spacing

It’s time to add a few more required sections on the homepage, I will add a recent listings section now.

Below the hero section, add one more container by clicking on the plus icon and add the GD > Listings blocks there.

Home Page GD Listings Block

Now we will do some needed settings in this GD > Listings block. we will set sorting: recent

Home Page GD Listings Block settings

Now we will add a CTA to attract business owners to add their businesses. we will add an empty container and in the style setting.
let’s set a background.

Home Page Call To Action

Now Let’s add the container styles:

Overlay Type: Color
Image Overlay Color: #FF6900
Overlay Opacity: 0.3
Container Width: Full Width
Content Width: Boxed

Home Page Call To Action style

Now we will also add a Call To Action block provided by spectra inside this container.

Typography for the CTA section.
Color: #fffff
Font Size: 32px

Home Page Call To Action typography

let’s add some style to the button.
Text Color: #000000
Background Color: #FFFFFF
Radius: 30px all sides
Padding: 10px, 30px, 10px, 30px

Home Page Call To Action button style

Let’s change the button text to Add Listing and the link to the Add Listing page link.

Home Page Call To Action button link

So now our CTA section is completed. we will add one more section the GD > Categories section below it.

Settings will be the following
Design type: Image Background
Row Items: 3
Enable Use Category Image

Home Page Listings Categories

You can set the image to a category by editing the category from wp-admin -> places -> Place Categories.

Each category has an option to set a default image

Categories Default Image

There you go now let’s add the last section for social media link display. we will call it STAY IN TOUCH.

Add a new empty container with background #000000.

Stay In Touch Section

Now we will add a heading in this container with Alignment: Center and Heading: H3

Stay In Touch Section Typography

I will add the text “Stay in Touch”
Color: #ffffff
Font Size: 24px

Stay In Touch Section Style

Let’s now add a paragraph below it to add some text.

Stay In Touch Section Text

Add some style
Text Color: #ffffff
Size: Small

Stay In Touch Section Text Style

Now we will add the social icon block below it.

Stay In Touch Section Icons

In this social icon block add the following style
Size: 15px
Background size: 10px
Border Radius: 100
Color: #ffffff

Stay In Touch Section Icons Style

Congratulations! Your homepage is Completed.

Home Page Completed

2. OceanWP Directory Website Listings and Search page design

Now you need to design two pages that are essential for any directory.

The listings page (general archive, categories, tags), and the search results page.

GeoDirectory creates them by default with a general layout. In this tutorial, we will customize the layout of these pages a bit.

The listing and search pages are mostly identical so we create it once and just copy the layout on the other page.

We decided the Listing page layout would be the listings on the left, and on the right, a sticky map showing the listings’ precise location.

Listings and Search page inspired by Airbnb search page layout

This is very easy.

Listings page

Go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Archive page template

Edit the listings page

Remove all the content from this GD Archive page template.

Now add a container with two columns.

add a container with two columns

Now on the left container, we will drag GD Archive page-related widgets like GD > Loop Action, GD > Loop, GD > Loop Pagination, and GD > Search on top so the user can search from the Archive page.

On the right column, we will drag the GD > Map block.

Add GD>Map Block

we will keep all the settings default for the GD > Map. let’s give it some height and I have decided to give it the height of 100vh.

GD>Map Block Styles

Now just set the main container to full width by following below instructions given in the image below.

Listings Page Container Full Width

Now we will set the Archive page template to Full width

Listings Page Full Width

we will also adjust the header style section for all pages from the Theme Customizer > General Options > General Settings.
with Style
Heading Style: Centered
Padding: 20px
Background Color: #1e73be
Text Color: #ffffff

Listings Page Header Style

Now after this, the Listing Archive page is ready.

Listing Archive page is ready.
Listing Archive page is ready.

Another option is to use the GD > Simple Archive block as explained in this tutorial on how to Build a Directory Website with Elementor.

For the search page, we repeat the same process.

Search page

Go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Search page template

Remove all the content from this GD Search page template.

Copy all the content of the GD Archive page and paste it into the GD Search page.

So now our GD Search and Archive page is ready.

3. OceanWP Directory Website single Listing page design

Now to edit and customize the GD Detail page, You can go to Geodirectory > Settings > General > Pages > Click on edit GD Detail page template.

Edit GD Detail Page Template

In this template, you will already find default content generated by Geodirectory.

we will remove all these default content and add a new container.

Edit GD Detail Page Template Content

Let’s first add an image slider at the top of the Listing Detail page. we will drag the GD > Post Image block in this container.

Edit GD Detail Page Template Post Image Block

In this GD > Image block adjust the following settings.

Image Limit: 50

Show Limit: 2

Edit GD Detail Page Template Post Image Block Settings

Now let’s add one more container below this container. where we will add other required blocks of the Geodirectory Detail page.

Edit GD Detail Page Template Listing Content

Now let’s add all required GD Detail page shortcodes here one by one. Which includes GD > Single TaxonomiesGD > Single Tabs, GD > Single Next Prev.

Now it’s time to add some sidebar widgets. so we will go to wp-admin > Appearance > Widgets.

Add GD > Author Action widget in the main sidebar. This widget will provide an EditDelete Listing option to the Listing Author.

Add GD > Author Action widget

Add one more widget GD > Output Location. This widget will show all major listing details that have been marked to be visible on the Detail page.

GD > Output Location

After doing this our Listing Detail page has been completed.

Listing Detail page has been completed
Listing Detail page completed

Adding premium features to your OceanWP Directory Website

If you wish, now you can add premium features to your directory, such as:

  1. Paid Listings: with the GeoDirectory Listing Price Manager add-on, you can set prices for listing submission. For each price tier, you can enable/disable features such as: Restricting the number of pictures for free listings while allowing more pictures for paid listings. Allowing more or fewer tags and categories. Enabling or disabling specific custom fields. Submitting longer or shorter descriptions.
  2. Claim Listings: This is a fundamental feature for a directory where the admin creates the database and invites business owners to take control of their free listings. The claim listing process may include forcing an upgrade to a paid listing to take over the listing’s ownership.
  3. Advertisingselling ads is another form of monetizing an online directory. If you have a lot of traffic, you can use Ads networks. Otherwise, you may sell ads directly, allowing businesses to add banners in specific areas of your website or allowing for listings to appear as ads, for example, on top of organic search results.

These are just three examples. However, a directory website offers many ways to make money online.

You can create a global marketplace of handcrafted items, sell event tickets, or sell discount coupons.

Make your directory website stand out by following this guide: Create a professional directory website.

The possibilities are limitless.

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